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2014 Electric T&D Benchmarking. Substation Reliability. Community Insights Conference August 20-22, 2014 Vail, CO. Substation Agenda. Overview Benchmarking Issues Key Findings and Trends Performance Profiles & Trends Reliability and Availability Measures 2014 Benchmarking Results
2014 Electric T&D Benchmarking Substation Reliability Community Insights Conference August 20-22, 2014 Vail, CO
Substation Agenda • Overview • Benchmarking Issues • Key Findings and Trends • Performance Profiles & Trends • Reliability and Availability Measures • 2014 Benchmarking Results • Initiatives • Analysis
Key Issues in Reliability • Benchmarking Issues • Contribution to SAIDI, SAIFI as primary measure • Changed the profile last year to include Momentary, Sustained, and Total Outage Frequency rates for Substation Equipment Failures + Protective System Failures, and remove the percent time transformers out of service measures • Transmission vs. Distribution Split • Transformer Failures
Substation Reliability • Statistics • The impact of substation components on distribution reliability (customer interruption) statistics is of interest. These include SAIDI and SAIFI. The Substation SAIDI and SAIFI here is from causes that originate “within the substation fence”. An example of this follows: • A cable failure outside the substation occurs, the protecting feeder breaker fails to trip due to a relay mis-operation, and the back-up device trips out the substation transformer, causing an interruption to the original feeder with the cable fault, as well as 3 additional feeders on the same transformer. The outage of the feeder with the cable failure is not counted in “substation” (its cause is “distribution equipment failure”), but the outage of the other 3 feeders is counted in “substation”. • Independent of customer outages, we have tabulated the % of time substation transformers are out of service, both automatic and non-automatic • We are now able to show measures that relate to substation effects on Transmission Circuit outage rates using results from the Transmission Reliability survey.
Summary and conclusions • There has been little change in the initiatives to reduce frequency or duration of outages. • Slight change in the list or order for “reduce frequency” • No initiatives were listed under “Other” for “reduce frequency” • Slight change in order for “reduce duration of customer outages” • Distribution substation contribution to SAIDI and SAIFI increased this year over last. • Transmission substation SAIDI and SAIFI top performers continue to perform well. Transmission substations are only significant for a few
T&D Substation Contribution to SAIDI Distribution subs performance is not as good except for 1st quartile, transmission is worse due to high numbers from 6 companies, and all others were zero. Transmission Substations Distribution Substations Substation Reliability Pg 6, 7 Source: DR30
Total Substation Contribution to SAIDI Total substation contribution to SAIDI stats show increased mean, similar top quartile, and significantly increased median and 3rd quartile. Substation Reliability Pg5 Source: DR30
Distribution Substation Contribution to SAIDI Trend The mean shows little change from 2009 to 2013. Top quartile slightly worse.
T&D Substation Contribution to SAIFI Generally the proportional contribution to total SAIFI is higher than that to total SAIDI because substation outages usually have a shorter duration than distribution caused outages (mean CAIDI for substation outages is 68 min. vs. 93 min. for all outages, excluding major events). Mean was about equal to last year, but first and second quartile were worse. Substation Reliability Pg 2 Source: DR40
Distribution Substation Contribution to SAIFI Trend The mean shows little change from 2009 to 2013. Top quartile is somewhat better. Median is worse. Third quartile is virtually unchanged
Allocation of Substation Contribution to SAIDI On Average, the most predominant are: Failed Equipment Weather Related Foreign Interference Human Error Substation Reliability Pg 12 Source: SR20
Allocation of Substation Contribution to SAIFI On Average, the most predominant are: Failed Equipment Weather Related Human Error Power System Condition Substation Reliability Pg 13 Source: SR25
Transformer Failure Rate per 1,000 Transformers Several companies have zero rates, but a few are considerably higher. Apparently high rates in transmission are probably due to low total numbers of transformers. Transmission Distribution Substation Reliability Pg 8, 9 Source: SR10, ST100, ST105
SOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, Plus Failed Prot Sys Eq Results are much better than last year. < 200 kV > 200 kV Substation Reliability Pg 16, 17 Source: ST120, TR25
MOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, Plus Failed Prot Sys Eq Results were worse for <200kV, better for >200kV this year. < 200 kV > 200 kV Substation Reliability Pg 14, 15 Source: ST120, TR35
TOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, Plus Failed Prot Sys Eq Results are much better than last year < 200 kV > 200 kV Substation Reliability Pg 18, 19 Source: ST120, TR25, TR35
Most Successful Initiatives TO Reduce the Frequency of Outages to Customers (1 = Lowest, 3 = Highest) Most popular: Preventive maintenance Animal abatement Replace obsolete controls (last year 4) Root cause analysis (last year 3) No “Other” Substation Reliability Pg 22 Source: SR30
Initiatives to Reduce Duration of Outages to Customers Have Been the Most Successful (1 = Lowest, 3 = Highest) • Most popular: • Auto changeover Schemes (Last year 1) • Relay Fault Locating (Last year 4) • Spare or Mobile Transformers (Last year 3) • Distribution Automation (Last Year 2) • “Other” inclluded • Multi - shot reclosing • Redundancy in the system, SCADA Substation Reliability Pg 24 Source: SR35
Total reported sustained outage events from all respondents About 21% of sustained outages are due to substation causes. Total Events = 118
Thank you for your Input and Participation! Your Presenters Ken Buckstaff Ken.Buckstaff@1QConsulting.com310-922-0783 Tim SzybalskiTim.Szybalski@1QConsulting.com 925-878-5066 Debi McLain CookDebi.McLain@1QConsulting.com760-272-7277 Dave CanonDave.Canon@1QConsulting.com817-980-7909 Dave CarterDavid.Carter@1QConsulting.com414-881-8641 About 1QC First Quartile Consulting is a utility-focused consultancy providing a full range of consulting services including continuous process improvement, change management, benchmarking and more. You can count on a proven process that assesses and optimizes your resources, processes, leadership management and technology to align your business needs with your customer’s needs. Visit us at www.1stquartileconsulting.com | Follow our updates on LinkedIn Corporate Offices California 400 Continental Blvd. Suite 600El Segundo, CA 90245(310) 426-2790 Satellite Offices Maryland 3 Bethesda Metro Center Suite 700Bethesda, MD 20814 New York | Texas | Wyoming | Wisconsin