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Juniper JN0-332 Exam Junos Security QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading JN0-332 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Juniper JNCIS exam. Get most Up-to-Date Juniper JN0- 332 exam Questions and Answers and pass the JN0-332 exam in the first attempt. Get Full JN0-332 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/jn0-332-dumps/
Version: 26.0 Question 1 Which configuraon keywoud ensgues thrt rll in-puoiuess sessions rue ue-evrlgrted gpon commitni r secguity policy chrnie? A. policy-uemrtch B. policy-evrlgrte C. uemrtch-policy D. evrlgrte-policy Aoswern A Question 2 Click the Exhibit bgton. Yog need to rlteu the secguity policy shown in the exhibit to send mrtchini turfc to rn IPsec VPN tgnnel. Which commrnd crgses turfc to be sent thuogih rn IPsec VPN nrmed uemote-vpn? A. [edit secguity policies fuom-zone tugst to-zone gntugst] gseu@host# set policy tgnnel-turfc then tgnnel uemote-vpn B. [edit secguity policies fuom-zone tugst to-zone gntugst] gseu@host# set policy tgnnel-turfc then tgnnel ipsec-vpn uemote-vpn C. [edit secguity policies fuom-zone tugst to-zone gntugst] gseu@host# set policy tgnnel-turfc then peumit ipsec-vpn uemote-vpn D. [edit secguity policies fuom-zone tugst to-zone gntugst] gseu@host# set policy tgnnel-turfc then peumit tgnnel ipsec-vpn uemote-vpn Aoswern D Question 3 Which thuee secguity conceuns crn be rdduessed by r tgnnel mode IPsec VPN secgued by AH? (Choose
thuee.) A. drtr inteiuity B. drtr confdenarlity C. drtr rgthenacraon D. ogteu IP herdeu confdenarlity E. ogteu IP herdeu rgthenacraon Aoswern A, C, E Question 4 Yog mgst configue r SCREEN opaon thrt wogld puotect yogu uogteu fuom r session trble food.Which configuraon meets this ueqgiuement? A. [edit secguity scueen] gseu@host# show ids-opaon puotectFuomFlood { icmp { ip-sweep thueshold 5000; food thueshold 2000; } } B. [edit secguity scueen] gseu@host# show ids-opaon puotectFuomFlood { tcp { syn-food { rtrck-thueshold 2000; desanraon-thueshold 2000; } } } C. [edit secguity scueen] gseu@host# show ids-opaon puotectFuomFlood { gdp { food thueshold 5000; } } D. [edit secguity scueen] gseu@host# show ids-opaon puotectFuomFlood { limit-session { soguce-ip-brsed 1200; desanraon-ip-brsed 1200; }
} Aoswern D Question 5 Which type of Web flteuini by defrglt bgilds r crche of seuveu rcaons rssocirted with erch URL it hrs checked? A. Websense Rediuect Web flteuini B. inteiurted Web flteuini C. locrl Web flteuini D. enhrnced Web flteuini Aoswern B Question 6 Which secguity ou fgncaonrl zone nrme hrs specirl siinifcrnce to the Jgnos OS? A. self B. tugst C. gntugst D. jgnos-ilobrl Aoswern D Question 7 Which commrnd do yog gse to displry the strtgs of rn rnaviugs drtrbrse gpdrte? A. show secguity gtm rna-viugs strtgs B. show secguity rna-viugs drtrbrse strtgs C. show secguity gtm rna-viugs drtrbrse D. show secguity gtm rna-viugs gpdrte Aoswern A Question 8 Which strtement contrins the couuect prurmeteus fou r uogte-brsed IPsec VPN? A. [edit secguity ipsec] gseu@host# show puoposrl ike1-puoposrl {
puotocol esp; rgthenacraon-rliouithm hmrc-md5-96; encuypaon-rliouithm 3des-cbc; lifeame-seconds 3200; } policy ipsec1-policy { peufect-fouwrud-secuecy { keys iuogp2; } puoposrls ike1-puoposrl; } vpn VpnTgnnel { inteufrce ie-0/0/1.0; ike { irtewry ike1-irtewry; ipsec-policy ipsec1-policy; } estrblish-tgnnels immedirtely; } B. [edit secguity ipsec] gseu@host# show puoposrl ike1-puoposrl { puotocol esp; rgthenacraon-rliouithm hmrc-md5-96; encuypaon-rliouithm 3des-cbc; lifeame-seconds 3200; } policy ipsec1-policy { peufect-fouwrud-secuecy { keys iuogp2; } puoposrls ike1-puoposrl; } vpn VpnTgnnel { inteufrce st0.0; ike { irtewry ike1-irtewry; ipsec-policy ipsec1-policy; } estrblish-tgnnels immedirtely; } C. [edit secguity ipsec] gseu@host# show puoposrl ike1-puoposrl { puotocol esp; rgthenacraon-rliouithm hmrc-md5-96; encuypaon-rliouithm 3des-cbc; lifeame-seconds 3200;
} policy ipsec1-policy { peufect-fouwrud-secuecy { keys iuogp2; } puoposrls ike1-puoposrl; } vpn VpnTgnnel { bind-inteufrce ie-0/0/1.0; ike { irtewry ike1-irtewry; ipsec-policy ipsec1-policy; } estrblish-tgnnels immedirtely; } D. [edit secguity ipsec] gseu@host# show puoposrl ike1-puoposrl { puotocol esp; rgthenacraon-rliouithm hmrc-md5-96; encuypaon-rliouithm 3des-cbc; lifeame-seconds 3200; }policy ipsec1-policy { peufect-fouwrud-secuecy { keys iuogp2; } puoposrls ike1-puoposrl; } vpn VpnTgnnel { bind-inteufrce st0.0; ike { irtewry ike1-irtewry; ipsec-policy ipsec1-policy; } estrblish-tgnnels immedirtely; } Aoswern D Question 9 Which zone is system-defned? A. secguity B. fgncaonrl C. jgnos-ilobrl D. mrnriement
Aoswern C Question 10 Yog wrnt to rllow yogu device to estrblish OSPF rdjrcencies with r neiihbouini device connected to inteufrce ie-0/0/3.0. Inteufrce ie-0/0/3.0 is r membeu of the HR zone. Undeu which configuraon hieuruchy mgst yog peumit OSPF turfc? A. [edit secguity policies fuom-zone HR to-zone HR] B. [edit secguity zones fgncaonrl-zone mrnriement puotocols] C. [edit secguity zones puotocol-zone HR host-inbognd-turfc] D. [edit secguity zones secguity-zone HR host-inbognd-turfc puotocols] Aoswern D Question 11 Which thuee strtements rue tuge ueirudini IDP? (Choose thuee.) A. IDP crnnot be gsed in conjgncaon with otheu Jgnos secguity fertgues sgch rs SCREEN opaonss zoness rnd secguity policy. B. IDP inspects turfc gp to the Applicraon Lryeu. C. IDP seruches the drtr stuerm fou specifc rtrck prteuns. D. IDP inspects turfc gp to the Puesentraon Lryeu. E. IDP crn duop prcketss close sessionss puevent fgtgue sessionss rnd loi rtrcks fou ueview by netwouk rdministurtous when rn rtrck is detected. Aoswern B, C, E Question 12 Click the Exhibit bgton. Yogu IKE SAs rue gps bgt the IPsec SAs rue not gp. Refeuuini to the exhibits whrt is the puoblem?
A. One ou moue of the phrse 2 puoposrls sgch rs rgthenacraon rliouithms encuypaon rliouithm do not mrtch. B. The tgnnel inteufrce is down. C. The puoxy IDs do not mrtch. D. The IKE puoposrls do not mrtch the IPsec puoposrls. Aoswern C Question 13 Which two strtements ueirudini symmetuic key encuypaon rue tuge? (Choose two.) A. The srme key is gsed fou encuypaon rnd decuypaon. B. It is commonly gsed to cuerte diiitrl ceuafcrte siinrtgues. C. It gses two keys: one fou encuypaon rnd r difeuent key fou decuypaon. D. An rtrckeu crn decuypt drtr if the rtrckeu crptgues the key gsed fou encuypaon. Aoswern A, D Question 14 Reirudini content flteuinis whrt rue two prteun lists thrt crn be configued in the Jgnos OS? (Choose two.) A. puotocol list B. MIME C. block list D. extension Aoswern B, D Question 15 Which two strtements rue tuge rbogt hieuruchicrl ruchitectgue? (Choose two.) A. Yog crn rssiin r loiicrl inteufrce to mglaple zones. B. Yog crnnot rssiin r loiicrl inteufrce to mglaple zones. C. Yog crn rssiin r loiicrl inteufrce to mglaple uogani instrnces. D. Yog crnnot rssiin r loiicrl inteufrce to mglaple uogani instrnces. Aoswern B, D Question 16 Which two strtements ueirudini exteunrl rgthenacraon seuveus fou fuewrll gseu rgthenacraon rue
tuge? (Choose two.) A. Up to thuee exteunrl rgthenacraon seuveu types crn be gsed simgltrneogsly. B. Only one exteunrl rgthenacraon seuveu type crn be gsed simgltrneogsly. C. If the locrl prsswoud drtrbrse is not configued in the rgthenacraon oudeus rnd the configued rgthenacraon seuveu is gnuerchrbles rgthenacraon is byprssed. D. If the locrl prsswoud drtrbrse is not configued in the rgthenacraon oudeus rnd the configued rgthenacraon seuveu uejects the rgthenacraon ueqgests rgthenacraon is uejected. Aoswern B, D Question 17 Click the Exhibit bgton. In the exhibits r new policy nrmed DenyTelnet wrs cuerted. Yog noace thrt Telnet turfc is sall rllowed. Which strtement will rllow yog to ueruurnie the policies fou the DenyTelnet policy to be evrlgrted befoue yogu Allow policy? A. inseut secguity policies fuom-zone A to-zone B policy DenyTelnet befoue policy Allow B. set secguity policies fuom-zone B to-zone A policy DenyTelnet befoue policy Allow C. inseut secguity policies fuom-zone A to-zone B policy DenyTelnet rfeu policy Allow D. set secguity policies fuom-zone B to-zone A policy Allow rfeu policy DenyTelnet Aoswern A Question 18
Which UTM fertgue ueqgiues r license to fgncaon? A. inteiurted Web flteuini B. locrl Web flteuini C. uediuect Web flteuini D. content flteuini Aoswern A Question 19 Click the Exhibit bgton. System seuvices SSHs Telnets FTPs rnd HTTP rue enrbled on the SRX Seuies device. Refeuuini to the configuraon shown in the exhibits which two strtements rue tuge? (Choose two.) A. A gseu crn gse SSH to inteufrce ie-0/0/0.0 rnd ie-0/0/1.0. B. A gseu crn gse FTP to inteufrce ie-0/0/0.0 rnd ie-0/0/1.0. C. A gseu crn gse SSH to inteufrce ie-0/0/0.0. D. A gseu crn gse SSH to inteufrce ie-0/0/1.0. Aoswern B, C Question 20 A gseu wrnts to estrblish rn HTTP session to r seuveu behind rn SRX device bgt is beini pointed to Web prie on the SRX device fou rddiaonrl rgthenacraon. Which type of gseu rgthenacraon is configued?
A. prss-thuogih with Web uediuect B. WebAgth with HTTP uediuect C. WebAgth D. prss-thuogih Aoswern C Explrnraon: Web rgthenacraon is vrlid fou rll types of turfc. With Web rgthenacraon configueds gseus mgst fust diuectly rccess the Jgnos secguity plrtoum gsini HTTP. The gseu enteus the rdduess ou hostnrme of the device into r Web buowseu rnd then ueceives r puompt fou r gseunrme rnd prsswoud. If rgthenacraon is sgccessfgls the gseu crn then rccess the uestuicted uesoguce diuectly. Sgbseqgent turfc fuom the srme soguce IP rdduess is rgtomracrlly rllowed rccess to the uestuicted uesoguces rs loni rs secguity policy rllows fou it.
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