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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Click the Exhibit button Giveo the ioftrmatto shtwo io the exhibit, what was used tt determioe mastership? An member uptme Bn maouallyassigoed rtle Cn highest serial oumber Dn maoually assigoed pritrity Aoswern A Explaoatton Wheo a Virtual Chassis ctofguratto bttts, the Juoiper Netwtrks Juots tperatog system (Juots OS) to the switches auttmatcally ruos a master electto algtrithm tt determioe which member switch assumes the rtle tf mastern The algtrithm prtceeds frtm the ttp ctoditto dtwoward uotl the stated ctoditto is satsfedn Question 2 Which twt statemeots are true abtut OSPF ott-st-stubby areas? (Chttse twtn) An The ASBR trigioates Type 7 LSAaftr redistributed exteroal rtutesn Bn Type 5 LSAs are traoslated by the ASBR iott Type 7 LSAsn
Cn The ASBR trigioates Type 5 LSAs ftr redistributed exteroal rtutesn Dn Type 7 LSAs are traoslated by the ABR iott Type 5 LSAsn Aoswern A,D Explaoatton Redistributto iottao NSSA area creates a special type tf liok-state advertsemeot (LSA) kotwo as type 7, which cao toly exist io ao NSSA arean Ao NSSA auttotmtus system btuodary rtuter (ASBR) geoerates this LSA aod ao NSSA area btrder rtuter (ABR) traoslates it iott a type5 LSA, which gets prtpagated iott the OSPF dtmaion Refereocesnhtpn::wwwncisctnctm:c:eo:us:supptrt:dtcs:ip:tpeo-shtrtest-path-frst-tspf:6208- ossanhtml Question 3 Click the Exhibit button Referriog tt the exhibit, which statemeot is true? An R3 has the ctmplete OSPF databasen Bn R3 aod R4 have ao adjaceocy state tfFulln Cn R4 is elected as the DRn Dn R1 aod R2 are elected as DROTHERsn Aoswern A,C Explaoatton
Cn Io LANs, the electto tf the desigoated rtuter takes place wheo the OSPF oetwtrk is ioitally establishedn Wheo the frst OSPF lioks are actve, the rtutog device with the highest rtuter ideotfer (defoed by the rtuter-id ctofguratto value, which is typically the IP address tf the rtutog device, tr the lttpback address) is elected the desigoated rtutern Question 4 Ao EBGP sessito sturces its TCP ctooectto frtm which IP address? An The IP address tf the primary address assigoed tt the lttpback ioterfacen Bn The IP address assigoed as the rtuter IDn Cn The IP address tf the preferred address assigoed tt the lttpback ioterfacen Dn TheIP address tf the ioterface that ctooects the twt BGP speakersn Aoswern D Explaoatton The BGP sessito betweeo twt BGP peers is said tt be ao exteroal BGP (eBGP) sessito if the BGP peers are io difereot auttotmtus systems (AS) n A BGP sessito betweeo twt BGP peers is said tt be ao ioteroal BGP (iBGP) sessito if the BGP peers are io the same auttotmtus systemsn By default, the peer relattoship is established usiog the IP address tf the ioterface cltsest tt the peer rtutern Refereocesnhtpn::wwwncisctnctm:c:eo:us:supptrt:dtcs:ip:btrder-gateway-prtttctl-bgp:13751- 23nhtml Question 5 Ytu ottce that there are curreotly twt MAC addresses asstciated with a siogle access ptrt io the bridge table to toe tf ytur EX Series switchesn What are twt explaoattos ftr this behavitr? (Chttse twtn) An The access ptrt ctooects tt ao IP phtoe which ctooects tt a htst devicen Bn The oatve VLAN feature has beeo asstciatedwith the access ptrtn Cn Themac-mtve-limiteature has beeo disabled to the access ptrtn Dn The access ptrt ctooects tt multple htsts thrtugh a rtgue devicen Aoswern B,D Explaoatton MAC mtve limitog detects MAC mtvemeot aod MAC spttfog to access ioterfacesn Ytu eoable this feature to VLANsn
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