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LIB 604 Libraries in the School Curriculum Spring 2010. Developing collaboration in a learning community. Leonardo da Vinci.
LIB 604 Libraries in the School CurriculumSpring 2010 Developing collaboration in a learning community
Leonardo da Vinci Those who are in love with practice without knowledge are like the sailor who gets into a ship without rudder or compass and who never can be certain whither he is going. Practice must always be founded on sound theory . . .
Theorizing for collaboration • Patricia Montiel-Overall: • Collaboration is a trusting, working relationship between two or more equal participants involved in shared thinking, shared planning and shared creation of integrated instruction. • Toward a Theory of Collaboration for Teachers and Librarians
Models of Collaboration: A. Coordinationfrom Montiel-Overall“A Theoretical Understanding”
Models of Collaboration:B. Cooperationfrom Montiel-Overall, 2005
Models of Collaboration:C. Integrated Instructionfrom Montiel-Overall, 2005
Models of Collaboration:D. Integrated Curriculumfrom Montiel-Overall, 2005
A continuum from A through D • Montiel-Overall: • In Model A, an individual could carry out major coordinating responsibilities alone • In Model B: Cooperation, teacher and librarian begin to work more closely • Model C: Integrated Instruction reflects a deeper level of involvement • Model D: Integrated Curriculum involves TLC across the curriculum.
“Theory without practice cannot survive and dies as quickly as it lives.”Leonardo da Vinciquoted in A Unified Theory of Garbage CollectionSlide 28
Collaboration in practice • Doesn’t work with everyone • It has to do with personalities.... I mean, there are so many factors that come into these things. And to be under the illusion that you are going to work with everybody. Well, that would take some kind of saint. Someone charismatic and charming. • Heather's Virtual Seminar
Forging a collaborative culture • A Canadian’s success: • Collaborations Between Teacher-Librarians and Classroom Teachers School Libraries in Canada, 2005, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p39-45
Appealing to teacher needs • Joys and pitfalls: • A Teacher-Librarian Finally Understands the Joys and Pitfalls of Collaboration School Libraries in Canada, 2005, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p18-29
Essential Ingredients • Time, flexibility, administrative support: • There must be “real” time for collaborative planning • There must be flexible access to the library and teacher-librarian • There must be administrative support for a collaborative climate in which all instructional staff members are instructional partners • TAG Team
Doug Johnson on Collaboration • Recognize what keeps others awake at night. • Recognize your vital areas of expertise. • Look for win/win situations. • Brush up on your interpersonal skills. • Build slowly, but meaningfully. • Proactivity and Reflection: Tools to Improve Collaborative Experiences
“Individually, we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” (Ryunosuke Satoro) Quotes