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REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA. The MILITARY REFORM. The necessity of military reform. is determined by: imperfection of present state security ensuring system; change of state’s geopolitical situation as well as diversification of risks, threats

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  2. The necessity of military reform is determined by: • imperfection of present state security ensuring system; • change of state’s geopolitical situation as well as diversification of risks, threats and dangers to the national security; • declaration and implementation of the country’s permanent neutrality status and carrying out the adequate foreign policy; • lack of financial and economic resources destined for defense, the necessity of National defense system’s correlation with actual possibilities and prospects for economic development of the country; • the existence of some possible threats to the state’s sovereignty, integrity and independence.

  3. The aim of military reform << The establishment of a qualitatively new, efficient and flexible system for ensuring of military security, which will guarantee the defense of state’s sovereignty, independence, its unity and territorial integrity ; will assure the protection and security of its citizens >>

  4. The main directions 1. Scientific support of national defense; 2.Development and improvement of legislation basis; 3. Optimization of conducting system; 4. Reform of National Army; 5. Improvement of the mobilization system; 6. Financial and economic support; 7. Development of international collaboration.

  5. Military reform stages The main objectives the military reform will be realized gradually: • STAGE I - (2002-2004) • STAGE II - (2005-2008) • STAGE III - (2009-2014)

  6. The National Security of Republic of Moldova can not be Isolated from the European Security The National Army is a fundamental Institution that provides National Military Security and will maintain this role in the future A well trained, mobile and equipped Force to meet European Standards is our Main Objective within the European Integration Process

  7. Future Trends of National Army are: • Implementation of Adequate Defense Capability; • Reorganization and Modernization • of the National Army; • Further Enhanced Participation in PFP Program; • Contribution of the state military body, National Army in particular, to realisation of consecutive interoperability with the armies of other European countries.

  8. Reorganization and Modernization of the National Army is oriented towards on the one hand on the other hand Provision of the army with adequate equipment foundation of new command, combat, support and logistics structures

  9. Reorganization and Modernization of the National Army Change to a professional Force Force Restructuring Is based on Three Principles Weapons and Equipment Aguision

  10. Reorganization and Modernization of the National Army Conception of Military Reform approved by Parliament Conception of Restructuring and Modernisation of the National Army in trend of f.y.2014 approved by the President of the Republic of Moldova Regulations on planning signed by the Minister of Defence Action Plan on realisation of the Conception of Military Reform approved by the Government State Strategy of Construction and Development of Armed Forces for f.y. 2005-2008 (2009-2014) approved by the President of the Republic of Moldova Moldova Annual Plans of construction and development of the National Army approved by the Minister of Defence Programmes of reorganisation, modernisation and training of the National Army approved by the President of the Republic of Moldova Moldova

  11. Reorganization and Modernization of the National Army Defence Assessment of the Republic of Moldova implemented with THE ASSISTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS IN DEFENCE AREA leads to Reorganisation of Defence Planning System

  12. Reorganization of the National Army Major objectives Other important objectives: • Development and implementation of new principles of military personnel training; Restructuring the five major combatant units (brigades): into two Brigades, a Training Center, a Regiment and a Battalion . • Force components review; • Implementation of PFP Program Objectives ; • Modernization of military logistics system; Creation of Rapid Reaction Force • Acquisitions system Modernization ; • Implementation of a new Planning programming and budgeting system (PPBS); Structural optimization of combat support, logistics support and medical units • Introduction of a new Military Career Management System

  13. Reorganization and Modernization of the National Army means a considerable financial support For that is required that necessary resources to be obtained from: • Concentration of allocated resources for execution of primary missions through elaboration and execution of diverse modernization of equipment and armament programs; • Withdrawal from army structure and destruction of obsolete armament and equipment use of which is irrational, and use of received sources for execution of modernization programs; • Rationalization of communal expenses to maintain military bases through reduction of their number and its installations that are not used by the personnel; • Execution of certain programs (for example communications) through involving in their execution of some of the foreign partners, for example US or NAO; • Usage of sources by allocated Government for the execution of concrete programs.

  14. COMPLETION OF THE NATIONAL ARMY REFORMATION PROCESS consists in • Realisation of “National Army 2015” Project, more compact, well-trained, efficient, resilient and compatible with standards of Europeanpartner states. • Ensuring guaranteed military security of the state and, by dint of it, maintaining regional security.


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