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Monitoring Techniques for Community ICT Access in Moldova

Learn about strategies and monitoring techniques for assessing community access to ICT in Moldova by NRATI, with statistical data and online surveys discussed in a global workshop held in Mexico City in 2004.

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Monitoring Techniques for Community ICT Access in Moldova

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  1. REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA NATIONAL REGULATORY AGENCY FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS Indicators on Community Access to ICTs Techniques for monitoring/measuring community access Global Workshop, Mexico City, 16-19 November, 2004 • avenue Stefan cel Mare, 134 MD-2012, Chisinau tel. +373-22-251-317 fax. +373-22-222-885 E-mail: office@anrti.mdwww.anrti.md

  2. Geographical note • Geographical position South-East Europe, bordering Romania and the Ukraine • Surface (Area) 33.845 sq km • Population 3.600.000 • Capital Chisinau Ukraine Romania

  3. Authoritiesintelecommunications sector

  4. About NRATI National Regulatory Agency for Telecommunications and Informatics was founded in 2000 through Government Ordinance Legal Acts to Support Activity in Telecommunication and Informatics • Law on telecommunications • Law on competition • Law on licensing certain types of activity • Law on informatics

  5. Regulation in ICT sector • Regulation on GSM Cellular Mobile Telephony Service Provision • Regulation regarding Domain Name Administration of the Top-Level Domain .md • Regulation on Fixed telephony Service Provision (Compartment: Basic Fixed Telephony Service Provision: Urban and Rural) • Regulation on Telegraph Service Provision • Regulation on Interconnection • New National Numbering Plan • Provisional Procedure and Fees for Numbering Resources Allocation • Regulation on license Issuance in Telecommunications and Informatics

  6. Strategies and Monitoring on Community Access

  7. Arax Moldtelecom Meganet Moldpac Riscom Sun Communications Globnet Telemedia Group V.90 ADSL ISDN Cable-modem Wireless (Wi-Fi) Frame Relay Main ISPs and technologies used

  8. Public Internet Access Centers • Cyber café - 228 • urban – 203 • rural – 25 • Telecentres - 45

  9. Techniques for monitoring community access • Method 1:collecting statistical data throughstatistical statements reported by the telecommunications providers and issuing a yearbook of statistic. The yearbook is published on the Agency Web page and is distributed to the interested parties electronically or on CD

  10. Techniques for monitoring community access • Method 2:on-line questioning of Internet users • Tools:social questionnaire, including sets of questionselaborated according to the purposes and objectives in connection to this survey • Poll period:23 June – 23 July 2004 • Number of participants:807 pers., Internet users • Data processing:collected sociologic data were processed mathematically, by using special software designed for this survey

  11. Purpose and objectives of the survey Purpose: getting a exhaustive information on Internet usage and infrastructure and assessing current situation in this area Objectives: • Evaluation of Internet importance in the user’s lives • Determination of the Internet usage period • Identification of the Internet access place • Evaluation of the Internet access frequency • Evaluation of the Internet access frequency to the local web sites • Determination of the most visited local web sites • Determination of the access frequency to the public authorities web sites

  12. How important is the Internet for you today? (%) Total: Important – 92,6% Total: Less important - 7,4%

  13. Where do you access Internet?(%)

  14. How often do you use Internet? (%)

  15. What does Internet represent for you? (%)

  16. What is the main source of information and training for you? (%)

  17. How many hours on average a day do you use the Internet ? (%)

  18. How many times do you visit local web sites? (%)

  19. QUESTIONNAIREANNEX VI Return questionnaire to Ms. Vanessa Gray (email: vanessa.gray@itu.int, Fax: +41 22 730 6449) PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION WITH ACCESS TO A PUBLIC INTERNET ACCESS CENTRE (PIAC)* PIACs BY TYPE** USAGE AND INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS PIAC coverage USERS BY TYPE PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION WITH ACCESS TO A PUBLIC INTERNET ACCESS CENTRE (PIAC)* Total Digital Community Centers (DCC)** Other (PIAC) ** Education Centers *** Total Digital Community Centers (DCC) Other (PIAC) Education Centers *** Locality by number of inhabitants Number of localities Population Governmental Private Total Percentage Potential Population (1) Target Population for DCC services (2) Actual Usage (3) Average DCC Usage Rate (4) DCC Density in Rural Areas (5) DCC Density in Urban Areas (6) Number of computers in DCC´s Global Indicators Workshop on Community Access to ICTs Mexico City, México, 16-19 November 2004 321 47 192 82 297.000 75.000 130.000 92.000 TOTAL 2.300.000 1.500.000 0.198 N/a 0 0.052 157 Localities Population Localities Population Localities Population Localities Population Total 1530 3.774.581 66 1.536.015 33 1.101.897 75 1.500.765 Urban > 500 00050 000-499 99910 000-49 9992 500-9 999 1 1 26 9 780013 150600 522100 48052 1 1 26 9 780013 150600 522100 48052 1 1 19 3 780013 150600 130000 2500 1 1 26 9 780013 150600 522100 48052 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Rural >10000 2 500-9999 1 000-2 499500-999100-4991-99 4 276 501 298 312 102 45198 1121038 793817 219625 89139 4999 N/a 3 9 12 5 N/a N/a 12032 13031 8906 1281 N/a N/a 9 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 38784 N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a 12 9 12 5 N/a N/a 50816 13031 8906 1281 N/a 0.0% 4.4% 1.79% 4.02% 1.60% 0.0% 0.0% 4.53% 1.64% 4.05% 1.43% 0.0% Note: 1) Potential population = A potential DCC user is anyone of age 6 years or more. 2) Target population for DCC services = Potential population minus Number of non‑community Internet users. 3) Actual usage = Actual users/Target population for DCC services (an actual user being one who accesses Internet at least once a month). 4) Average DCC usage rate = Total DCC usage time/Total available DCC time. 5) DCC density in rural areas = (Number of DCC´s in rural areas/Target population in rural areas) x 1 000 inhabitants. 6)DCC density in urban areas = (Number of DCC´s in urban areas/Target population in urban areas)  1 000 inhabitants.

  20. Thank you for attention

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