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Navigate the delicate balance of feedback across racial lines. Learn about bias, protect motives, and maintain rapport while upholding politeness norms and expertise.
The Language of Interracial Feedback Kent D. Harber Rutgers University at Newark
Clear Candid Assert Expertise Protect motives Maintain rapport Politeness norms INFORMATION SENSITIVITY The Delicate Balance of Effective Feedback
Interracial Concerns May Lead to Positive Feedback Bias Interracial Concerns Protect motives Maintain rapport Politeness norms Clear Candid Assert Expertise INFORMATION SENSITIVITY
The Positive Feedback BiasHarber, 1998 Replications of the feedback bias: Arises in face to face feedback (Harber, 2004) Displayed by teacher trainees, esp. if egalitarianism threatened (Harber, 2010) Displayed by public school teachers, to Latinos and Blacks (Harber, et al., 2012)
Comments to Writers To a Black Writer “Great essay! Just fix the organization and grammar, and develop the argument, and it’ll be fine.” To a White Writer “When I see college work this bad I just want to put my head down on the table and cry.”
Does Learner Race Affect the Language of Performance Feedback ? Open-ended communication can signal attitudes and direct attention in ways that numeric ratings cannot. The essay quality is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weak Strong I really liked reading your essay and all the interesting things you said. You go! Your essay needs work on grammar and organization, but also basic logic. Rethink your arguments, and revise. The essay quality is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weak Strong Vocabulary: Complex and sophisticated or more basic? Emotional tone: Emphasis on warmth or on skill? Candor: Recommendations and assessments more polite or accurate? Focus: On learner’s mastery or on relationship with self? Is the language of feedback from whites instructors affected by the race of learners?
Parental Controls More and more people want to control what teenagers see and where they see it. In particular on Not only on the internet and on TV, but also in on movies and even in videogames. which are Even though movies and videogames are just make believe, adults want and to stop us from seeing what they don't want us to see by doing this they want to[1]e installing parental controls so that parents decide who gets to see what. According to child behavior experts, according to at the NY times, there is too much violence and sex on the Internet and these other places[2]. This is supposed to be bad for us says the experts[3]. So But what if teenagers see sex and violence its in the world? and If they do, there is no sense in pretending their not and that we don't know about it. Do they think if we do not see these things we aren't going to know about them or think about them? The experts say it[4] is harming kids to see sex and violence in the media so that because it makes them want to do it. However, Kkids who see a lot of it in the world end up doing a lot too. OK so then no one should see sexy movies or violent movies because iIf its sexy and violent movies are that bad why should we[5] just prevent kids? Another concern is what happens on the internet and if parents, or teachers or libarians have the right to control what we see or say to other people such as our friends or friends we meet on the Internet. I thought that in a Ffree Ccountry like America people could see and say what they wanted. This is not the Old USSR or Red China where no one can go onto the internet because then when they might think their own ways. And tThis is the Modern Age where to get ahead people must use the Internet and know how to use it to get ahead and to not be afraid. Maybe not for really little kids that makes sense[6]. But iIf a person is in high school then really he or she really needs to make their own decisions. oOtherwise how else will he or she know how to be and independent adult person? And [7]it is also not consistent. We Why can we hear about gas problems and other body problems on TV commercials but we can not see a video game were a person shows their bodies? I don't get it and it doesn't make any sense. ------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENTS: [1]: What are these other places? I know that you already mentioned that TV is another area that violence and sex is present in but you might consider repeating these places so that the reader knows what you are talking about. [2]: Reword this sentence so that the subject is at the beginning of the sentence. [3]: Restate what "it" is.
“Social Issues” Survey Self-Image Threat (12 items) 1. Should it be legal for private businesses to stay open on MLK Day? 2. Should people be allowed to keep the Confederate flag in their own homes? PLUS: Name 5 African Americans in Sociology, Psychology, Physics, or Math. Neutral Condition (12 items) 1. Does your supermarket supply many kinds of canned goods? 2. Is parking sometimes a problem where you shop? PLUS: Name 5 places where you shop Self-Image Affirm (12 items) • Should govt. offices should be closed on Martin Luther King Day? • Should government buildings not fly the confederate flag? PLUS: Name 5 African Americans in music, poetry, politics, or sports.
Essay Coding Comments: Writer Race and Subject Self-Image Threat Overall Positivity
Open-Ended Feedback • What did you think of my essay? Intro? Conclusions? Anything else? • Your intro is a little weak. You should use better diction and a striking statistic to show how global warming is a problem. Your conclusion should be a separate paragraph and should sum up the main points of your argument. You used a lot of ambiguous modifiers such as "it" and "they". You need to clarify what or who you are referring to. • 2. What did you see as the biggest strengths and weaknesses? • The essay's biggest strength is its strong support for its argument. Its weakness is that the essay doesn't have a clear intro, body and conclusion. • 3. My major is pre-social work and I’m doing OK but I really like Journalism and I was thinking of switching majors. What do you think, based on my essay? • Truthfully, I don't think you should. You're writing skills still need some work. However, if you think journalism is your true passion, you should enroll in some writing classes over the summer to help strengthen your skills.
Global Tone and Tenor of Feedback Due to Writer Race Response to Essay Response to Writer
LIWC Text Analyses: Number of Emotional Words in Feedback Due to Race Pos. Emotion Words: Like, great, good, enjoy, etc. Neg. Emotion Words: Frustrating, bad, depressing, etc.
LIWC Text Analyses: Differences in Language Complexity Due to Race and Comfort Supplying Feedback Logical and Abstract Language Words of 6 + Letters “conceptualize, structure, purpose, direction, organization, etc.”
Responses to Writer Questions Due to Writer Race Mixed Message?
Are Whites Aware of Positive Biases? Concern about Being Too Critical or Too Lenient Due to Writer Race
Implications of the Feedback Bias • Effects on minority persons’ learning Loss of information Diluted challenge Distrust of praise and depressed morale • Bias may reflect “co-vulnerability”
“Wise” Feedback Yeager, et al., 2013 Wise feedback 1. Emphasize high standards AND 2. Convey belief that student can meet these standards. All students who receive wise feedback vs. standard feedback on essays are more likely to: 1. Submit a revised essay 2. Produce a higher quality final draft 3. Get higher grades Wise feedback especially benefits minority students
Collaborators, Assistants, and Sponsors • Collaborators Jamie Gorman Frank Gengaro Samantha Butisingh William Tsang Rebecah Ouellete Reshma Stafford Kathleen Kennedy Christian Williams James Pennebaker Stephanie Reeves Jennifer Malin • Assistants Danielle Baril Amanda Brown Akosua Cook David DeWitt Moya Foster Rebekah Gale Michelle Gewax Loretta Fitzgibbons Sarah Friedman Heather Lackey Tom O’Connell Michelle Stasser Regina Werts • Sponsors The National Science Foundation, BCS-0416889 The Spencer Foundation, 200400104 The Spencer Foundation, 200700175