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From File to I-Pad

Learn about the innovative Matmon File Management System utilized by ISA for digital publishing projects. Explore search capabilities, metadata sharing, teamwork features, and the new Rimon Electronic Content Management system.

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From File to I-Pad

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From File to I-Pad

  2. Digital Project Management and Publishing at the ISA Louise Fischer 13thBiennial International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents Washington, 2015

  3. 2000 The ISA adopts the Matmon (Cache or Treasure) File Management System and Database Publications project management = an integral part of the system

  4. Features of Matmon

  5. You can attach photographs or scans of documents

  6. Search capabilities For project management e.g. how many documents were declassified in the last 3 months? For content management “Slice and dice” Using different filters to combine fields of metadata according to subject, date, source etc e.g. find all documents from the Carter Library from September 1978

  7. Teamwork and tracking All team members can see everyone’s data You can track your own progress and avoid duplication The manager can see all projects and track their progress Metadata can be copied and shared among projects

  8. 2015 “Rimon”The new Electronic Content Management system Based on the system to be adopted by Israel’s government offices, Documentum

  9. Pomegranate – or hand grenade?

  10. Digital Publications “Documents” series Blog post Short publication Application

  11. An app for Tablet “Making Peace”March 201435 years since the signing of the Israel-Egypt treaty on the White House lawn

  12. For the general public, using a variety of media • Extracts from documents • Personal notes • Trivia questions • Caricatures • Photographs • Videos • Maps

  13. Analysis of visual representations Arab attacks on Sadat The unending quest for peace

  14. “Everyone has his own Camp David” Legal Adviser AharonBarak recording and making history

  15. Public opinion Newspaper headlines and letters to P.M. Begin TV News footage and TV programmes (Links to YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_i5HOx0MA&index=5&list=PLYj_GrkJgmYK4XnHMyV0dAQ7Q0WVzTbuN

  16. Conventional publication in English and Hebrew

  17. http://www.archives.gov.il/ArchiveGov_eng • English introductions • Original documents in English • Translations of key documents • E.g. The late night talk between Begin and Carter on a West Bank settlement freeze

  18. 16.9.78 President [Carter], Vance, Begin, Dayan, Barak The president: We thank you very much for coming and for the progress that's been made. There are still important decisions that must be made, on Jerusalem and other issues; but it is a good idea, to "take stock" of what we've done, to note the good that will result if Camp David succeeds. If it fails – all the advantages will be lost. If we succeed, it will be to Israel's advantage. 1. Full peace with Egypt. This peace will include recognition, international relations, open borders. Sadat said that if there is an agreement, with the first withdrawal from Sinai all this will take place. 2. Security with Egypt, based on this agreement, whose significance is the reduction in Sinai by one division on the eastern side of the Suez Canal. Perhaps even less than a division – a brigade. Including a buffer zone in which there are police and UN forces. Sadat was generous, for there will be [only] a symbolic buffer zone [on the Israeli side] of 1 to 3 kilometres. 3. A promise of safe passage in all the adjacent waters: Suez, the Gulf of Suez and the Tiran Straits. Any wording we want will be acceptable, and the UN will remain in Sharm-el-Sheikh. 4. You will have an agreement with the Arabs on Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip for five years and beyond. There will be a military presence, as you wish. You will declare what you want and need. 5. In the creation of [Palestinian] self-government you will have the right of veto on any arrangement. This is based on your very constructive proposal. I assume that what will be decided will be very close to your proposal, and any changes will have to receive your approval. 6. You will be involved in the negotiations on the final status. If the Palestinian Arabs are pleased with the existing situation, there is a good chance that the issue of borders will remain as it is. 7. There will be a new relationship between you and the Arabs.

  19. Success or Failure? • App • Innovative, potential for new markets • Technological and artistic success • Limited number of downloads • Limited use of tablet in Israel • Results could be improved by advance definition of target audience, paid marketing • Shorter introductions and less documents

  20. Success or Failure? • Conventional digital publication • Effective marketing through the press, TV and radio • Wide exposure through popular websites like Y-net • Long term use by academic users, students, etc

  21. The digital future E-Books? Social media? Apps for mobile? Partnerships with the educational system We will continue to experiment and learn

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