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Reflect on examining documents, sharing reactions, surprises, learning, library exploration, Matt's insights, unanswered questions, access process, collection integration, and promotion strategies.
Homework #4 Archives Reflection • 1-page reflection piece • Due Wed April 13 by class time • Send to me via email (.doc or text) or print • Describe the documents you examined, your reactions, interesting or surprising elements, what did you learn, the library itself, Matt’s discussion, questions you still have, process of accessing material, better ways to integrate/promote collections, …
Citation in APA format of each item (5-10 total sources) Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. American Psychologist, 63(3), 182-196. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X. 63.3.182 This article analyzes the topic of leadership from an evolutionary perspective and proposes three conclusions. Although it offers an historical perspective, I use only one of the the authors’ points about leader-follower relations in early human societies. To support my project question of what makes one person a better leader than others, I will focus on the point that, “leadership cannot be studied apart from followership and that an adequate account of the leadership process must consider the psychology of followers” (p. 193) . The authors have a wide range of expertise in the area of business leadership. Van Vugt is on faculty at University of Kent; Hogan and Kaiser work in business systems assessment. The article appears in the highly cited, peer-reviewed journal, American Psychologist. Relevancy what does this item provide for your story? Source evaluation use criteria from the mid-term to assess the quality of the information Due Mon April 18
Pecha Kucha presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGaCLWaZLI4 Pecha Kucha website + lots of excellent examples: http://www.pechakucha.org/
Pecha Kucha details • 20 slides, 20 seconds each (transitions >> advance slide=20 seconds >> apply to all slides) • Minimal/tight text • Use of images and charts/graphs (easy to read and clearly labeled) • Write the script and practice • Many examples: http://www.pechakucha.org/
Presentation dates: Mon April 18, Wed April 20, Mon April 25
reminder/refresher on Proquest Database • Proquest is a vendor (as is Ebsco, JSTOR, PubMed) • Our subscription to Proquest provides access to numerous individual/specialized databases • You can access some of these specialized databases via categories in “E-Research by Discipline” • BUT, you can search ACROSS all of these databases – little work-around to get there…
To search across ALL Proquest databases… • Library homepage • E-Research by discipline • Under Frequently Used, select Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global • Once in this particular database, select ALL DATABASES
Data-to-Story Project Work Time • I’ll check in with each group • give me your story “pitch” • what do you need help with? • what information would support your project?