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Discover the transformation of Dutch VET system with focus on key competences, career guidance, & practical training. Watch now!
Imagine a world without VET: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkDDidX8BYo
Figures and Facts Koning Willem l College • Over 1100 facultyandstaffOver 12000 students • 0n 2 locations in ‘s-Hertogenbosch • Our Slogan: JUST A GREAT SCHOOL
Dutch educational system: VET ActualIssues: • Focus on Keycompetences (e.g. entrepreneurship; communicative; selfreflection; beingcollaborative) • Careerguidance: reducing ESL • Redesignpractical training in VET • A new didactic approach: Het nieuwe leren http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9zd2Tj8GjQ
Dutch education system:VET - students: more selfresponsible • - new training concepts: less classroom teaching, • more working in projects • - roles are chancing: teachers: notgiving but helping • tofindanswers Challenge: Proces of learningforstudentsandteachers The struggle of the next generation
…..To get connected • Neighbourship about: - never walking alone - being a member of a community - not individualism but cooperation • Community College - developing - providing VET with partners in the labour market workplacements in regional SME’s - cooperating in networks to fight (youth-)unemployment and dropouts
An example ofcareer guidance activities School has an educational task, but also a coaching responsibility. Keep on talking with the students!
higher vocational education 4th-year students follow an introduction programme: 10 x 2 hrs/week with a choice from 24 vocational education programmes at KW1C 3rd-year students follow a competence-based orientation programme (2 hrs/week) on educational and professional possibilities (orientation programme, a competenceinstrument and a guidance model) A first introduction to career sectors such as, Technology, Social studies and Economics for 2nd-year students vocational education prevocational education Primary school
4th-year students 1,000 students from 14 prevocational collegesfollow a twenty-hour vocational education programme of their choice . The programme is completed by presentations students at their own school and a competition among the best presentations of each school. It is part of the curriculum at prevocational education. Colleges as well as Companies and the Localauthoritiesplay a role in this common careerguidanceconstruction.
Einstein4all • International Leonardo Project. • Partners: • Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch • Steirische Wolkswirtschaftige Gemeinschaft, Austria • Blackburn College, United Kingkom • Five schools for prevocational education in ‘s-Hertogenbosch • Heineken, Acritas and Philips
3rd-year students • Pilot for 300 studentsfrom five prevocational colleges. • Project as ananswer to the questions • What is neededforstudents to enter vocational training successfully. • Howcan we prepare studentsfor college. • Consists of:a. Competencemetre • Programmetodevelopcompetencesneeded • Guidance model
Foundation to promote Technical Studies and increase the number of qualified technical staffCollaboration between Government, Companies and Education.Project from primary school to higher vocational education
Comenius Region Partnership‘s-Hertogenbosch (including KWlC) – Hannover RegionAim: Exchanging experiences and expertise in the fields of career orientation and technical education.Youtube filmpje escalatorhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47rQkTPWW2I
Thank you for your attention p.vanamelsfoort@kw1c.nl Director center for [inter]national projects