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Imagine …. Building a better world …. A Career in Civil Engineering. Imagine … getting people home from work quicker by improving public transportation. Imagine … climbing on a large bridge or water tower to perform an inspection.
Imagine …. Building a better world …
A Career in Civil Engineering Imagine … getting people home from work quicker by improving public transportation. Imagine … climbing on a large bridge or water tower to perform an inspection. Imagine … providing plenty of clean drinking water to all residents of your town. Imagine … creatively building and maintaining a Better World !
An Engineer An engineer is a person dedicated to solutions and who is an excellent problem solver by education, training and practice. Engineers are individuals who combine knowledge of science, mathematics, and economics to solve technical problems that confront society, to practical ends, such as in the design, construction and operation of structures and infrastructures. Engineers concentrate on using, improving or protecting the natural environment as it benefits human kind, with the goal of improving the human environment.
The Civil Engineer Civil Engineering is the broad field that deals with the planning, construction, and maintenance of structures or public works, as they relate to earth, water, or civilization and their processes. Most civil engineering today deals with roads, traffic controls, structures, water supply, sewers, flood control, and other remedial environmental solutions. Where elaborate contracts laws have governed the bidding, award and construction of costly infrastructure projects, the civil engineer has developed as a contracting specialist. Where infrastructures require land, engineers can function as acquisition managers. A Professional Engineer is the term for registered or licensed engineers in the United States.
The Professional Engineer The term "Professional Engineer" shall mean a person who is qualified to practice professional engineering and as attested by his license as a professional engineer means a person who is legally authorized to practice professional engineering in this State in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1938, c.342 (C.45:8-27 et seq.). The term "Professional Engineer'' shall also mean a person who by reason of his special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice engineering. The design of buildings by professional engineers shall be consistent with "Building Design Services Act.'' P.L.1989, c. 277.
The Municipal Engineer In addition to traditional infrastructure, public works and capital program management functions, municipal responsibilities often include land use controls via local Planning, Zoning, and Construction Boards. A “Municipal, City or County Engineer” is that person duly authorized as agent of the governing body acting within the scope of its authority, for the purposes of administering the multiple designated civil engineering functions within a given government or regulatory jurisdiction. The designated functions are often as broad as the field itself, identifying the Municipal Engineer as a versatile employee who can solve increasing numbers of problems confronting local government.
Municipal Engineering Municipal Engineers study Local Governments in New Jersey, Local Finance and Asset Management, Public Contracts Laws, Construction Contracts, Construction Inspection, Municipal Infrastructures, Design and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Stormwater Collection and Detention Systems, Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment Systems, Potable Water Treatment, Pumping and Distribution Systems, Gas/Electric Utilities and Underground Facilities, Land Use Laws, Land Use Operations, Planning and Zoning Boards of Adjustment, Construction Permit Operations, Public Works Maintenance Operations, Legal Aspects, and other important areas.
N.J. Statutes for M.E.’s There is little New Jersey Statutory Law defining the Municipal Engineering functions, but there are terms for this mandatory appointed position under 40A:9-140. Definitions of municipal engineering remain under the professional Societies and Boards. Therefore, in New Jersey, "Municipal Engineer" means the official licensed “Professional Engineer” appointed by the proper authority of the municipality.
A Municipal Career Whether you are involved in Transportation, Environment, Water Resources, Construction, Geotechnical, Urban Planning or Asset Management, you can become a Municipal Engineer, and be involved in the planning, design and construction of great projects from concept through completion.
The Municipal Engineer No profession unleashes the spirit of innovation like Engineering. Few professions turn so many ideas into so many realities, or have such a direct positive effect on human beings everyday life. Engineers make a world of difference and are critical to the needs of the 21st century.
Who we are …. The New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers is a non-profit organization established in 1929 to advance and improve the practice of Municipal Engineering in the State of New Jersey. The society strives to provide others with information and experiences relative to improved methods, theories and practices. We encourage high professional standards and the improvement of the professional and social status and welfare of our members. Our Mission is to improve the quality of life of New Jersey Communities.
NJSME History …. The NJSME proudly hosted a 75th anniversary celebration at the Liberty Science Center which included a big screen presentation about it’s founder, Morris R. Sherrerd, who at the age of 64, handed over the Office of the President to Mr. Herbert Heilman on September 25, 1930 at the Sixteenth Convention of the NJ State League of Municipalities and Allied Associations. While there have been many great NJSME Presidents and many great public projects, Mr. Sherrerd (1865-1939) was a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, president of NJSME and AWWA, Board of Directors of ASCE, member of ASTM, NEWWA, NJSRDA, and NJSA. Sherrerd was raised in the years following the Civil War, as led by Ulysses S. Grant, later named President of the United States (and also a civil engineer). Morris Sherrerd was the official named engineer and director of public works initially for Troy, New York and later for Newark, New Jersey (1905). The operated his own consulting firm for many years, and was employed in the public sector for many years as well.
Our Founder …. The Society has been fortunate to have a distinguished founder in Morris Sherrerd. He was appointed by the New Jersey Governor to the State Water Supply Commission, a consultant to Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, and expert witness in many New Jersey Courts. In 1929, President Herbert Hoover (also an engineer) spoke of public works as the means by which the United States could be the first nation to rid itself of poverty. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt took office during the ensuing (and unexpected) Great Depression, he assured federal efforts to fund numerous large scale public reconstruction projects. This investment helped lead our nation out of the Great Depression, and depended greatly on engineering leadership to accomplish. As a member of North Jersey Water Supply Commission, Morris Sherrerd was chief engineer for the Wanaque Reservoir project for eight years, which began to deliver water in 1930, just at the beginning of a drought which gripped the nation for the next ten years. True to his roots, he also accepted a position as Hillside municipal engineer that year.
75+ Years of Service The NJSME, through it’s leadership and membership, has been able to sponsor many important milestone accomplishments as a Professional Society. A small sample includes : Statewide participation in major rail, port and road transportation improvements, local public contracts regulations, flood plain management regulations, residential site improvement regulations, roadway design manuals, certified municipal and engineering inspection training programs, construction board of appeals, site improvement advisory board, public works managers board, and annual presence at the League of Municipalities. We are currently pursuing design professional one call solutions, as well as local approval solutions for various NJDEP permits. These milestones are important to New Jersey.
Our Future …. The NJSME has a bright future due to the work of it’s membership and as a result of being recognized as a source of highly qualified, trained and experienced professionals for local governments throughout New Jersey. As State, County and Local governments rely on our members services to a higher degree, specific and unique opportunities are created, such as project funding, design markout assistance, delegated storm water review authority, legislative support and professional testimony. If you are, or know of, a professional engineer who may contribute to, or be helped by, our Society, we urge you to contact us for more information.
Thank You For your interest in our profession of municipal civil engineering and our society’s function in support of municipal engineers, whether employed in public practice (as staff) or in private consulting firms containing designated engineers throughout the State of New Jersey .