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Restructured Goals, Objectives & Key Strategies consistent with OEC recommendations and alignment with the Interoperability Continuum and SCIP PRIORITIES 1. Operability 2. Interoperability 3. Build-out of Regional Systems. NECP (National Emergency Communications Plan) Objectives.
RestructuredGoals, Objectives & Key Strategiesconsistent with OEC recommendations and alignment with the Interoperability Continuum andSCIP PRIORITIES1. Operability2. Interoperability3. Build-out of Regional Systems DRAFT
NECP (National Emergency Communications Plan)Objectives • Objective 2: Initiative 2.3 Recommended National Milestones:… • Within 12 months, DHS grant policies are developed to encourage regional operable and interoperable solutions, including shared solutions, and to prioritize cost-effective measures and multi-applicant investments. (page 20) • Objective 4: Emerging technologies are integrated with current emergency communications capabilities through standards implementation… • Several States (e.g. … Texas) are developing statewide “system of systems” that leverage emerging technologies to establish interoperability among different levels of government and that span frequency bands.” DRAFT
NECP (National Emergency Communications Plan)Implementing and Measuring NECP Achievement • IV. Implementing and Measuring NECP Achievement • 4.1 Implementation … State, local, and tribal governments should strive to align with the NECP and implement key initiatives.“ (page 42) DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 2: Achieve voice and data interoperability by institutionalizing collaborative approaches across the state based upon common priorities and consensus at the regional level. • Objective: Achieve incremental progress on a regionalized basis through a Governance structure which encourages transparency, accountability, and collaboration through Education, Leadership, Legislation and outcome-based strategic planning. • Goal 1: Governance - Achieve statewide interoperability by institutionalizing collaborative approaches across the state based upon common priorities and consensus at the regional level. • Objective: Ensure a coordinated governance structure, with representation from all regions, all disciplines, state, federal, and non-governmental agencies to plan and implement statewide communications interoperability for all stakeholders. • Key Strategy: Education & Planning DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 4: Facilitate integrated Standard Operating Procedures and Training Programs to enhance effective use of voice and data interoperable communications systems. • Objective: (1) Design, implement and track an integrated, state, local, tribal, federal and non-governmental agency, training program with integrated SOP’s. (2) Ensure critical infrastructure and first responders have completed an Integrated Training Program and have access to current integrated Standard Operating Procedures. • Goal 2: Standard Operating Procedures - Enhance use of interoperable communications systems with integrated, NIMS compliant, Statewide Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). • Objective: Improve coordination of first responder activities with integrated Standard Operating Procedures which are included in training programs and exercised routinely. • Key Strategy: Facilitate integrated SOPs. DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 3: Technology - Build a System-of-Systems (SoS) network consisting of Regional P25 Standards-based shared systems for voice operations, providing interoperable communications statewide • Objective: Ensure operability while leveraging investments in existing communications infrastructure and systems when designing and implementing regional interoperability. • Key Strategy: Planning & Project Management • Goal 3: Achieve close to 100% state-wide coverage for both voice and data communications interoperable networks of all public safety agencies. • Objective: Over the long term, build a statewide interoperable communications system by maximizing the use of existing networks, shared systems and Standards-based communications purchases. DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 4: Facilitate integrated Standard Operating Procedures and Training Programs to enhance effective use of voice and data interoperable communications systems. • Objective: (1) Design, implement and track an integrated, state, local, tribal, federal and non-governmental agency, training program with integrated SOP’s. (2) Ensure critical infrastructure and first responders have completed an Integrated Training Program and have access to current integrated Standard Operating Procedures. • Goal 4: Training & Exercises - Ensure integrated Local and Regional Training & Exercise opportunities are available to all emergency responders. • Objective: Ensure first responders at all levels are trained on and routinely exercise communications equipment, procedures and coordination. • Key Strategy: Multiple Opportunities DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 3: Achieve close to 100% state-wide coverage for both voice and data communications interoperable networks of all public safety agencies. • Objective: Over the long term, build a statewide interoperable communications system by maximizing the use of existing networks, shared systems and Standards-based communications purchases. • Goal 5: Usage - Accelerate use of Regional P25 Voice Shared Communications Systems for daily operations as well as all hazards emergency communications. • Objective: Expand and/or transition voice communications systems to P-25 Regional Shared (fixed and mobile) Systems. • Key Strategies: CASM Development, Planning & Project Management DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 5: Develop a funding plan that will generate the funding resources necessary to acquire and sustain statewide voice and data communications interoperability. • Objective: Identify all funding sources available for voice and data interoperable communications and develop a timeline with associated costs to migrate to a technology environment that provides state, local, regional, and tribal entities with the level of interoperability that is defined in the Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan. continued on next slide • Goal 6: Funding – Secure consistent funding for on-going development, capital replacement, and operations and maintenance costs. • Objective: Develop a funding plan that will generate the funding resources necessary to acquire and sustain statewide voice and data communications interoperability. • Key Strategies: Planning, Support & Legislative Action DRAFT
Restructured Goal Original Goal • Goal 1: Establish statewide voice and data interoperability as a high priority for all • stakeholders. • Objective: Educate key local, tribal, state and federal policy makers regarding the need for voice and data interoperable communications. Emphasize the need to raise the general public’s awareness level of the critical and urgent need for • communications interoperability. This will drive the creation of appropriate • legislation to support the likely sources of funding. Goal 6: Funding (continued from previous Slide) DRAFT