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Bypassing Client-Side Controls

Bypassing Client-Side Controls . By: M. Swain. Client-side. refers to operations that are performed by the client in a client–server environment Typically, web browser, that runs on a user's local computer The user has complete control over the client. Client Side Control.

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Bypassing Client-Side Controls

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  1. Bypassing Client-Side Controls By: M. Swain

  2. Client-side • refers to operations that are performed by the client in a client–server environment • Typically, web browser, that runs on a user's local computer • The user has complete control over the client

  3. Client Side Control • An application may rely on client-side controls to restrict user input in two broad ways. • Transmitting data via the client component • Implementing measures on the client side

  4. Capturing User Data: HTML Forms • Simplest and most common mechanism for capturing input from the user and submitting it to the server • Example: Consider this HTML form <form action=”order.asp” method=”post”> <p>Product: Sony VAIO A217S</p> <p>Quantity: <input size=”2” maxlength=”3” name=”quantity”>

  5. Hack Steps for Length Limit • Look for form elements containing a max-length attribute. • Submit data that is longer than this length • If the application accepts the overlong data, you may infer that the client-side validation is not replicated on the server. • The above security flaws if exists, can lead to possibilities of other vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, or buffer overflows.

  6. Script-Based Validation • Input validation mechanisms built into HTML forms are simple and fine-grained to perform relevant validation for many kinds of input • Therefore, common to see customized client-side input validation implemented within scripts

  7. <script> • function ValidateForm(theForm) • { • varisInteger = /^\d+$/ • if(!isInteger.test(theForm.quantity.value)) • { • alert(“Please enter a valid quantity”); • return false; • } • return true; • } • </script> • <form action=”order.asp” method=”post” onsubmit=”return • ValidateForm(this)“> • <p>Product: Sony VAIO A217S</p> • <p>Quantity: <input size=”2” name=”quantity”> • <input name=”price” type=”hidden” value=”1224.95”> • <input type=”submit” name=”buy” value=”Buy!”></p> • </form>

  8. Hack Steps • Identify any cases where client-side JavaScript is used • Submit data to the server by blocking the validation steps • Determine whether the client-side controls are replicated on the server • And if not, whether this can be exploited for any malicious purpose.

  9. Disabled Elements • Element on an HTML form is flagged as disabled, it appears on-screen but is grayed out and is not editable or usable • Consider the following form:

  10. Disabled Elements <form action=”order.asp” method=”post”> <p>Product: <input disabled=”true” name=”product” value=”Sony VAIO A217S”></p> <p>Quantity: <input size=”2” name=”quantity”> <input name=”price” type=”hidden” value=”1224.95”> <input type=”submit” value=”Buy!”></p> </form>

  11. Capturing User Data: Thick-Client Components • Besides HTML forms, the other main method for capturing, validating, and submitting user data • Technology: Java Applet, ActiveX Control, Shock Wave Flash Objects • Internal workings are less transparently visible than HTML forms and JavaScript

  12. Java Applets • Popular for implementing thick-client components • cross-platform and run in a sandboxed environment • Main use: to capture user input or other in-browser information

  13. Java game example • <script> • function play() • { • alert(“you scored “ + TheApplet.getScore()); • document.location = “submitScore.jsp?score=” + • TheApplet.getObsScore() + “&name=” + • document.playForm.yourName.value; • } • </script> • <form name=playForm> • <p>Enter name: <input type=”text” name=”yourName” value=”“></p> • <input type=”button” value=”Play” onclick=JavaScript:play()> • </form> • <applet code=”https://wahh-game.com/JavaGame.class” • id=”TheApplet”></applet>

  14. Java example • URL entry that is returned after playing game: https://wahh-game.com/submitScore.jsp?score= c1cc3139323c3e4544464d51515352585a61606a6b&name=daf • Want to cheat the game, one way is to harvest a large number of scores and attempt to reverse engineer the algorithm

  15. Decompiling Java Bytecode • Better approach to hack Java • To decompile: first save a copy of file/URL to disk • Use browser to request the URL specified in the code attribute of the applet tag

  16. Jad • Tool for decompiling Java bytecode • Once Jad has decompiled the applet back to its source code, you can start to bypass the client-side controls • For example, you could change the getObsScore method to: return obfuscate(“99999|0.123456789”);

  17. Coping with Bytecode Obfuscation • Various techniques have been developed to obfuscate bytecode because of the ease Java can decompile it • These techniques result in bytecode that is harder to decompile or that leads to misleading or invalid source code

  18. Obfuscation techniques • Meaningful class, method, and member variable names are replaced with meaningless expressions like a, b, c. • Redundant code may be added for Obscurity

  19. ActiveX Controls • Heavyweight technology compared to Java • ActiveX controls are written in C and C++ • Can’t be decompiled back to source code easily • It’s possible for a user to hack ActiveX, but too complicated

  20. Fixing Inputs Processed by Controls • ActiveX controls are sometimes put as a client-side control to verify that the client computer compiles with specific security standards before access is granted to certain server-side functionality • Filemon and Regmon (now Process Monitor) • Enable you to monitor all of a process’s interaction with the computer’s file system and registry

  21. Decompiling Managed Code • .NET Reflector by Lutz Roeder • Useful tool for decompiling a thick-client component written in C# & Visual Basic

  22. Shockwave Flash Objects • Most common use of Flash is for an application context for online games • Flash objects are contained within a compiled file that the browser downloads from the server and executes in a virtual machine (Flash player) • SWF file contains bytecode that can be decompiled to recover the original source

  23. Flasm • Dissembler and assembler for SWF bytecode and can be used to extract human-readable representation of the bytecode from an SWF file then reassemble modified bytecode into a new SWF file

  24. Handling Client-Side Data Securely • Security problems with web applications arise because client-side components and user input are outside of the server’s direct control

  25. Transmitting Data via the Client • Encryption techniques can be used to prevent tampering by the user • If the above is used, then there are two important pitfalls to avoid: • Replay Attack • Cryptographic Attack

  26. Validating Client-Generated Data • Data generated on the client and transmitted to the server cannot be validated securely on the client: • Lightweight client-side controls like HTML form fields and JavaScript provide zero assurance about the input received by the server • Use of thick-client components are sometimes more difficult to circumvent, but this may merely slow down an attacker for a short period.

  27. Logging and Alerting • Integration of server-side intrusion detection defenses • Anomalies should be logged and administrators should be alerted in real time to take action

  28. Summary • Almost all client-server applications must accept the fact that the client component, and all processing that occurs on it, cannot be trusted to behave as expected • Questions?

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