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Assessment . Crown Primary School Tuesday 3 rd December, 2013. Purposes of assessment . To support learning T o give assurance to parents and others about learners’ progress T o provide a summary of what learners have achieved, including through qualifications and awards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessment Crown Primary School Tuesday 3rd December, 2013

  2. Purposes of assessment To support learning To give assurance to parents and others about learners’ progress To provide a summary of what learners have achieved, including through qualifications and awards To inform future improvements.

  3. How do you meet the expectations of a level? Pupils will: • have achieved a breadth of learning across the experiences and outcomes for an aspect of the curriculum • have responded to the level of challenge set out in the experiences and outcomes, and are moving forward to more challenging learning in some aspects • be able to apply what they have learned in new and unfamiliar situations.

  4. Ensuring consistency How do we know from year to year that children are making progress? By working together from the guidance provided to plan learning, teaching and assessment By building on existing standards and expectations By drawing on exemplification By engaging with colleagues to share and confirm expectations.

  5. Reporting Parents and learners will receive a range of information both formally and informally. Strengths, progress and achievements Gaps in children’s progress and ways that parents can help Progress in literacy and numeracy as well as performance across the curriculum Teachers will share full and open accounts of each learner’s progress Transition –sum up achievements through profiles/formal reports

  6. Monitoring standards over time Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy Samples learners' achievements to measure standards over time and to monitor national performance in literacy and numeracy at P4, P7 and S2. Assessment for Excellence Assessments – Highland initiative

  7. Assessment at Crown

  8. The 360° Approach

  9. What is a learning record? A learning record is more than putting everything in one jotter. It is a record of a pupil’s learning journey through their school life. Learning records encourage children to link and apply different areas of learning. They contain evidence of learning experiences and also reflections on these learning experiences. In the learning records, pupils read and respond to the feedback and advice given by their teacher. This dialogue helps them to improve and meet their learning targets.

  10. What does assessment look like in the Learning Record?

  11. Parent Dialogue

  12. Peer and self assessment

  13. Our next steps: Target setting and reflection

  14. The Highland Approach and Model Formative

  15. CfE Practical examples of AiFL shared

  16. Planning Learning & Teaching with Assessment Opportunities

  17. Summative End of topic assessments e.g. ‘Topic in a Nutshell’, ‘Revise, Revisit, Review’, ‘Check Ups’ Weekly spelling check ups Start, Mid and End of Year Assessments NAR Sharing Standards – with colleagues/ LT/ ASG AfE SPP Reports Parent Meetings

  18. Tracking ONGOING TWICE A YEAR P3, 5, 7 and S2

  19. SPP – Summary of Personal Progress • A component of the Highland Council’s approach to tracking • Recorded by class teachers twice a year • Focuses on Reading, Writing and Maths • There are two scales • one scale describes how far the learner has achieved in relation to expectations for stage • the other describes how far the learner has achieved in relation to his/her potential.

  20. AfE – Assessment for Excellence • AfE is Standardised Testing • Computer based assessment • P3, P5, P7 and S2 • Focuses on • Literacy • Maths • Developed Ability (the ability to learn) • Attitude to School/Learning

  21. AfE – Assessment for Excellence AfE: enhances assessment but does not replace on-going assessment can be used to confirm teacher’s judgements can be used to inform levels of challenge for individual learners helps build up a profile of the whole learner

  22. AfE – Assessment for Excellence An Overview and Guidance for Reading Video • Recap • Individual -adjusts to progress • 6 modules • One form of assessment • Completed once a year in P3, 5, 7 and S2 to build a picture of individual progress

  23. Parent Council • Who are the members of the Parent Council? • What’s our vision for the Parent Council? • Next steps?

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