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Present Perfect and Past Simple. SWOOSH. Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves. Past Simple vs Present Perfect. Do you know when you have to use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect ?. Past Simple vs Present Perfect. Susan took her bike to school.
PresentPerfectandPastSimple SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves
PastSimplevsPresentPerfect Do youknowwhenyouhaveto use thePastSimpleor thePresentPerfect?
Past Simple vs PresentPerfect Susan tookherbiketoschool yesterday. Whenwementionwhenanaction in thepasttookplace, we use thepastsimple.
Past Simple vs PresentPerfect Jessica workedas a secretary for 2 years. Nowsheis a manager. Whenwerefertoanactionthatisno longertruein thepresentbutthatwastrue in thepastweuse thepastsimple.
Past Simple vs PresentPerfect Peter hasworkedas a pilot for 2 years. He is still a pilot. When we refer to an action that began in the past and is STILL true in the presentwe use the present perfect.
Past Simple vs PresentPerfect Ihavemadea pizza. Wedon’tknowwhen... Todescribeanactionthathappenedatanunspecific timein thepast (wedon’tknowwhen), we use thepresentperfect.
Past Simple vs PresentPerfect Theyhavebeento London. Several times, thisyear. Todescribeanactionthathappened in thepastbutit’s still true in thepresent, we use thepresentperfect.
PresentPerfect:youhavetoremember theVERB LIST(thethirdcolumn of theverblist) buy bring feel find get have hear leave spend take say write be break come go give see - took - taken - bought - bought - brought - brought - said - said - felt - felt - wrote - written - found- found - was/were - been - got - got - broke - broken - came - come - had - had - went - gone - heard - heard - left - left - gave - given - spent - spent - saw - seen
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? We _____ to Paris last year. went havegone Explanation: Specific time in the past – last year
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? John _____ at this school for 10 years. He likeshisjob. worked hasworked Explanation: Starts in the past and continues in the present
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? I ______ shopping several times thisweek. havegone went Explanation: Unspecific time, more than once.
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? I _____ many postcards yesterday. bought havebought Explanation: Specific time in the past – yesterday
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? Jack ______ these jeans whenhewas in London. bought hasbought Explanation: Specific time in the past – when he was in London
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? They _____ from Paris last week. havereturned returned Explanation: Specific time in the past – last week
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? We ______ eachother for a long time. haveknown knew Explanation: a period of time that started in the past and continues in the present
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? _____ you ever _____ to London? Did… be Have... been Explanation: Unspecific time – ever
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? ____ you ____ to sleep late last night? Have… gone Did... go Explanation: Specific time in the past – last night
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? The Turners ________ toLisbon in April. moved havemoved Explanation: Specific time in the past – in April
Past Simple orPresentPerfect? Oh... where’s my phone? I ______ my cell phone! lost have lost Explanation: Unspecific time