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2010-2011 Scorekeeping Clinic Scorekeeper Chair Kim Kenyon Rev. 11/04/10
Be Courteous to OthersPeople Are Here to Learn • Please: • Turn off cell phones. • Pay attention. • Things have changed from last season. • Do not distract those who are here to learn. • Keep conversations to clinic related topics and low volume. • If you have a question, ask it. • The only stupid questions are the ones that you do not ask. • The person next to you probably has the same question.
Scorekeeping in the SRVA 3 Things you must do to become Qualified Qualified scorekeepers can only keep score at Juniors Events. • Attend a Southern Region Scorekeeping Clinic. • (You’re here, so check that one off your list.) This clinic will take a couple of hours. You must complete all the sections. If you fail to complete all the sections, you will not be eligible to score at any SRVA competition.
Step #2 • Make sure you get credit for being here! • Club clinic attendance list, verify your information is correct. • The Clubs will be filling out an electronic attendance list. • After a clinic, each club will send in a list of who attended. • This is used to update the SRVA database. If you’re not in the computer, we can’t keep track of your certification. When a team registers for a tournament, the tournament director will get a print out of all the teams playing and their complete rosters. You will be listed as having attended the clinic only if your name is included on this form! • ADULT classification is for anyone who is not a Junior Player (parents, coaches, etc) • JUNIOR classification is for Junior Players ONLY. • When someone takes the on-line version of the clinic their login will be the attendance record.
Step # 3 is Crucial • Join the SRVA: • You MUST join prior to officiating • The forms and directions are on the SRVA website. Completion of Steps 1-3 meets the requirements for QUALIFICATION & to eligible to be the Scorekeeper for a Juniors event.
Adding Step 4 = In-Process • Take the online / written test at www.SRVA.org • This is a closed-book test! • PASSWORD IS: SOG761S (That’s capital letters “SOG” numbers Seven Six one, and capital letter “S” case sensitive) • Go to “Forms” page, then the “Officials” page. • Scroll down to the bottom. • Click on “Online Scorekeepers Test” and follow the directions. • The test changes each login. So don’t print it out and answer the questions then log back in to fill it out, YOU WILL FAIL THE TEST. • Contact Kim Kenyon at 770-565-8867 if you cannot take the online test. A hard copy is available that you can take manually. If you choose to do this, write in your EMAIL address on the Answer Sheet and fax to Kim Kenyon at 770-579-2347. All communication with you from the Scorechair will be done via email. • ADULT PLAYING OFFICIALS...YOUR “IN-PROCESS” STATUS DOES NOT BEGIN UNTIL THE ALL 4 STEPS ARE COMPLETED. • “In-Process” Status - Ends with the completion of the USAV Sanctioned National Championships for the current season. If you have not met the requirements to become certified, you may not officiate after this time. In-Process Scorekeepers can keep score at All SRVA Events.
Certification • To Complete the Certification Process: • Correct and submit your corrections to the online test. • Receive and submit 2 ratings, the last of which must be passing. • Ratings can be from any National, Junior National or Regional Scorekeeper from any Region. • They can be obtained at any USAV Sanctioned Indoor event in any Region. (Juniors, Adult, Coed). • Make a copy for your files of all ratings, and send to Kim Kenyon. • Scorechair@Srva.org • Or you may fax them to 770-579-2347. • As you complete and send in the various portions of your certification requirements, your information will be updated in the database. • Once you have completed all the requirements, your name will be listed in the Certified Officials Section of the SRVA website (www.SRVA.org.) as In-Process “All requirements met.” • If you’ve sent all of your things in (test, corrections, and ratings), and do not see your name in the list for a couple of weeks, please contact Kim Kenyon: scorechair@SRVA.org to confirm she has received it. • Things sometimes get lost in the mail. Make sure you keep copies of everything you send in!
Junior Scorekeeper Certification • Returning This Year...Junior Certification • Juniors Players Only. • Complete Steps 1-3 • Take The “Online Scorekeepers Test”. • (ONE TIME ONLY!) • PASSWORD IS: SOG761S (That’s capital letters “SOG” numbers Seven Six one, and capital letter “S” case sensitive) • The test changes each login. So don’t print it out and answer the questions then log back in to fill it out, YOU WILL FAIL THE TEST. • Correct The Questions You Missed & Send the Corrections to Kim. • Download The Rating Sheets From Srva.Org • Contact Kim Kenyon By Email To Get Started: Scorechair@srva.Org. • It Will Be The Individual Junior’s Responsibility To Keep Up With The Process. • Reminder !. Junior Players Do Not Have To Take The Test Unless They Want To Become Certified!!!!
Qualified Must Be SRVA Regular Member Complete Clinic. Record of Clinic Attendance. No Test Required No Ratings Required This status expires each year. You will need to attend a clinic every year. You are allowed to keep score only for Jr’s events. In-Process / Certified Must Be SRVA Regular Member Complete Clinic Record of Clinic Attendance. Take Online Test. Correct The Test. Get Required # of Ratings. This status is renewable each year. Clinic attendance is not required every year. You are eligible to keep score at any USAV event. Lets Review Adults who Play: You must be In- Process or Certified to keep score at ADULT TOURNAMENTS.
Adult Scorekeepers on Jrs Events? You must Succesfully Pass a Mandatory USAV Background Check!
Background Checks • If you will be officiating Juniors volleyball (Referee or Scorekeeper) and are 18 or above you will need to have a successfully passed a current USAV Background Check. (Junior Players are excluded) • The forms for the Background Check are available on the SRVA website. There is a cost of $20 to process the Background Check. • The Background checks are good for two years. • Even if you have a current Background Check from your work i.e. Teachers, FBI... You will need to successfully pass the USAV Background Check.
R1 L1 L3 Team Bench Team Bench Officials and Work TeamCommon Placement R1 – 1st Referee R2 – 2nd Referee S – Scorekeeper AS – Assistant Scorekeeper (Libero Tracker)VS – Visual Scorekeeper (Scoreboard Operator) L1/L3 - Linespersons R2 AS VS S
Materials Needed to Keep Score • 2 non-deciding set score sheets, or 1-two set sheet • Deciding set score sheet if match play • 2 line-up sheets • Libero tracking sheet • Rosters (if required for the event) • Visual Scoreboard • Black or blue pen, pencils and eraser • Correction tape - if you are using all pen • Straight edge (ruler) - for hour-glasses • A watch - to enter Start and End times
Non Deciding set score sheet Two set score sheet Libero tracking sheet Deciding set score sheet Line-up sheet for each team
Parts of the SCORE SHEET HEADING (Pen) TIME AND TEAM INFORMATION (Pen) Line up (Pen) Points (Running Score Columns) Line up (Pen) Score at ChangeSection Score at Change Section Service Round Section Service Round Section Time Outs Total Team Substitutions SANCTIONS REMARKS OFFICIALS SECTION (Pen) RESULTS (Pen)
Beginning the Score Sheet • As soon as you have completed playing your match and it is your turn to officiate get your pens, pencils, watch, eraser and correction tape • Start the Heading and Officials section of the score sheet while you are waiting for the results of the coin toss at the captain’s meeting
Heading and Officials Sections Using Pen And CAPITAL LETTERSEnter Heading Information REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON, TX COURT 2 CONV CENTER POOL B - MATCH 8 • Make sure you complete all Division, Court and Match information for accurate posting of results • For the Date use: MM/DD/YY (03/14/11) • For the Time use International Time (hhmm): 8:00 AM would be 08:00 1:15 PM would be 13:15 GIRLS JUNIOR 16’s MARCH 14, 2010 (03/14/11) MATCH TIME 2:00 PM (14:00) REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TX 2 B 8 CONV CENTER X 03/14/11 X 16 14 00
Using Pen And CAPITAL LETTERSEnter Officials LAST NAME, FIRST NAME • 1st Referee: SAM GOODE • 2nd Referee: JESSE SMART • Scorekeeper: TAYLOR QUICK • Do Not sign until the end of the set. • Work Team: ACES • Region: LS (Lone Star)[Work Team Region] • Set Number: 1 GOODE, SAM SMART, JESSE QUICK, TAYLOR Do Not sign until the end ACES LS 1
Results of the Coin Toss REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TX 2 CONV CENTER B 8 X 03/14/11 X 14 00 16 X B A OWLS COUGARS X X • Enter the Team Information in Pen and CAPITAL LETTERS. • COUGARS serving on the left. • Put an A in the circle. Cougars will be Team A for the whole match. • X the service circle, • OWLS receiving on the right. • Put a B in the circle. Owls will be Team B for the whole match. • Xthe receive circle and • X the first service round box in the receiving teams’ column I.
LINE-UP SHEETS LIBERO NUMBER 15 Owls Cougars FLOORCAPTAIN 8 6c 4 7 3c 5 COACH’S SIGNATURE 10 12 2 9 11 1 • Once the line-up is signed and received it may not be changed, unless a regular substitution is made • Look for a Libero number when the line-up is received so it may be added if the coach forgot • The coach must fill out the line-up for each set Do Not just use the 1st set line-up for the 2nd set
REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TX 2 CONV CENTER B 8 X 03/14/11 X 14 00 16 X COUGARS A B OWLS X 15 X 6c 8 10 12 3c 5 11 2 1 9 4 7 X 15 Cougars Owls 8 6c 4 7 5 3c 9 1 11 10 12 2
Give the LINE-UP to the LIBERO TRACKER to enter 15 A 2 15 4 Cougars 6c 8 8 6c 4 10 12 10 12 2 We will cover Libero Tracking in more detail later.
2ND Referee & Scorekeeper DOUBLE CHECK that the Line-up is Entered CORRECTLY X A B COUGARS OWLS X 15 X 2 4 6c 8 10 12 1 3c 5 7 9 11 • After entering the line-ups on the score sheet • The second referee should verify that you have written them correctly • Then the second referee takes the line-up sheets and checks the line-ups on the floor • The scorekeeper should check the line-ups at the same time to be sure the line-ups are entered correctly and the players are in the correct positions on the court
Entering Start Time Remember: you have a built in Cheat-Sheet REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TX 2 CONV CENTER B 8 X 03/14/10 X 14 00 16 X 14 14 B A COUGARS OWLS 15 X 3c 5 7 9 11 1 4 6c 8 10 12 2 X • The starting time for the set is when the first referee beckons for service • The time is entered in Pen • Use International time. Ex: 2 PM = 14:00 • The set starts at 2:14 PM. List the start time as (14:14)
Scoring the Set • ü(tic) the number in the upper right corner of Service Rounds box for each correct server when they CONTACT the ball for service • If it is the wrong server- DO NOT ü the number in the service round box. • Only enter the Exit Score (total team score) • Do not notify the 2nd Referee until after the wrong server has contacted the ball • DO NOT üthe Service Rounds box if the server fails to serve in the alotted time and a loss of rally is issued without contact of the ball • DO NOT ü the Service Rounds box if a Server tosses a ball and lets it drop. Note: 14 and under are allowed to toss the ball and let it drop one time per service • DO NOT ü the Service Rounds box if the last point of the set is scored on a loss of rally. Just enter the set point as the exit score for the next server • For the first rotation ü boxes with the number 1. For the second rotation ü boxes with the number 2 and so on.
Ticking the Service Round Box. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TX 2 CONV CENTER B 8 X 03/14/11 X 14 00 16 X A B OWLS COUGARS 15 14 14 X X 3c 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 5 7 9 2 ü X • Once the set begins you may use Penor Pencil. • the number in the Service Rounds box when Cougars #2 (the first server) legally contacts the ball Do Not ü before they contact the ball. Make a small ü that only covers the number. X
Scoring the Set X B 14 14 OWLS A COUGARS X 15 X 4 6c 8 10 12 3c 1 2 5 7 9 11 ü X 1 Cougars score a point. Slash point 1 in the points column. Cougars #2 serves again. You do not do anything on the score sheet, but you must visually check that #2 is still the server. Cougars #2 serve out of bounds. That ends #2’s term service. Enter the EXIT SCORE- (The total team score at the end of the service) in the Service Rounds box. Cougars have 1 point. Now slash the loss of rally point for Owls in their Points column. X
Scoring the Set X A COUGARS 14 14 B OWLS X 15 X 4 6c 8 10 12 3c 5 7 9 11 1 2 ü ü X 1 3 The first server for Owls is # 3c. After they contact the ball for service ü the Service Rounds box. Owls #3 scores with an Ace. Slash Point 2. Owls #3 serves and scores another point. Slash point 3. #3 then commits a Foot Fault while serving. No additional information needs to be recorded for a Foot Fault. Since the Foot Fault is the end of #3’s service enter the Exit Score of 3. Now slash the loss of rally point for Cougars in their Points column. X
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 4 6c 8 10 12 3c 5 7 9 11 1 2 ü ü ü X 1 5 3 Cougars #4 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box) and scores a point. Slash point 3 Cougars #4 serves and wins two more points. Slash points 4 and 5 Cougars #4 serves the ball into the net.Enter the Exit Score of 5 Now slash the loss of rally point for Owls in their Points column. X 30
Scoring the Set X A B 14 14 COUGARS OWLS X 15 X • Each team gets only 2 time outs per set. No additional team time outs are ever awarded in USAV play • Time-outs in USAV are 30 seconds long • During time outs, check that the visual score is correct • Check that the number of substitutions matches the total team subs and that the Score at Change entries are complete • The Assistant Scorekeeper should note which Libero is on or off the floor. When the teams return check that there was no illegal Libero entry or exit 4 6c 8 10 12 3c 5 7 9 11 1 2 ü ü ü ü X 1 5 3 9 5 8 Owls #5 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box) and scores a point. Slash point 5 Owls #5 serves and wins three more points. Slash points 6, 7 and 8 The coach for the Cougars calls for and is granted a time out. Enter the score for each team in the Time Outs box, requesting team first. Owls #5 serves an ace. Slash point 9 Owls #5 then serves the ball out.Enter the Exit Score of 9 Next slash the loss of rally point in the Cougars Points column. X 31
Scoring the Set X B A COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 2 • Each team gets 12 Team Substitutions • There is no limit to the number of individual substitutions • Once a player is listed in a service column, they may not substitute in any other service column, unless there is an Exceptional Substitution due to injury • More than 2 players may be in the same service column, but those players are locked into that service position 9 8 ü ü ü ü ü X 10 1 5 3 9 5 8 Cougars #6 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box), and scores a point. Slash point 7 Cougars #6 serves and wins an additional point. Slash point 8 The Owls substitute #13 for #5. Slash #5 and enter #13, enter the score for each team in the Score at Change section, substituting team first. Then slash the next number in the Substitutions section. When you have completed your entries, hold your arms up with palms facing out to show you are ready Cougars #6 serves two more points. Slash points 9 and 10. Cougars #6 then serves the ball into the net.Enter the Exit Score of 10, Next slash the loss of rally point for Owls in their Points column. X 32
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 ü ü ü ü ü ü X 10 1 5 3 9 15 5 8 Owls #7 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box), and scores a point. Slash point 11 Owls #7 serves and wins three additional points. Slash points 12, 13 & 14 The Cougars substitute #14 for #8. Slash #8 and enter #14, then enter the score for each team in the Score at Change section, substituting team first. Finally, slash the next number in the Substitutions section. Owls #7 serves one more point, then serves the ball out. Slash point 15 thenenter the Exit Score of 15 Next slash the loss of rally point for Cougars in their Points column. X 33
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 10 1 5 3 9 15 5 8 Cougars #14 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box), and scores a point. Slash point 12 Cougars #14 serves and wins another point. Slash point 13 After the referee blows the whistle and signals for serve, Owls #9 requests a time out. The referee denies the request and allows the rally to continue. Cougars win the rally. Slash point 14 X 34
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 10 1 5 3 15 9 15 5 8 • Sanctions are cumulative over the entire match • Re-enter them on any additional score sheets(like a deciding set) At the end of the rally, R2 tells you “Improper Request on the Owls” (Team B). In the IMPROPER REQUEST box place an X through the circled B. Cougars #14 serves one more point, then serves the ball out. Slash point 15 thenenter the Exit Score of 15 Next slash the loss of rally point for the Owls in their Points column. X X 35
Scoring the Set X B A COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 10 1 5 3 9 15 5 8 Owls #11 serves the ball. #9 should have served the ball, so that is an incorrect server. Notify the R2 as soon as the server contacts the ball for service. Do not enter a tic mark, just enter the Exit Score of 16. Next slash the loss of rally point for Cougars in their Points column. No additional information needs to be recorded for a Wrong Server. X 36
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 9 15 5 8 Cougars #10 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box), and the ball goes out. EnterExit Score of 16 and slash the loss of rally point for Owls in their Points column. Owls #11 serves the ball (üthe Service Rounds box), and scores a point. Then scores 3 more points. The Cougars substitute #8 for #14. Slash #14 and enter #8 then enter the score for each team in the Score at Change section, substituting team first. Finally, slash the next number in the Substitutions section Owls #11 wins one more point, then loses the next rally. Slash Owls next point, enter exit score and slash loss of rally point for the Cougars X 37
Scoring the Set X A B COUGARS 14 14 OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 20 9 15 • Reminder: Sanctions are cumulative over the entire match • Re-enter them on any additional score sheets(like a deciding set) 5 8 22 19 Let’s try a couple on your own! Cougars #12 serves the ball, and scores a point. #12 serves and wins an additional point. The captain for the Owls calls a time out. Owls #11 yells at an opposing player using foul language. R1 holds up a yellow card and points at Owls #11. In the SANCTIONS box make the following entry: Penalty on Player #11, Team B, Set 1, Score 22:19 In the Cougars Points column, slash and circle point 20 After entering the Sanction information provide the Ready signal Cougars #12 serves the ball and loses the rally. X X 1 22 19 11 B 38
Scoring the Set X A B 14 14 COUGARS OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 20 9 15 ü ü 22 23 5 8 22 19 Let’s try a couple more on your own! Owls #1 serves the ball into the net. Cougars #2 serves and wins a point. #2 serves and the Cougars lose the rally Cougars #14 enters substitution zone with their warm-ups on. R1 holds their hand against their wrist indicating a Team Delay warning In the SANCTIONS box make the following entry: Under Warning slash the D, Team A, Set 1, Score 22:24 X X 1 22 19 11 B 1 22 24 A 39
Scoring the Set X 15 06 A B 14 14 COUGARS OWLS X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 20 9 15 ü ü ü ü 25 23 24 22 23 5 8 22 19 Owls #3 serves the ball out. Cougars #4 serves in, but her team loses the rally. Owls won the set on a side-out. No tic mark is entered in the Service Rounds section for #13, only the exit score showing set point Switch to PEN to complete the remainder of the score sheet. The set ends at 3:06pm. Enter the time in the END box (International time) In the Service Rounds section Circle the last exit score for each team In the Points column for each team, “hourglass” any unused points.(A separate hourglass should be drawn for each column) X X 1 22 19 11 B 1 22 24 A 40
Scoring the Set X 15 06 A B COUGARS OWLS 14 14 X 15 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 20 9 15 ü ü ü ü 25 23 24 22 23 5 8 22 19 Enter the Winning and Losing teams and scores in RESULTS Check your score sheet for any oversights or errors, then sign Have the Team Captains sign the score sheet (Coaches for Juniors) Give the score sheet to the R1 for their signature. YEA!!!! You have successfully completed your score sheet!!! X GOODE, SAM SMART, JESSE X QUICK, TAYLOR 1 22 19 11 B 1 22 23 A ACES LS OWLS 25 1 COUGARS 23 41
Tracking the LIBERO Assistant Scorekeeper / Libero Tracker should enter the line up of teams having a Libero A 15 2 15 Cougars 4 6c 8 8 6c 4 10 12 10 12 2
A 15 2 4 6c 8 10 12 Tracking the LIBERO Cougars’ Libero replaces #12. Slash #12 and Write L L
A 15 2 4 6c 8 10 12 Tracking the LIBERO • When the Libero leaves the player whose # is slashed before the L must replace the Libero. Cougars’ #12 replaces the Libero. Slash the L and write 12. • The Libero Must sit out one completed Rally before re-entering the set. • The Libero Tracker should check that the Libero DOES NOT play the front row or serve. L 12
A 15 2 4 6c 8 10 12 Tracking the LIBERO • The Libero Tracker must also track regular substitutions.Cougars’ #18 replaces #2. Slash the 2 and write 18. • Remember that the Libero must always be replaced by the player whose number is listed before the L. A regular substitution can be made right away. 18 L 12
SRVA Libero Serving For SRVA Sanctioned Events Only: • If a Tournament Director chooses to do so they can have their event sanctioned to allow “The libero to replace the server in one rotation. (In that rotation, the player who started the set in that position, the libero, or any legal substitute for the starting player, may serve.”) • The Scorekeeper and Libero Tracker will annotate which rotation the Libero served on the Scoresheet and Libero tracking sheet. The Scorekeeper will also notate the points served by the Libero with a
Tracking the LIBERO Serve A 14 2 4 6c 8 10 12 • When the Libero Serves you will draw a triangle around the service order number. • The Libero Tracker should check that the Libero DOES NOT play the front row or serve in more than one rotation. • When the Libero leaves the player whose # is slashed before the L must replace the Libero. Cougars’ #12 replaces the Libero. Slash the L and write 12. L 12 47
Scoring the Set When the Libero Serves X B 14 14 A COUGARS OWLS X 14 X 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 8 10 12 1 14 2 9 10 8 14 16 21 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 16 15 22 10 1 5 3 16 20 9 15 ü 5 8 22 19 Cougars #12 was replaced by the Libero The Libero goes back to serve in position VI. Tic the service round box also place a triangle around position VI after the Libero serves the ball. Cougars Libero serves and wins a points 18, 19, 20. The Libero misses her next serve, record the exit score. The Owls get point 23. Owls #1 goes back to serve, tic the box when she contacts the ball. X X 1 22 19 11 B 1 22 24 A 48
The Line Up for the team starting on the left will also be entered on the far right x A B OWLS x B COUGARS OWLS x 15 1 3c 5 7 9 11 1 3c 5 7 9 11 X X Owls 5 3c 7 Note: Heading information is the same as entered for sets 1 and 2. 9 11 1