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Analysis of exhaled breath with chromatography or electronic nose . D iagnosis of lung cancer by multifactorial logistic regression analysis.
Analysis of exhaled breath with chromatography or electronic nose.Diagnosis of lung cancer by multifactorial logistic regression analysis Dr.med. Māris Bukovskis 1 2 4, Dr.biol. Gunta Strazda 1 2 3, Dr.med Uldis Kopeika 2 5, Dr.biol.Normunds Jurka 2, Līga Balode 2, Dr. Jevgenija Aprinceva 3, Dr. Ainis Pirtnieks 5, Prof. Immanuels Taivans 2 3 1 Department of Pulmonology and Allergology, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, 2 Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Latvia, 3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, 4 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, 5 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital
Lung cancer mortality and diagnostic methods • Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women and causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined (colon, breast and prostate) • 58 - 73% of stage I lung cancer patients suvive 5-years compared to 9 - 24% of patients with stage III lung cancer • Available diagnostic methods - nonsensitive (sputum, chest x-ray), expensive (CT) or invasive (FB) Goldstraw P et al. J Thorac Oncol 2007 American Cancer Society Cancer. Facts and Figures 2012
VOC’s in exhaled breath Lung cancer sniffer dogs CBC News Aug 17, 2011 Gordon SM etal. ClinChem 1985 Machadoetal. AJRCCM 2005 Chen X etal. Cancer 2007
Complex consisting of desorbtion unit, gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer
Chromatogram showing multiple peaks representing particular chemical substances
Functional principles of electronic nose Cyranose 320 Response of 32 sensors to air sample ΔRmax Relative electric resistance Baseline Time (s)
Methods • 475 patientsintotal,252ofthemlungcancerpatients,and223patientswithdifferentlungdiseasesandhealthyvolunteers,wererecruited inthe study • Collection and sampling of exhaled air by electronic nose(Cyranose 320) • Analysis of “smell prints” by multifactorial regression analysis
Why is this so valuable? • Advantages of exhaled breath analysis by electronic nose: - cheap - easy to do - non-invasive - sufficiently accurate - possible to do in a large number of patients at risk (all smokers > 50 years of age) • Chromatography analysis is valuable for scientific research purposes
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