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Welcome to PSC-1121 Physical Science. The Physical Science of Music Fall 2008. Dr. Jeffrey B. Bindell MAP 417. bindell@physics.ucf.edu. Physical Science of Music. What the heck does music have to do with physical science? Is physics a dirty word?
Welcome to PSC-1121Physical Science The Physical Science of Music Fall 2008
Dr. Jeffrey B. BindellMAP 417 bindell@physics.ucf.edu
Physical Science of Music • What the heck does music have to do with physical science? • Is physics a dirty word? • This course will discuss introductory physics (as required by the college) • This course will “flavor” the course with its specific applications to music rather than just plow through the book talking about things you probably don’t care for very much.
The Other Section • There is another section of this course that will study hurricanes as a “flavor”. • It is being taught by Dr. Brueckner in the afternoon. • I am better looking!
Class Information • NOTE: The Syllabus and all lectures can be found on the website for the class: • www.physics.ucf.edu/~bindell • Class meets in this room • MWF @ 9:30AM – 10:20AM
We Will Study • What is science? • What is the Scientific Method? • What is Measurement? Standards? Observation? Physics? • We will study • Newton’s Laws • Sound, Waves music • How music is structured. What is it? How does it work? • A bit about gasses (air), mixtures (air), density (air) • How do musical instruments work? PHYSICS !
Textbooks- • “Physics – A World View”, 6th edition by Kirkpatric & Francis (Thompson – Brooks /Cole publisher). • If purchasing the textbook from the UCF bookstore • Make sure it includes • A $10.00 Clicker discount (later) • A WebAssign registration form. • The book can be downloaded onto your computer (link will be provided) on a chapter by chapter basis. Since we will only use 50% of the test, this is a good option. $5.00 a chapter (??) • If you print it out, the ink cost may make this more expensive an option.
ADDITIONAL TEXT- • “Measured Tones” by Ian Johnston. Second Edition IoP Press (Institute of Physics) (2002) • This adds the music component. You do not HAVE to purchase this book but it is recommended that you do so. • OPTIONS: • Purchase from the bookstore (listed as required so they will order enough copies) • You can buy the book on Amazon.com at a much lower price than the bookstore’s price. • If you choose not to buy the book, you may have to rely on the internet for the music stuff!
What Do You Need? • The textbook • With i-clicker coupon ($10.00) • With WebAssign registration (Normally $15) • If you download chapters, you will have to purchase the above separately. (Sorry) • Measured Tones • Measured Tones: The Interplay of Physics and Music, Second Edition by Ian Johnston (Paperback - Mar 1, 2002) • AMAZON: Buy new: $34.99 • Bookstore $60+ • An i-clicker
What the heck is an i-clicker?? CPS clicker EVIL i-clicker GOOD
The i-clicker • Student response system. • Used every day. • You answer questions in class as we go along. • I find out what is being learned and what needs attention. • You will find out if YOU understand the material. • See the syllabus for information about how to register your i-clicker for this course or goto http://www.iclicker.com/dl/registrationoptions.pdf
i-clicker algorithm • 3-Points if you answer a question correctly. • 2-Points if your answer is wrong. • 0-Points if you don’t answer the question at all. 15% of your grade !
What is WebAssign??? • An Electronic Homework System • A grade book • A communications approach • Communicate with others in the class via the forum. • Send me e-mails • Request extensions on overdue homework. • Penalty • Register at www.webassign.net • Movie (for instructors but you can look) • http://www.webassign.net/movies/
About those grades … • There will be four mid-term examinations. • I will discount the lowest grade. • There will be an all-inclusive final exam. • There is Homework. • There is the clicker grade. • 66% if you attend all classes and get the wrong answer on every question.
The Small Print The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Dr. Bindell shares the same commitment. Students with disabilities who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services (SDS), Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from Dr. Bindell. Students who are registered with SDS and need accommodations in PSC1121 must contact Dr. Bindell at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. At UCF, academics comes first. Attendance at examinations is mandatory, and there will be no make-up examinations. University excused absences exist only for religious observances, intercollegiate activities and athletics, and university-verified family or medical emergency. Weddings, plane tickets that your parents got on priceline.com, or tickets to the Bahamas do not count as legitimate excuses. Therefore, plan your semester accordingly, and if you know that you will not be able to make all the examinations, you should drop the course now and take it during spring semester. It is Physics Department policy that making up missed work will only be permitted for University-sanctioned activities and bona fide medical or family reasons. Authentic justifying documentation must be provided in every case (in advance for University-sanctioned activities). At the discretion of the instructor, the make-up may take any reasonable and appropriate form including, but not limited to the following: a replacement exam, replacing the missed work with the same score as a later exam, allowing a 'dropped' exam, replacing the missed work with the homework or quiz average. Any cheating I detect on examinations will be punishable by no less than a zero on the examination in question and up to expulsion from UCF.
HOMEWORK • Get the “stuff” • Register for i-clicker. • Register in WebAssign
Go Away Now! See you on Wednesday