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2014 ProGED Operational Plan: Bohol

2014 ProGED Operational Plan: Bohol. Presented by Nannette Arbon Provincial Director DTI Bohol. Outline. 2014 Bohol ProGED Major Activities for LOI 1 : Information and Awareness on GED LOI 2 : Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking LOI 3 : Green Framework Conditions

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2014 ProGED Operational Plan: Bohol

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2014 ProGED Operational Plan:Bohol Presented by Nannette Arbon Provincial Director DTI Bohol

  2. Outline 2014 Bohol ProGED Major Activities for • LOI 1: Information and Awareness on GED • LOI 2: Green Service Facilitation and Matchmaking • LOI 3: Green Framework Conditions LOI = Line of Intervention

  3. Bohol ProGED 2014 OP

  4. LOI 1: Information andawareness on GED Output 1 MSMEs and LGUs realize that being environment friendly and climate smart makes economic sense

  5. LOI 1: Information andawareness on GED Output 2 MSMEs which go green are publicly recognized, for example through green tourism standards

  6. LOI 2: Green servicefacilitationandmatchmaking Output 3 MSMEs demand enterprise specific climate smart and environment friendly services and/or technologies which enhance their competitive-ness

  7. LOI 2: Green servicefacilitationandmatchmaking Output 4 Service providers offer services (such as energy efficiency services) which are known to and demanded by MSMEs as they become environment friendly and climate smart

  8. LOI 2: Green servicefacilitationandmatchmaking Output 5 More MSMEs acquire information on the requirements and possibilities to access green finance

  9. LOI 2: Green servicefacilitationandmatchmaking Output 6 Companies introduce climate smart and environment friendly ways of doing business within their supply chain

  10. LOI 3: Green frameworkconditions Output 7 DTI’s programs and approaches better support MSMEs in making their business more climate smart and environment-ally friendly

  11. LOI 3: Green frameworkconditions Output 8 LGUs, NGAs and BMOs cooperate to use opportunities for an environment-ally friendly and climate smart development

  12. LOI 3: Green frameworkconditions Output 8 LGUs, NGAs and BMOs cooperate to use opportunities for an environment-ally friendly and climate smart development

  13. Thank you for your attention!Any questions, please?

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