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Nutrition Professional Ethics_2014_for student


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  1. Of Dietitian and Nutritionist February, 2011

  2. Contents  1 Introduction to the course 2 Ethics 3 Nutrition profession qualification and KKNI February, 201

  3. February, 2011

  4. ETHICS   Formal principles or values used to determine whether practices are right or wrong, good or bad.  Most professional organizations have ethical codes that define general standards of appropriate professional conduct.  Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity (Oxford dictionary)  Example: The study was performed in accordance with the regulations laid down by the hospital's ethics committee. February, 2011

  5. ETHICS  Rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad An area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior : a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong a belief that something is very important (Merriam webster Dictionary) February, 2011

  6. ETHICS   (functioning as singular) the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it; moral philosophy  (functioning as plural) a social, religious, or civil code of behaviour considered correct, esp that of a particular group, profession, or individual (functioning as plural) the moral fitness of a decision, course of action Collins dictionary February, 2011

  7. ETHICS   Ethics is a collection of values and behaviors which people feel are moral.  Ethics is the name we give to our values or good behavior.  Rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession.  It includes study of universal values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment.

  8. ETHICAL   Ethical Behavior is based on written and unwritten codes of principles and values held in society.  Ethical principles and values serve as a guide to behaviors on a personal level, within professions, and at the collective organizational level.  Ethics is the study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct.  Behavior is the way a living creature acts.  Values are A collection of guiding principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct. February, 2014

  9. Ethical Standards   Ethical Standards are principles that when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness, and/or kindness.  Ethical standards are not always easily enforceable, as they are frequently vaguely defined and somewhat open to interpretation (i.e., treat the client with respect and kindness). Others can be more specific (i.e., do not share confidential information).

  10. Ethical values   Ethical values are a set of established principles governing virtuous behavior. To help assure that a profession maintains a good reputation, many professions concerned about public relations will develop and promote a set of suitable ethical values for those within the profession to adhere to when doing business/practicing their profession.

  11. Ethical issues   Ethical issues are problems or situations that require a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).

  12. Morality   Morality is defined as conformance to a recognized code, doctrine, or system of rules of what is right or wrong and to behave accordingly.  No system of morality is accepted as universal. What is moral and what is not moral differs sharply from place to place, group to group, and time to time.

  13. Ethics vs Morals   Ethics sometimes override personal morals.  For example, consider a criminal defense lawyer. Though the lawyer's personal moral code likely finds murder immoral and reprehensible, ethics demand the accused client be defended as vigorously as possible, even when the lawyer knows the party is guilty and that a freed defendant would potentially lead to more crime. Legal ethics must override personal morals for the greater good of upholding a justice system in which the accused are given a fair trial and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

  14. ETHICS to determine whether practices are right or wrong, good or bad principles or values that govern a person’s behaviour Rules of behavior moral fitness of a decision Value is the collection of guiding principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct.

  15. ETIKA VS ETIKET ETIKA ETIKET Yunani (Ethos): adat, tata akhlak, watak, sikap, cara berpikir. Lebih mengarah pada moral Inggris (Ethics) dan Perancis (Ethiquette) yang berarti sopan santun Menyangkut suatu perbuatan yagng boleh dilakukaj Menyangkut cara melakukan sesuatu kepada orang lain Berlaku kapan saja walaupun tidak ada sangsi Berlaku hanya kalau ada sanksi sekitar Bersifat absolut Bersifat relatif Memandang manusia dari lahir dan batin Memandanng manusia dari lahirnya

  16. Code of Ethic  Noun An agreement on ethical standards for a profession or business – (Collins dictionary) States the principles and expectations governing behaviour of individuals and organisations in the conduct of a profession. It describes the minimum requirements for conduct; and behavioural expectations rather than specific activities (Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors)

  17. CODE OF ETHICS   Purpose of Code of Ethics: guidance to dietetics practitioners in their professional practice and conduct (ADA 2002)  Dietetics practitioners have voluntarily adopted this Code of Ethics to reflect the values and ethical principles guiding the dietetics profession and to set forth commitments and obligations of the dietetics practitioner to the public, clients, the profession, colleagues, and other professionals.

  18. WHY DO WE NEED ETHICS   Dietition (and Nutritionist – Permenkes 26/2013) is a profession  Profession need Code of Ethics February, 2011

  19. ADA: Fundamental Principle  1. The dietetics practitioner conducts himself/herself with honesty, integrity, and fairness. 2. The dietetics practitioner supports and promotes high standards of professional practice. 3. The dietetics practitioner accepts the obligation to protect clients, the public, and the profession by upholding the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics and by reporting perceived violations of the Code through the processes established by ADA and its credentialing agency, CDR.

  20. WORK ETHIC   Positive work ethic is the collection of all the values and actions that people feel are appropriate in the work place.

  21. WORK ETHICS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: an example   Attend 80% or more of the required class time Be prepared for class by reading assignments and completing homework Participate in activities by contributing to class discussion, completing assignments, and being involved in lab activities  Begin and end work as expected  Use work time appropriately

  22. Character   Display a high level of effort and commitment to performing and completing work  Be honest in all situations Demonstrate trustworthiness and responsible behavior  Displays loyalty, dependability, reliability, initiative, and self-discipline

  23. EXERCISE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CODE OF ETHIC   Every students will have 100 points in the beginning  Every students will be supervised by one or more related lecture in the repsective semester (PA, dosen MK sem 4, dosen muda, fasilitator, administrasi)  Every single violation will be reported (form is provided)  Every code of ethics violation will redice the poins by 10  At the end of 4th semester, the point will be use as one of the component in te Nutrition ethiccs course score

  24. WORK ETHIC PERFORMANCE STANDARD Honesty, integrity, and fairness   Honesty:  Fairness:  Use work time appropriately  Communication  Verbal  Non Verbal  Integrity:  Attendance  Be prepared for class  Completing homework  Participate in class activities  High level of effort and commitment  Responsible behavior  Dependability,  Reliability  initiative,self-discipline

  25. PROFESSIONAL   A Professional is defined as a person that is professional; especially one that engages in a pursuit or activity professionally.  A Profession is defined as a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.  Professionalism is defined as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.  Attributes, behaviors and ethics that are expected of individuals aspiring to have or with professional standing

  26. Professional ethics   Professional ethics are unchanging rules that go to the core of insuring that a certain profession maintains the trust of the public.  Having and enforcing professional ethics enable a trade group to be elevated to the level of a profession. Kelley S. Mackenroth Janke & Associates, APLC

  27. GIZI SEBAGAI PROFESI  Profesi adalah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pelatihan dan penguasaan terhadap suatu pengetahuan khusus.  Profesi mempunyai karakteristik:  keterampilan berdasarkan pengetahuan teoritis;  asosiasi profesi;  pendidikan yang ekstensif (pendidikan yang lama dalam jenjang pendidikan tinggi);  ujian kompetensi;  pelatihan institusional;  lisensi;  otonomi kerja; kode etik; mengatur diri; layanan publik dan altruisme; serta status dan imbalan yang tinggi.

  28. GIZI SEBAGAI PROFESI  Memiliki serangkaian pengetahuan (body of knowledge) yang melandasi praktek atau suatu pekerjaan di bidang gizi GIZI?

  29. SCOPE OF THE NUTRITION SCIENCE (NAS,1994; ICN-IUNS,2001) CELL Analytic chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics FOOD ORGAN Horticulture, cattle Management, Food Tech. (Product, process, quality, save) (Human & Animal) NUTRITION SCIENCE Animal nutrition, clinical nutrition, anatomy, Genetic nutrition, dietetic, pathology, physiology, psychology COMMUNITY Anthrop, Demography,Ecology, Economic, Epidemiology, Policy, Politic, Sociology February, 2011

  30. Ilmu Gizi adalah  Ilmu yang mempelajari interaksi komponen pangan dan diet secara keseluruhan dalam tubuh manusia dan sistem biologis lainnya serta aplikasinya pada terapi diet, kebijakan-program gizi dan pangan untuk mencegah penyakit dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan individu dan masyarakat  suatu cabang Ilmu Pengetahuan yang khusus mempelajari hubungan antara makanan dan Kesehatan Tubuh (PIN Dietetik, 2003).  Nutrition refers to both science and art of nutrition February, 2011

  31. The Science of nutrition  The nutritive value of foods  The metabolism of foods  The qualitative and quantitative requirements for foods at different stages of the life cycle to meet psysiological changes and activity needs  The changes in nutrient and food requirements that optimize health, prevent disease or treat disease/condition  The economic, psysiological, social and cultural factors that affect the selection and consumption of food

  32. The art of nutrition  Diverse but complementary methods and/or approaches, including  Communication  Educatiom  Organizational changes  Food provision  Legislation  Community development  Nutrition care  The methods and approaches lead to optimal nutritional status of individuals and groups

  33.  Arah Pengembangan Ilmu Gizi kedepan adalah gizi klinik, gizi masyarakat, gizi pangan, manajemen penyelenggaraan makanan, kebijakan gizi, gizi olahraga, gizi molekuler, sesuai dengan perkembangan iptek gizi dan kebutuhan pelayanan.

  34. GIZI SEBAGAI PROFESI  Pendidikan gizi sebagai pendidikan profesi dikembangkan dalam sistem pendidikan tinggi melalui jalur akademik strata 1 dan diploma sebagai bagian integral dari sistem pendidikan tinggi gizi nasional.  Profesi Teknisi Register Dietisien (TRD) dengan lama pendidikan 3 tahun termasuk internship training sebagai Teknisi dietisien,  Profesi Register Dietisien (RD) dengan lama pendidikan 1 tahun internship training  Mengembangkan pelayanan yang unik kepada masyarakat  Otonomi dalam melakukan tindakan  Bekerja sesuai standar dan kode etik profesi yaitu standar profesi gizi (SK Menteri Kesehatan No 374/MENKES/SK/III/2007)  Memiliki suatu organisasi profesi  Bebas mengambil keputusan dalam menjalankan profesinya dan menerima imbalan jasa atas layanan yang diberikan

  35. GIZI SEBAGAI PROFESI  Gizi sebagai profesi mempersyaratkan pembekalan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada tenaga gizi melalui pendidikan khusus dan uji kompetensi yang merupakan dasar untuk membentuk kemampuan yang harus dimiliki tenaga gizi sesuai standar kompetensi berdasarkan jenis dan jenjang pendidikan.  Tenaga gizi yang melaksanakan profesi gizi mengabdikan diri dalam upaya memelihara dan memperbaiki keadaan gizi, kesehatan, kecerdasan dan kesejahteraan rakyat melalui upaya perbaikan gizi, pendidikan gizi, pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi gizi, serta ilmu-ilmu terkait.

  36. Nutrisionis adalah seorang yang diberi tugas, tanggungjawab dan wewenang secara penuh oleh pejabat yang berwewenang untuk melakukan kegiatan tehnis fungsional di bidang pelayanan Gizi, makanan dan dietetik, baik di Masyarakat maupun di Rumah sakit dan unit pelaksana Kesehatan lainya, berpendidikan dasar Akademi Gizi (AsDI, 2003) February, 2011

  37. Dietisien  adalah seseorang Nutrisionis yang telah mendalami Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan Dietetik, baik melalui lembaga pendidikan formal maupun pengalaman bekerja dengan masa kerja minimal satu tahun atau yang mendapat Sertifikasi dari Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (PERSAGI) dan bekerja di unit pelayanan yang menyelenggarakan terapi Dietetik. (Direktorat Gizi Depkes RI, 2003).  a person with a legally recognised qualification (in nutrition and dietetics), who applies the science of nutrition to the feeding and education of groups of people and individuals in both health and disease” (EFAD, European Federation of The Associations of Dietitians) February, 2011

  38. One engage in dietetic practice Dietetic Practice: the integration and application of the principles derived drom the science of nutrition, biochemistry, food, physiology, management and behavioral and social science to achieve and maintain peoples health through the provision of nutrition care services February, 2011

  39. Registered dietitian  Sarjana gizi yang telah mengikuti pendidikan profesi (Dietetics internship) dan ujian profesi serta dinyatakan lulus kemudian diberi hak untuk mengurus izin memberi pelayanan dan menyelenggarakan praktek gizi (Kepmenkes no.374/2007)  A registered dietitian is a food and nutrition expert who has met the minimum academic and professional requirements to qualify for the credential “RD,” as determined by the American Dietetic Association (ADA).  In addition to RD credentialing, many states have regulatory laws for dietitians and nutrition practitioners, meaning they require individuals to be licensed in order to practice nutrition in their state. February, 2011

  40. Nutritionist versus dietitian  A dietitian is an expert in food and nutrition. They give dietary advice, help promote healthy eating habits, develop specific diets for people, and participate in nutrition research. In the U.S., nutrition professionals include the registered dietitian (RD), and the dietetic technician, registered (DTR). They are regulated by the American Dietetic Association (ADA). They must meet strict educational and professional prerequisites and pass a national exam before they are registered dietitians.  Nutritionists are health specialists who are interested in food and nutritional science, preventative nutrition, diseases related to nutrient deficiencies, and the use of food and nutrients to cure disease and ailments. February, 2011

  41. REGISTRATION PROCESS OF THE 3 PROGRAM TYPES IN US Coordinated Program (didactic + practice);CADE (accredited) program graduate with BS or MS and “RD eligible” Didactic Program; CADE Program graduate w. BS University/College; non CADE program; graduate w. BS or MS M Verification Statement; meeting CADE didactic requirements given by CADE accredited undergraduate program Dietary Internship (DI); 6 – 24 months M = Matching procedure application process to RD RD Eligible Pass RD entry examination February, 2011 41

  42. TERMINOLOGI  Tenaga Gizi adalah tenaga yang memiliki kompetensi dan etika untuk melakukan pendidikan, penelitian dan pelayanan kegizian, berdasarkan ilmu dan teknologi gizi, yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan.  Jenjang pendidikan tenaga Gizi terdiri dari pendidikan vokasi, akademik dan profesi.  Ahli Gizi (Nutritionist) adalah tenaga gizi yang berpendidikan minimal sarjana sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang undangan yang berlaku  Dietisien adalah seorang sarjana gizi yang telah mengikuti pendidikan profesi dietisien (internship). February, 2011

  43. TERMINOLOGI  Register Dietisien (RD) adalah dietisien yang telah lulus uji kompetensi dan tersertifikasi yang kemudian diregistrasi sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlakudan diberi kewenangan untuk memberikan pelayanan dan menyelenggarakan praktek kegizian.  Dietisien Spesialis adalah seorang Register Dietisien (RD) yang telah mengikuti pendidikan spesialis dietisien dan memiliki kemampuan dan kepandaian dalam pengetahuan terspesialisasi, kemampuan membuat keputusan yang kompleks, dan kemampuan klinis untuk masalah dietetik tertentu (terspesialisasi)  Register Dietisien Spesialis (RDS) adalah Dietisien Spesialis yang telah lulus uji kompetensi/sertifikasi yang kemudian diregistrasi sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan diberi kewenangan untuk memberikan pelayanan dan menyelenggarakan praktek kegizian terspesialisasi.

  44. TERMINOLOGI  Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) yaitu teknisi dietetik yang tergestrasi (sebelumnya disebut: Teknisi Register Dietisien yang disingkat TRD) adalah seorang yang telah mengikuti dan menyelesaikan pendidikan Diploma III Gizi dan telah lulus uji komptensi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.


  46. TENAGA KESEHATAN dan GIZI Tenaga Gizi adalah setiap orang yang telah lulus pendidikan di bidang gizi sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundangan-undangan (Permenkes 26/2013)

  47. BAB II: PERIZINAN , Bagian Kesatu: Kualifikasi Tenaga Gizi Pasal 3  Tenaga Gizi lulusan Diploma Tiga Gizi sebagai Ahli Madya Gizi yang telah lulus uji kompetensi dan teregistrasi sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan Tenaga Gizi Technical Registered Dietisien.  Tenaga Gizi lulusan Diploma Empat Gizi sebagai Sarjana Terapan Gizi dan lulusan Sarjana sebagai Sarjana Gizi yang telah lulus uji kompetensi dan teregistrasi sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan Tenaga Gizi Nutrisionis Registered.  Tenaga Gizi lulusan pendidikan profesi sebagai Registered Dietisien yang telah mengikuti pendidikan profesi dan telah lulus uji kompetensi serta teregistrasi sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan Tenaga Gizi Registered Dietisien


  49. KKNI merupakan sistem yang berdiri sendiri dan merupakan jembatan antara sektor pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk membentuk SDM nasional berkualifikasi (QUALIFIED PERSON) dan bersertifikasi (CERTIFIED PERSON) melalui skema pendidikan formal, non formal, in formal, pelatihan kerja atau pengalaman kerja. KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL RI

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