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e-gov.br Operational Lessons from Brazilian Experience. Peter T. Knight Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda. www.tedbr.com peter@tedbr.com Presentation for the World Bank 29/06/04 From Rio de Janeiro. Structure of the Presentation.
e-gov.brOperational Lessons from Brazilian Experience Peter T. Knight Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda. www.tedbr.com peter@tedbr.com Presentation for the World Bank 29/06/04 From Rio de Janeiro
Structure of the Presentation • Findings based on the book e-gov.br, with four authors and 40 contributors, published by Financial Times Prentice Hall, São Paulo, 2004 – for information, content in Portuguese and English see www.tedbr.com/projetos/e-dem.br/e-dem.br.htm • Brazilian e-government successes and factors behind them • Implementation Challenges • E-government in Brazil – Suggestions for the future based on experience to date • Key operational issues for international financial organizations • From e-government to e-democracy – suggestions Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Brazil’s e-gov Success Stories and Factors • Vision development in 1999-2000, the “green book” (well-led broad participatory process) • e-Elections – a world leader (key is top-down leadership from the Supreme Electoral Court – TSE) • Structuring the e-gov project as a state policy (rather than the policy of a single government, thus entering into the national political agenda, including states and muncípios) • Government financial administration and tax declarations (SERPRO’s experience, continuity of leadership, IADB and BNDES financing) • e-Procurement at the Federal and state levels (savings of 20% or more, faster processes, betterquality, social control – supported by IADB and BNDES funding) Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Brazil’s e-gov Success Stories and Factors (2) • Educational TV, school computerization, teacher training, distance education by public universities (long experience with educational TV, leadership, new GESAC partnership) • Breadth and Depth of Brazilian e-governments – federal, state and local (technical depth, infrastructure, competition, emulation, funding) • The Brazilian Payments System (Central Bank leadership and one positive legacy of high and variable inflation over decades) Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Implementation Challenges from the Past • Connectivity and digital inclusion • Need for change in the culture of public administration • Vested interests in the status quo of suppliers, civil servants and politicians • Federalism in e-government • Legacy systems, diverse networks, and excessive number of telecom provider contracts Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
GESAC: Digital Inclusion via Satellite – 3200 points 3/04 Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Challenges for Brazilian Governments: Sugestions for the Future • Consolidate the insertion of the e-government program in the priority agenda of the government • Strengthen the penetration of e-gov in the organizational structure of ministries and secretariats • Assure budgetary resources, rationalizing expenses • Deepen horizontal integration (between ministries, secretariats) and vertial integration (between levels of the federation), with special emphasis on • Unifying the provision of services to the citizen • Strengthening infrastructure • Strengthen processes and mechanisms for coordination and establishment of standards for e-government infrastructure to assure integration between platforms and systems (e-PING) Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Challenges for Brazilian GovernmentsSuggestions for the Future (2) • Define and implement, as a priority project, the establishment of the necessary infrastructure • Advance in the evolution of quality and performance in supplying public services to citizens via the Internet toward capacity to carry out complete transactions • Facilitate e-commerce, including “inclusão empresarial” • Mobilize, motivate and train civil servants for new work styles, communication, access to information, and provision of e-government services – using modern distance education and seeking returns to scale Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Challenges for Brazilian GovernmentsSuggestions for the Future (3) • Advance toward organizational restructuring of public administration, based on re-engineering processes so they are centered on citizens and their needs rather than corporate bureaucratic interests • Consolidate viable, transparent and effective business models that facilitate partnerships with the private sector • Consolidate and disseminate models of partnership between civil society organizations and all levels of government Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Key Operational Issues for IFIs • Priorities not very different from those for e-gov. • Integrate information infrastructure with other infrastructure investments – the John Gage principle. • Leadership from the top to overcome the silo syndrome as crucial for IFIs as for governments – public sector reform may offer the greatest scope, but... • Where leadership is lacking at the federal level, look leadership at lower levels of government. • There is a need for international infrastructure finance – IFIs not well structured for this. Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
From e-government to e-democracy • Digital inclusion is absolutely critical • Strategic communication and consensus formation – undervalued services • E-government fosters transparency, participation, social control and accountability Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.
Thank you! Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda. peter@tedbr.com www.tedbr.com Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda.