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CECM/VEHR. 大气污染对æ料的å±å®³ä»¥åŠæ±¡çŒé€ æˆ çš„å†œä¸šç»æµŽæŸå¤± Material Damage from Air Pollution and Crops Loss of Wastewater Irrigation. 2007-3-2. 1. SO2 å’Œé…¸é›¨æ±¡æŸ“é€ æˆçš„ææ–™ç»æµŽæŸå¤± Material Damage by SO2 and acid rain pollution. 简介 / Introduction. å±å®³ç›¸å…³å› å /Deterioration processes depend on:
CECM/VEHR 大气污染对材料的危害以及污灌造成的农业经济损失Material Damage from Air Pollution and Crops Loss of Wastewater Irrigation 2007-3-2
1. SO2和酸雨污染造成的材料经济损失Material Damageby SO2 and acid rain pollution
简介/Introduction • 危害相关因子/Deterioration processes depend on: • 大气污染/Air pollution (e.g. SO2 and O3) • 酸雨/the pH in precipitation • 气象条件/meteorological conditions, especially the “time of wetness”(中国北方较低/low in Northern China) • 评价地区:南方地区/Southern China • 上海、江苏、浙江、福建、安徽、江西、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、四川、重庆、贵州和云南等14个省市。 • 14 provinces or municipalities of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Ahhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and Yunnan.
简介/Introduction • 两种危害途径/Two main processes are involved • 金属腐蚀/corrosion of metals • 建材腐蚀/chemical reactions altering the properties of materials. E.g. calcium rich rocks and concrete, may be sensitive to acidic components. • ECM项目中没有包括对臭氧敏感的材料/Not included in ECM: Ozone (O3) oxidize certain materials • 评价材料类型:暴露于空气污染的建筑物表面材料。 Valuated material types:materials on building surfaces exposed to polluted ambient air。
人口/建筑面积 酸雨、SO2水平 暴露 面积 材料 构成 腐蚀 剂量 反应 关系 人均材料 暴露面积 材料暴露面 积/建筑面积 污染条件下 的腐蚀速度 材料暴露面积 CDL 维护 替换 单价 维护/替换 的费用C0 污染条件下 的使用寿命L 清洁条件下 的使用寿命L0 材料腐蚀经济损失 C=(1/L-1/L0)×C0 计算流程/Flow chart
计算模型/Valuation Model C = (1/L —1/ L0)×P×S • 其中,L0指材料在没有污染地区的使用寿命(年);L指材料在污染地区的使用寿命(年);P指对材料进行一次性维护或替换的单价(元/m2);S指暴露材料存量( m2)。 • Where L0 is the life expectancy of the material in clean areas (year); L is the life expectancy of the material in polluted area (year); P is the unit price of a single maintenance or replacement operation (yuan/m2), and S is the stock at risk (m2).
剂量反应关系/Exposure-response functions • 油漆涂料,大理石,镀锌钢,铝:中国“七五”期间在南方省份现场试验成果 • Paintings, marble, galvanized steel, aluminum: Based on field experiments in southern China • 水泥,砖以及其他未包括的材料:采用欧洲研究成果 • Concrete, bricks and other materials not covered by Chinese studies: Functions from Europe
剂量反应关系Exposure-response functions for material loss valuation.
材料损失计算模型中的其他参数 Parameters in the valuation model of material loss • 暴露材料存量/Stocks-three databases • 济南和山西进行材料存量调查/Surveys in Jinan and Shanxi • 广州(Henriksen和其他人,1999年)研究/Guangzhou • 两组不同数据来计算不同类型城市的材料存量/Different city use different stocks • 维护维修费用:调查/Maintenance and replacement cost: survey
建筑存量调查方法 Survey Approaches for building stocks A 国家尺度:统计/建筑物图谱/卫片 Nation: Statistics/ Building atlas/ Satellite photo B 地区城市尺度:建筑物图谱/调查/航片 Nation: Building atlas/Survey/Air photo C 单个建筑物:测量/调查/照片 Building: Measurement//Survey/Photos
济南建筑存量调查Building Stocks Survey in Jinan 遥感影像技术+实地调查/Remote sensing +Field Survey
计算结果/Results • 2003年,中国南部酸雨覆盖地区所有省份因酸雨造成材料损失对应的经济成本总计约67亿元人民币。在南部酸雨覆盖的所有省份中,广东材料损失的经济成本最大,约为16亿元人民币,其次是浙江和江苏,均约为11亿元。人口稠密的发达地区损失较大。 • The economic cost of material damage from acid rain of all provinces in the southern acid rain region reached about 6.7 billion yuan in 2003. • Of all provinces in the southern acid-rain region, Guangdong had the highest • material cost of about 1.6 billion yuan, followed by Zhejiang and Jiangsu. • Their material costs are both about 1.1 billion yuan. • Developed, densely populated areas have large amounts of the materials sensitive to damage
3.污水灌溉造成的农作物经济损失Crop loss due to wastewater irrigation
简介/Introduction • 中国是一个缺水的国家,农业生产中使用污水灌溉比较普遍,尤其在北方地区。中国的污水灌溉量在近几十年中不断增长。 • Water scarcity is predominantly an issue in China. To mitigate the problem, it is quite common to use wastewater or sewage for irrigation,especially in Northern China .
Wastewater irrigation takes place mostly in the North North China: • 1/5 of the water resources • 2/3 of agricultural area • Groundwater depletion • 1/3 of Chinas provinces have ‘extreme water scarcity’ – all of these are in the North • Majority of acreage subject to wastewater irrigation is in the North Grain production
污灌区的定义/Definition • 废水/污水灌溉地区是指:面积超过20公顷的农田,且其灌溉用水未达到《农田灌溉水质标准》。 • The wastewater/sewage irrigation zone refers to farmland with an area over 20 hectares irrigated with water that either does not meet the standards given in Water quality standard for farmland irrigation
模型的主要依据/Basis of the model • 中国开展了两次综合性的污水灌溉调查,研究在利用污水、工业废水以及其它废水进行灌溉地区农作物所受影响。第一次:1980-1982年;第二次:1996-1999年。 • 模型的主要依据:第二次污水灌溉调查。 • Two comprehensive investigations of effects on crops in areas irrigated with water from sewage pipes, industrial plants, and other wastewater sources have been conducted.First:1980-1982; Second:1996-1999. • Basis of the model :Second National Survey Report of Wastewater-irrigated Area.
中国污水灌溉的农田面积 (1949-1995)khaSewage-irrigated area in China 1982~1995年间,中国污水灌溉区域的面积增长了160%。同时,本报告估计,到2003年,中国实施污水灌溉地区的面积为405万公顷。 Wastewater-irrigated areas have grown by a factor of 1.6 between 1982 and 1995, and this report estimated that in 2003, the wastewater irrigation areas totaled about 4050kha.
污灌的类型Types of sewage water irrigation • 清污混灌 clear water and sewage mixed irrigation (CSMI) • 纯污灌 pure sewage irrigation (PSI)
终端危害/End damage • 数量方面:产量下降/Yield reduction • 质量方面:/Quality influence • 污染物超标/excess pollutants in crops (fail to meet standards) • 质量下降/poor nutrient quality • 蛋白质、氨基酸、Vc含量降低 • 蔬菜Vc含量降低和硫酸盐含量提高 • 注意:食用受污染食品造成的危害没有计算在内/Health damage if people eat contaminated crops not included
有机污染物污染的土壤 (Land polluted by POPs)
计算模型——Calculation model 1、减产造成的经济损失Economic loss due to yield reduction 2、农作物污染物含量过高造成的经济损失 Economic loss due to excess pollutants in crops 3、营养品质降低造成的经济损失 Economic loss due to nutritional quality decline
污水灌溉对农作物产量和品质的影响(%) Effects of wastewater irrigation on production and quality of farm crops
2003年污灌造成的农业经济损失 (万元) Economic losses in 2003, 10 thousand RMB
Economic loss is primarily due to excess pollution levels in vegetables Total loss: 6.7 billion RMB
Water pollution-agriculture damage • Two methods • ECM: Irrigation wastewater-crops reduction • Green GDP: Water of agriculture uses violating standard V*shadow price of water of agriculture uses
Thanks! yufang@caep.org.cn