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Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education December 4, 2013 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Using Distance Education to Extend Instruction. Technical Housekeeping. If you haven’t already, call 1-866-590-5055 and enter access code 8019870#
Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education December 4, 2013 2:00 – 3:30 pm Using Distance Education to Extend Instruction
Technical Housekeeping • If you haven’t already, call 1-866-590-5055 and enter access code 8019870# • Please mute your phone line to minimize background noise. • You can access presentation materials on the GALIS “Help” page under Technically Speaking: https://galis.tcsg.edu/OAL_PORTAL/Docs/Documentation.aspx • Technical Difficulties? Email kbryant@tcsg.edu. • Stay tuned at the end for a link to an online evaluation form and information about the next ESL Technically Speaking.
Teleconference Overview • Introduction – Felicia Phelps, GPS Coordinator • Presenters • Jackie Reeder, Instructor, North Georgia Technical College • Delores Beasley, Instructor, Southeastern Technical College • Jackie Lowe, Program Manager, West Georgia Technical College • Questions of Presenters • Sharing from Others • Closing Remarks – Felicia Phelps, GPS Coordinator
Introduction Forward thinking & Ingenuity is necessary. Offer a variety of effective instructional methods. Help the individual; strengthen the overall program Distance Education and Online opportunities are viable options
How NGTC uses Distance Education My Skills Tutor and Contemporary ITTS/Pre-GED Each student is assigned to these programs at registration/orientation and must complete at least 10 hours per week to stay enrolled in the online program.
Benefits Additional contact hours for the program (i.e. NGTC has an additional 7,000 contact hours this fiscal year due to online classes.) Allows students that do not have transportation or childcare issues the chance to work on their GED. Can also be used as extra study time for students who are enrolled and just need extra help.
Distance Education • The Distance Education program provides additional instruction and is retention tool for students who have potential barriers to program participation. • Candler County 2010-2012 Statistics: • Enrolled: 74 • Level completions: 31 • GED’s: 16
Distance Education Requirements • TABE test level D or A • Minimum pretest score • Reading GE: 8.5 • Math GE: 8.5 • Satisfactory completion of demonstrated computer skills during orientation. • Students must attend class for post testing. • Students will spend 8-10 hours weekly in Skills Tutor, and the instructor will verify student contact hours weekly. • Student must have email address. • Instructor will monitor student detail reports for progress and will request face to face meeting with student if necessary. • Student must be able to work independently, must be self-motivated, and possess strong study skills and organization skills.
Recruitment • Form relationships with DFACS, Health Department, and WIA to distribute distance education fliers to their clients. • Put up fliers in local grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants, dollar stores, etc. • Add distance education opportunities as part of adult education program orientation. • There are probably student already in class that only need refining in a few areas before taking the test. These students are most likely ASE1 or ASE2. • Advertise with local newspaper. • Contact recruitment center in the area. • Contact local college concerning students who need learning support or GED for completion of their program. Leave fliers and/or business cards.
Orientation Plan • All learners will have a one-on-one conference with the instructor to discuss life goals and education goals. This will include discussion of the online program, goal setting, and student expectations of distance education. • Students must complete the ABE/GED intake process and intake form. The instructor will determine if the student meets the minimum score on the TABE assessment to qualify for the Distance Ed Program. If the student meets the TABE qualifications, they will go through the online program orientation and show they are competent enough to navigate the website. They will complete a computer study skills survey to assess readiness and capability for Distance Ed.
Orientation Plan Cont’d • The program guidelines and expectations will be reinforced while the student is working online. The instructor will check for hours spent in Skills Tutor, completion of and mastery of assignments with due dates, and timely response to instructor’s e-mails. • All students will have a trial period to determine their suitability for Distance Ed. They can work in the program, but if the instructor feels the student is not advancing at a reasonable level or is having far too many difficulties with online learning, then the student’s ability to work independently in Distance Ed. will be reassessed.
Task and Activities • After pretesting, the student and instructor will have a one-on-one conference to discuss the student's study plan. Instructor and student will also discuss how to use the study plan presented by Skills Tutor. • Assignments will be given by instructor through Skills Tutor. Instructor may assign additional work for student to complete and return by email. Expectations should be clearly defined. Student must understand appropriate time frame to complete work.
Tasks and Activities Cont’d • Motivating and encouraging students in the Distance Ed program is critical for the program’s success. Establish times when the teacher will be available for students’ calls to answer any questions they might have. • Regular phone calls and emails are requirements for the program. During these conferences, the instructor will provide feedback on student work. The student and instructor will discuss areas of the programs that are working and/or not working for the students.
Complying with NRS • The NRS allows distance education learners to be counted as long as the State has an approved policy in their plan. The Clock time model will be used to track student time. One hour of time in Skills Tutor is accepted as one proxy contact hour. • TABE pre testing will take place prior to a student being enrolled in the distance education program and will be used for placement. Post testing will occur after the appropriate proxy contact hours of instruction.
West Georgia Adult Education DepartmentDistance Education KHAN ACADEMY
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Questions for the Presenters ? Please say your name, program and location before asking your question
Thank you for your participation! Please complete an evaluation of this session at http://surveymonkey.com/s/TechnicallySpeakingUsingDE Next ABE/ASE Technically Speaking: Setting Student Learner Expectations January 16, 2014 2:00-3:30 pm