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Johann Sebastian Bach. Samantha Fountain September 1, 2011 1 st Period. Early Life.
Johann Sebastian Bach Samantha Fountain September 1, 2011 1st Period
Early Life • Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21, 1685, in Eisenach, Germany, the youngest child of Johann Ambrosius Bach, a church organist, and Elizabeth Lammerhirt Bach.There were musicians in the Bach family going back seven generations. The family was also devoutly Lutheran (a religion based on the faith of its believers that God has forgiven their sins). Bach received violin lessons from his father.
Early Life con. • He also had a beautiful voice and sang in the church choir. In 1694 his mother and father died within two months of each other. At age ten, Johann Sebastian moved to Ohrdruf, Germany, to live with his brother, Johann Christoph, who was the organist at St. Michael's Church. Johann Sebastian then received his first instruction on keyboard instruments from his brother.
Developing organ skills • In 1703 Bach was hired as an organist in a church in Arnstad, Germany, which gave him time to practice on his favorite instrument and to develop his talent. He got into trouble on several occasions, once for fighting with a fellow musician and once for being caught entertaining a "strange maiden" in the balcony while he was practicing the organ. In 1705 Bach obtained a month's leave to visit a church in Lubeck, Germany, to hear the organist there. Bach was so impressed that he remained there for four months without sending word back to Arnstad about what he was doing. After returning to Arnstad, he began composing long organ preludes.
Organ skills cont. • In 1707 Bach was appointed organist at a church in Muhlhausen, Germany, a richer city than Arnstad. Later that year Bach married, his cousin Maria Barbara Bach. Bach wanted to present Muhlhausen with what he called "well-ordered church music." His pastor, Johann Frohne, liked both the mass and the music to be simple. The brilliant Cantata No. 71, Gott ist mein König (God Is My King), was written for the service at which new members were placed into the city council in February 1708. It so impressed the council that the music was printed and put into the city records. The conflict between Bach's musical ideas and those of his pastor caused Bach to look elsewhere for a new position.
Working for royalty • Bach arrived in Weimar, Germany, in 1708 as court organist to Duke Wilhelm Ernst. His new position doubled his salary and allowed him to work in a stricter Lutheran environment. The years 1708 to 1710 saw an enormous output of original organ music by Bach. His reputation at the time came mainly from his organ playing, not his compositions. Crown Prince Frederick of Sweden, who heard Bach play in 1714, was so astonished that he took a diamond ring from his finger and gave it to the organist.
Working for royalty cont. • In 1716 Bach became upset when he was not offered the opportunity to replace the duke's court conductor, who had died. At the same time Prince Leopold of Cothen, Germany, heard of Bach and offered him a position. When Bach requested his release to go to Cothen, Duke Wilhelm refused to accept such short notice. Bach, who had already accepted an advance in salary, became so angry that he was placed under arrest and jailed for almost a month. Bach began his duties at Cothen after his release.
Prime of his life • In Cothen Bach's prime responsibility was to conduct the court orchestra, in which the prince himself participated. In 1720 Bach's wife died, leaving him a widower with seven children. Late in 1721 he married Anna Magdalena Wülken, a twenty-year-old singer. She had to take over the difficult role of wife to a man of genius and also that of mother to his children, the oldest of whom was twelve years old. In addition, during the next twenty years she presented Bach with thirteen more children.
Prime of his life cont. • Bach produced his greatest instrumental works during the Cothen period. The other Cothen musicians were all skilled performers, and their talent inspired Bach to write special music for them. Bach also wrote his major orchestral works during this period. He wrote many of his keyboard works for the instruction of his own children. However, after Prince Leopold married, he had less time for music, and the court orchestra had less to do. This decrease in importance, plus Bach's concern over his children's education, led him to look for another position in a strong Lutheran area. In 1723 he was named cantor (choir leader) of Leipzig, Germany, to replace the deceased Johann Kuhnau.
Later years • Bach gradually lost his eyesight during his final years. A few days before his death he read parts of the hymn Before Thy Throne I Stand for his son-in-law to right down. Following a stroke and high fever, Bach died on July 28, 1750. Four of his sons carried on the musical tradition of Bach Family.