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Introduction to Markets with Abhijan Khosla: Director of Mentorship

Join Abhijan Khosla in an engaging session to explore markets, finance, and investment opportunities. Learn about primary and secondary markets, efficient market hypothesis, different market types, trading logistics, and investing styles. Sessions held on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 4 weeks. Bring your laptop and don't hesitate to ask questions!

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Introduction to Markets with Abhijan Khosla: Director of Mentorship

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Markets Abhijan Khosla (Director of Mentorship)

  2. Welcome • Please bring your laptop to every session • Questions are very important, if you have a question don’t hesitate to ask • We will meet from 6 -7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 4 weeks • My email – ankhosla@gmail.com • Feel free to email questions, comments or concerns • Mentorship sign-up; tinyurl.com/mentorship13 GTSF Investments Committee

  3. Quiz Time! In what year was the student foundation created? • 1992 • 1980 • 1986 • 1984 GTSF Investments Committee

  4. Quiz Time! In what year was the student foundation created? • 1992 • 1980 • 1986 • 1984 GTSF Investments Committee

  5. Quiz Time! Which of the following is NOT an GTSF Committee? • Allocations • Advertising • Financial Planning • Development GTSF Investments Committee

  6. Quiz Time! Which of the following is NOT an GTSF Committee? • Allocations • Advertising • Financial Planning • Development GTSF Investments Committee

  7. Quiz Time! My career opportunities in finance include • Hedge Fund Analyst • Investment Bank Analyst • Corporate Credit Analyst • OilTrader • All of the Above GTSF Investments Committee

  8. Quiz Time! My career opportunities in finance include • Hedge Fund Analyst • Investment Bank Analyst • Corporate Credit Analyst • Oil Trader • All of the Above GTSF Investments Committee

  9. Who Am I? GTSF Investments Committee

  10. What has been happening in the markets? GTSF Investments Committee

  11. What is a market? • Two different types of markets • Primary and secondary • Let’s learn the difference! GTSF Investments Committee

  12. Markets • Primary Market - the market in which an investment bank will go to to sell new securities before they go to the public - IPO • This is why investments banks are needed for sales of debt and equity • Mostly institutional investors buying massive blocks of the security • Secondary Market - market in which a security trades after the initial offering GTSF Investments Committee

  13. Prices in a Market • How are prices determined in a market? GTSF Investments Committee

  14. Efficient Market Hypothesis • There are 3 different levels of “efficient markets” • Strong form efficient markets - the stock market reflects all information public and private making it impossible to earn outsized returns • Semi-strong form - the price reflects all public information and only private information can be used to beat the market • Weak form - the market doesn’t reflect all public or private information GTSF Investments Committee

  15. What are the different kinds of markets? • Listed vs Over The Counter • Listed - prices are listed on an exchange, what you see is what you get • NYSE • NASDAQ • CBOE • When you buy a stock through your broker they fill the order any way they see fit • They can buy that from a client, sell it to you from their own inventory, buy it from an exchange GTSF Investments Committee

  16. What are the different kinds of markets? • Over The Counter (OTC) • OTC securities (bonds and FX) don’t have listed prices • You can go onto Googleand find the current exchange rate for a currency but that is not the price you will pay • OTC markets have no listing, all prices are determined by “market makers” who take on risk by buying or selling securities GTSF Investments Committee

  17. Trading Logistics • Betting that a security will rise is called being long said security • Betting that a security will fall is called being short said security • How to short a security; • Borrow the shares from a counterparty (lender) • Sell the borrowed shares to someone (buyer) • Give a % of the proceeds of the sale to the lender to act as collateral • Buy the stock at a lower price • Return the shares to the lender and keep the profits GTSF Investments Committee

  18. Investing in Markets • Regardless of what form of efficiency you believe markets attract investors • Investors have different styles based on how and why they invest • The main investing styles are • Value • Growth • Momentum • Each investing style has a number of variables making each investor’s ultimate approach unique GTSF Investments Committee

  19. Value Investing • Benjamin Graham - considered the father of value investing • Wrote two books in the early 90’s • “Security Analysis” and “The Intelligent Investor” • Idea is to buy securities that are “undervalued” by the market • Using key metrics, Graham would find the intrinsic value of a security and determine if the market had mispriced it • Warren Buffett is the best known value investor GTSF Investments Committee

  20. Growth Investing • Growth investors invest in the potential of companies • They believe that the market is undervaluing the company’s growth potential • Growth investors still use fundamental analysis but they focus more on the potential opportunities that the firm is exploring • How may these opportunities present themselves in a company’s financial statements? GTSF Investments Committee

  21. Momentum Investing • Momentum investors look to capitalize on the trends in the marketplace • Momentum investors believe that stocks that have large increases will continue to have large increases and stocks with price shocks will continue to drop in price • Once a stock gains “momentum” price is often driven by demand and not by fundamental earnings GTSF Investments Committee

  22. Momentum Investing GTSF Investments Committee

  23. Holding Periods • As an investor you must make a decision as to how long you will hold a stock • Value and growth investors - usually hold on to securities for an extended period of time given the believe in the fundamentals and potential of a company • Momentum investors - usually hold securities long enough to ride out the momentum wave before selling • If you believe in your investment then you will be willing to take some losses for larger future gains GTSF Investments Committee

  24. Liquidity • Liquidity is the ability for a security to be converted into cash • If you are a buyer and no one is selling then you are not in a very liquid environment • Finding liquidity is very important you want to know that you can get out of a bad position easily if the tide turns • Highly illiquid markets can be moved by a few individuals and can be potentially disastrous GTSF Investments Committee

  25. Market Cap • The market cap of a company usually gives an idea as to its size since larger companies need more money and finance more via equity • Large Cap > $10 Billion • Mid Cap - between $2 and $10 Billion • Small cap < $2 Billion • How do you think the market cap of a company impacts its trading and the way it moves in the marketplace? GTSF Investments Committee

  26. Bonds or Fixed Income • Bonds are essentially fancy loans • Used by corporations and companies to raise money for operations • Much more prevalent than equity since companies need constant funding and can usually access the market quickly when needed • The yield on a bond is the interest rate paid on said bond • Prices and interest rates on bonds perform inversely i.e. as price rises the interest rate falls • If you hold a bond until maturity then price and rate fluctuations don’t matter GTSF Investments Committee

  27. The IC’s investing Style • Since we are an endowment we must be smart with the way we use our money • The IC is a growth focused fund which holds securities for 6 + months • We focus on Large Cap and Large Mid Cap firms in highly liquid environments • Our alternatives sector allows us to invest in different securities such as preferred stock and gold • The rise of ETF’s has allowed us to look at a number of different investment avenues GTSF Investments Committee

  28. Quiz Time! Who is the father of value investing? • Alexander Graham Bell • Benjamin Graham • Warren Buffett • Ben Bernanke GTSF Investments Committee

  29. Quiz Time! Who is the father of value investing? • Alexander Graham Bell • Benjamin Graham • Warren Buffett • Ben Bernanke GTSF Investments Committee

  30. Quiz Time! You shorted AAPL at $750 and covered at $250 (assuming $10 in fees) how much do you make on this trade? • 200 • 190 • -200 • -190 GTSF Investments Committee

  31. Quiz Time! You shorted AAPL at $750 and covered at $250 (assuming $10 in fees) how much do you make on this trade? • 200 • 190 • -200 • -190 GTSF Investments Committee

  32. Quiz Time! Which is not true of an OTC Market? • The prices are not listed in any central location • Buyers assume all the risk • Market makers help to determine prices • Fixed income is an example of an OTC security GTSF Investments Committee

  33. Quiz Time! Which is not true of an OTC Market? • The prices are not listed in any central location • Buyers assume all the risk • Market makers help to determine prices • Fixed income is an example of an OTC security GTSF Investments Committee

  34. Next Time • What are the basics of valuation? • Review of today’s concepts GTSF Investments Committee

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