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Education & Outreach Activities of the GriPhyN & iVDGL projects. Manuela Campanelli & Joe Romano The University of Texas at Brownsville. GriPhyN E/O team: Manuela Campanelli (coordinator) Joe Romano All GriPhyN members! iVDGL E/O team: Manuela Campanelli Keith Baker Tim Olson
Education & Outreach Activities of the GriPhyN & iVDGL projects Manuela Campanelli & Joe Romano The University of Texas at Brownsville LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
GriPhyN E/O team: Manuela Campanelli (coordinator) Joe Romano All GriPhyN members! iVDGL E/O team: Manuela Campanelli Keith Baker Tim Olson Rick Cavenaugh All iVDGL Members! UT Brownsville: MSI (90% of students are Hispanic) Close ties with LIGO (LSC member institution) Center for Research and Excellence Technology iVDGL Tier3 Centers: UT Brownsville Hampton University (Quarknet Center etc) Salish Kootenai College (LIGO etc) GriPhyN & iVDGL E/O Members LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Past Activities • Hire E/O coordinator for GriPhyN: • UT Brownsville administration approved the hiring of a full-time tenure-track faculty member to serve as GriPhyN E/O coordinator. • Search began in Fall 2000; search complete in Spring 2001. • Manuela Campanelli hired to start Fall 2001: • Attended GGF1 and GriPhyN All-Hands meetings. • Made contacts with heads of dissemination programs for European data grid projects (e.g., DataGrid, EuroGrid) and ThinkQuest. • Helped prepare the iVDGL proposal, which will increase MSI participation in grid-related activities. • Construct UT Brownsville Linux cluster: • Benchmarking for Linux cluster begins in Fall 2000 (primarily for LIGO data analysis, but can also serve as a testbed for GriPhyN software). • Construction of 96-node cluster complete in Fall 2001. LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Present Activities • Development of E/O Web Site: `GriPhyN Education and Outreach Center ‘ http://www.phys.utb.edu/griphyn • Basic educational material about data grids, information about the physics experiments, activities etc. • Reference point: has already been visited by several journalists and students. • Spread News about GriPhyN/iVDGL: • Interview in`Financial times’ in Germany and ‘Brownsville Herald’ in Texas. • MOG article `Grid Physics, the Virtual Data Grid and LIGO’ (Patrick Brady & Manuela Campanelli). • Organize “First E/O Meeting” (March 1, 2002) at UT Brownsville and encourage the participation of local schools and universities to it. LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Present Activities • Grid-enable UT Brownsville Linux cluster: • Work with Scott Koranda (UW Milwaukee) as part of LIGO-GriPhyN to grid-enable UTB beowulf. • Undergraduate student (Sean Morris) at UTB currently learning how to install and run Condor, Globus, gridftp, etc. • Hiring a new graduate student (Santiago Pena) at UT Brownsville, who is very excited to do grid-related work! • Increase MSI participation with iVDGL: • Construct/upgrade small clusters (Tier3 centers) at UT Bownsville, Hampton University, and Salish Kootenai College. • Support additional undergraduate and graduate students at these institutions. • Tier3 Centers need to discuss, coordinate and plan activities! LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Present / Future activities • Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): • Preparing a proposal for a REU supplement from NSF to support 10 to 20 undergraduate students doing grid-related research during the summer at the various GriPhyN/iVDGL Institutions. • Started to contact several interested mentoring Institutions: iGOG, TransPAC group at Indiana U (James Williams, John Hicks), Caltech (Harvey Newman, Eric Aslakson), Fermilab (Ruth Pordes), UW Milwaukee (Bruce Allen). • We propose to build a soft version of the VDT and simple databases to allow an easier access to students ! • Extend E/O web site: • Add more technical support information (e.g., documentation, users manuals, “how-to” guides) as the VDT become ready. • Add web-based interface for accessing real data, illustrating some concepts of virtual data (e.g., http://skyserver.sdss.org website for SDSS data, and http://www.virtualsky.org ). LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Present / Future activities • Leverage existing E/O programs: • QuarkNet centers at Indiana U, U Florida, UT Arlington, Hampton U. Incorporate grid-related components into already existing activities. Keith Baker (Hampton U. ) will lead this activity. • EOT-PACI: discuss with Roscoe Giles (Boston U.), Scott Lathrop (NCSA) and Valerie Taylor (PI of Coalition to Diversify Computing project) to explore ways to link E/O activities. • ThinkQuest: talk with Harvey Newman and Eric Aslakson to develop special challenge projects based on application sciences and grid technology. Provide interesting data sets for ThinkQuest competitions. • SDSS Skyserver: Alex Szaley and Jordan Raddick (Johns Hopkins U) • Collaboration with E/O and dissemination programs of other grid projects (Susanna Tosi, Fabrizio Gagliardi). LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Present/Future Activities • Workshops and tutorials: • Organize special E/O meetings,“how-to” workshops and tutorials at theTier3 centers. • “All-Hands Meeting” at a MSI to get a large number of minority students directly involved. (Propose UT Brownsville in Spring or Fall 2003.) • Course development: • Include grid concepts in the classes we are teaching. • Identify interested MSIs and match with GriPhyN senior investigators who can give talks at these institutions. LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
E/O Activities among Tier3 Centers • Manuela Campanelli: • Coordination and planning (GriPhyN, iVDGL Tier 3 Centers). • Web Pages and CVS repositories. • Prepare a proposal for REU supplement. • Explore connection with E/O programs of LIGO, SDSS (UTB has strong interest in E/O astronomy because of the NASA and ENLACE programs), provide links to ThinkQuest. • Keep in touch with other European Projects (e. g. DataGrid, EUDG etc). Possible video documentary with members of European DataGrid and PPDG. • Organize how-to workshops and tutorials, All-Hands at MSI and special E/O days. • Construction and grid-enabling Linux clusters and introducing students to VDT and grid-related research projects. LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)
Coordinating E/O Activities among Tier3 Centers • Tim Olson: • Work in E/O of SDSS ( e.g. SkyServer, Virtualsky) and LIGO, provide links to ThinkQuest. • Construction and grid-enabling Linux clusters and introducing students to VDT and grid-related research projects. • Keith Baker: • Work with Rick Cavenaugh in E/O programs of CMS/ATLAS, PPDG, and QuarkNet, provide links to EOT-PACI. • Construction and grid-enabling Linux clusters and introducing students to VDT and grid-related research projects. • All iVDGL/GriPhyN Members: • Give talks at other US institutions, in particular MSI (All-Hands meetings at MSI is an opportunity!) • Introduce grid concepts in their courses. • Mentoring REU students during summer months. • Provide data samples and research projects to E/O coordinators for EOT-PACI and ThinkQuest programs. LSC Member Institution (UT Brownsville)