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Homosexual Marriage

Homosexual Marriage. Deconstructing the Bible (Part 1). Battle Lines in the American Morality War. The sanctity of life (abortion) The morality of restraint (sexual revolution) Dismantling of marriage (divorce rate approaches 50%). Same-Sex Marriage Amendments Defeated.

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Homosexual Marriage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homosexual Marriage Deconstructing the Bible (Part 1)

  2. Battle Lines in the American Morality War • The sanctity of life (abortion) • The morality of restraint (sexual revolution) • Dismantling of marriage (divorce rate approaches 50%)

  3. Same-Sex Marriage Amendments Defeated • In AZ, CA, FL in Nov 2008 elections • Legal “marriages” in MA and CT • “Civil unions” recognized in NH, VT, NJ • “Domestic Partners” recognized in WA, OR, CA, ME

  4. Homosexuality Increasingly Accepted • Evil grows worse and worse, 2 Timothy 3:13 • Until finally the Lord destroys it, Genesis 15:16

  5. …Supporters must deconstruct what the Bible teaches on marriage and homosexuality To justify homosexual marriage… “Our Mutual Joy”

  6. Bible on Homosexuality • It is sin, Genesis 18:20-21 • Abomination and confusion, Leviticus 18:22-23; 20:13 • Against nature, dishonorable and shameful, Romans 1:24-27

  7. Bible on Homosexuality • It is fornication • porneia: “illicit sexual intercourse in general,” (Thayer, 532) • arsenokoites: “one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite, homosexual,” (Thayer, 75),1 Cor. 6:9 (1 Tim. 1:10) • “Going after strange flesh”, Jude 7

  8. Traits of Fornication are Attributable to Homosexuality • It is chosen behavior, 1 Cor. 6:18 • From lustful heart, Mk. 7:21; Matt. 5:28 (Prov. 6:24-29) • It is not love; it is loveless, 1 Ths. 4:6 • Against the body and dishonors the body, 1 Cor. 6:13, 15, 18 (1 Ths. 4:3-5) • Punished by God, 1 Ths. 4:6; Rev. 21:8

  9. Deconstructing the Bible:Transforming the Sin of Homosexuality into a VirtueIsa. 5:20; Prov. 17:15

  10. Assertion: “The Bible allows homosexual marriages.” • Must deny the literal, final nature of the Bible “Biblical literalists will disagree, but the Bible is a living document, powerful for more than 2,000 years because its truths speak to us even as we change through history. In that light, Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be (civilly and religiously) married—and a number of excellent reasons why they should.” (“Our Mutual Joy”, Lisa Miller, Newsweek)

  11. Bible Answer: The Bible rejects homosexual marriage as sinful. • Bible condemns homosexuality, 1 Cor. 6:9-11 • Author’s definition of “living document” is wrong • The Bible is not changing (evolving) – it is constant and settled in heaven(Psa. 119:89) • The Bible is powerful and able to change lives, Heb. 4:12-13

  12. Assertion: “The Bible allows homosexual marriages.” • Jesus didn’t say “not to” have same sex marriages “…while the Bible and Jesus say many important things about love and family, neither explicitly defines marriage as between one man and one woman.” (Miller)

  13. Bible Answer: The Bible rejects homosexual marriage as sinful. • Jesus explicitly identified marriage as a relationship between male and female, thus excluding same sex marriage, Matt. 19:4-5 • Citing Moses, Jesus affirmed God-ordained marriage between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24)

  14. Assertion: “Many marriages in the Bible were far from the Biblical ideal.” • Must deconstruct the marriage pattern of male and female “In the Old Testament, the concept of family is fundamental, but examples of what social conservatives would call ‘the traditional family’ are scarcely to be found.

  15. Assertion: “Many marriages in the Bible were far from the Biblical ideal.” • Must deconstruct the marriage pattern of male and female “Marriage was critical to the passing along of tradition and history, as well as to maintaining the Jews’ precious and fragile monotheism. But as the Barnard University Bible scholar Alan Segal puts it, the arrangement was between ‘one man and as many women as he could pay for.’” (Miller)

  16. Bible Answer: The Bible shows troubled marriages and teaches the divine will for marriage. • God’s will: One man-one woman, Gen. 2:18-25 • Man’s corruption, Gen. 4:16-19; Jude 7 • God’s law through Moses restrained the unjust treatment of wives, Exo. 21:10; Deut. 21:15-17; 17:17; 24:1-4 • Bible does not condone unholy marriages or unholy conduct in scriptural marriages, Heb. 13:4

  17. Assertion: “Many marriages in the Bible were far from the Biblical ideal.” • Must deconstruct the roles within marriage to be defined by society and tradition and not by the literal word of God “Would any contemporary heterosexual married couple—who likely woke up on their wedding day harboring some optimistic and newfangled ideas about gender equality and romantic love—turn to the Bible as a how-to script?” (Miller)

  18. Assertion: “Many marriages in the Bible were far from the Biblical ideal.” • Must deconstruct the roles within marriage to be defined by society and tradition and not by the literal word of God “Religious wedding ceremonies have already changed to reflect new conceptions of marriage. Remember when we used to say “man and wife” instead of “husband and wife”? Remember when we stopped using the word “obey”?

  19. Assertion: “Many marriages in the Bible were far from the Biblical ideal.” • Must deconstruct the roles within marriage to be defined by society and tradition and not by the literal word of God “Even Miss Manners, the voice of tradition and reason, approved in 1997 of that change. “It seems,” she wrote, ‘that dropping ‘obey’ was a sensible editing of a service that made assumptions about marriage that the society no longer holds.’” (Miller)

  20. Bible Answer: The Bible shows troubled marriages and teaches the divine will for marriage. • Headship, Gen. 3:16 (1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:22-25); Titus 2:5 • Arrogance toward God to change roles, Ro. 9:20-21 • God’s marriage arrangement “very good”,Gen. 1:31 • Men have sought out their own inventions,Eccl. 7:29 • God’s arrangement works! • Men have injected confusion, corruption and chaos into marriage and the family

  21. Homosexual Marriage Deconstructing the Bible (Part 2)

  22. …Supporters must deconstruct what the Bible teaches on marriage and homosexuality To justify homosexual marriage… “Our Mutual Joy”

  23. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “The Bible only condemns lust and violent expressions of homosexual conduct.” • Romans 1:24-32 only condemns men who “were inflamed with lust for one another“ and “is really a critique of the worst kind of wickedness: self-delusion, violence, promiscuity and debauchery.” (Miller)

  24. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “The Bible only condemns lust and violent expressions of homosexual conduct.” • “In his book The Arrogance of Nations, the scholar Neil Elliott argues that Paul is referring in this famous passage to the depravity of the Roman emperors, the craven habits of Nero and Caligula, a reference his audience would have grasped instantly. ‘Paul is not talking about what we call homosexuality at all,’ Elliott says.

  25. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “The Bible only condemns lust and violent expressions of homosexual conduct.” • ‘He’s talking about a certain group of people who have done everything in this list. We’re not dealing with anything like gay love or gay marriage. We’re talking about really, really violent people who meet their end and are judged by God.’” (Miller)

  26. Bible Answer: Bible condemns both violence and lust. • Yes, the Bible condemns violent lust • Violence is a separate action added to lust, Rom. 1:26-27, 29 • The sin of lust can exist even where there is no violence, Col. 3:5 (1 Jno. 2:16) • At Sodom, the lust of homosexuality existed before the threats of violence, Gen. 19:5, 9

  27. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “David and Jonathan are offered as examples of homosexual love.” “Gay men like to point to the story of passionate King David and his friend Jonathan, with whom he was “one spirit” and whom he ‘loved as he loved himself.’”

  28. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “David and Jonathan are offered as examples of homosexual love.” “David rends his clothes at Jonathan’s death and, in grieving, writes a song: I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; You were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, More wonderful than that of women.

  29. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • “David and Jonathan are offered as examples of homosexual love.” “Here, the Bible praises enduring love between men. What Jonathan and David did or did not do in privacy is perhaps best left to history and our own imaginations.” (Miller)

  30. Bible Answer: Great friendship of David and Jonathan is noted as praiseworthy. • Defenders of homosexuality twist and pervert 1 Sam. 18:3 and 2 Sam. 1:25-26 • Evil imaginations on full display, Rom. 1:28 • David’s words and meditations very different from supporters of homosexual marriage, Psa. 19:14 (Acts 13:22)

  31. Assertion: “Only one type of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.” • Love is redefined as a committed relationship, not as obedience to God’s will(cf. “Gay love”) “Terry Davis is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Conn., and has been presiding over “holy unions” since 1992. ‘I’m against promiscuity—love ought to be expressed in committed relationships, not through casual sex, and I think the church should recognize the validity of committed same-sex relationships,’ he says.” (Miller)

  32. Bible Answer: “Committed relationships” may still be sinful. • In Bible times there were sinful “committed relationships”, Ezra 10:10-12 (1-4) • There are remarriages today that are “committed relationships”, yet they do not please God! Matt. 19:9 • Marriage of man and woman the “committed relationship” God approves, 1 Cor. 7:2

  33. Assertion: “Bible believers are not consistent in their use of the Bible or in their personal lives.” • Concerning divorce: “Paul argued more strenuously against divorce—and at least half of the Christians in America disregard that teaching.” (Miller)

  34. Bible Answer: One man’s sinful inconsistency is not another man’s virtue. • It is true that some Bible believers sin by sundering what God has joined together (Matt. 19:6) • Such divorces of Christians no more condone homosexual marriage than the fact that some Christians lie condones lying!

  35. Assertion: “Adultery is viewed as worse than a committed homosexual relationship.” • “In the NEWSWEEK POLL, 55 percent of respondents said that married heterosexuals who have sex with someone other than their spouses are more morally objectionable than a gay couple in a committed sexual relationship.” (Miller)

  36. Bible Answer: God will judge and punish all forms of sexual sin • Fornicators and adulterers, Heb. 13:4 • That includes homosexuality • An attempt to silence critics by saying, “you have done worse things”.

  37. Assertion: “People get married ‘for their mutual joy.’” “People get married ‘for their mutual joy,’ explains the Rev. Chloe Breyer, executive director of the Interfaith Center in New York, quoting the Episcopal marriage ceremony. That’s what religious people do: care for each other in spite of difficulty, she adds. In marriage, couples grow closer to God: ‘Being with one another in community is how you love God. That’s what marriage is about.’”

  38. Bible Answer: Godly joy attends godly marriages • This is as it should be, Eccl. 9:9; Prov. 5:15-20 • Being with one another in a marriage is not necessarily how one loves others or God, cf. Mark 6:17-18 • Loving God is keeping His commandments, not following after sin and calling it “love” (John 14:15; 1 John 5:3)

  39. Bible Answer: Godly joy attends godly marriages • Jesus would reach out to homosexuals by calling them to repentance and salvation… • Not by encouraging them to continue to commit fornication (by accepting their sinful choices)! John 8:11; Luke 15:1-2, 7 (Acts 17:30)

  40. The Bible Case AGAINST Gay Marriage! • God defines marriage as a covenant He establishes between a man and a woman (Prov. 2:17; Mal. 2:14; Matt. 19:6; Rom. 7:2-3) • Adulterers and homosexuals make covenants and call them marriage; but they are not approved by God! Matthew 19:9; Hebrews 13:4

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