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Scalar Dissipation Measurements in Turbulent Jet Flames Robert S. Barlow Combustion Research Facility Sandia National Laboratories Livermore, CA, 94550 Supported by US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Biosciences and Geosciences.
Scalar Dissipation Measurements in Turbulent Jet Flames Robert S. Barlow Combustion Research Facility Sandia National Laboratories Livermore, CA, 94550 Supported by US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Biosciences and Geosciences
Guanghua Wang Scalar Spectra and Length Scales in Turbulent Jet Flames • Rayleigh scattering time series measurements (UT Austin): • Guanghua Wang, Noel Clemens, Philip VargheseProc. Combust. Inst. 29 (2005)Meas. Sci. Technol. 18 (2007) Combust Flame 152 (2008) • Line-imaging of Rayleigh/Raman/CO-LIF (Sandia) • Guanghua Wang, Rob BarlowProc. Comb. Inst. 31 (2007) Combust. Flame 148 (2007) Exp. Fluids 44 (2008) • High-resolution planar Rayleigh imaging (Sandia) • Sebastian Kaiser, Jonathan FrankProc. Comb. Inst. 31 (2007) Exp. Fluids 44 (2008)
Outline • Background and Motivation • Turbulence-chemistry interaction in flames • Importance of scalar dissipation • Experimental methods and challenges • Results • Measured scalar energy and dissipation spectra in jets and flames • Comparisons with Pope’s model spectrum • Relationship between dissipation scales for T and mixture fraction • Conclusions
complex geometry practical combustion systems complex kinetics Simple Jet Piloted Bluff Body Swirl Lifted turb/chem spray instabilities pressure scaling particulates Turbulence–Chemistry Interaction: A Central Challenge • Progression of well documented cases that address the fundamental science of turbulent flow, transport, and chemistry
fuel air Local Flame Extinction CH4/H2/N2 jet flame T (Rayleigh) OH (PLIF) Time series of planar OH LIF images, Dt = 125 msHult et al. (2000) velocity vectors from PIV local flame extinction OH LIF marks reaction zone Bergmann et al. Appl. Phys. B (1998)
Mixture fraction: “Fraction of mass in a sample that originated from the nozzle” Definition proposed by Bilger, adopted by TNF Workshop Definitions for Nonpremixed Flames: Mixture Fraction Fuel x =1 Determined from mass fractions of species Air x =0 Mixture fraction quantifies the state of fuel-air mixing 1 2 Mixture fraction, x
mixture diffusivity Definitions for Nonpremixed Flames: Scalar Dissipation • Reactants must be mixed at the molecular level by diffusion • Molecular mixing occurs mainly at the smallest scales, “dissipation range” • Scalar dissipation rate (s-1) Central concept in combustion theory and modeling Scalar dissipation quantifies the rate of molecular mixing Hard to measure in turbulent flames!
Experimental Approach • Use Rayleigh scattering to investigate scalar structure of turbulent flames • High SNR • Good spatial resolution • CH4/H2/N2 jet flames: DLR-A (Red = 15,200) DLR-B (Red = 22,400) • Nearly constant Rayleigh cross section throughout flame • Measure energy and dissipation spectra of temperature fluctuations • Compare to model spectra (Pope, Turbulent Flow, Ch 6.5) • Mixture fraction (Raman scattering lower SNR and resolution)
Thermal Dissipation by Rayleigh Thermometry • Wang et al. (UT Austin) • High rep rate laser Time series of temperature • 10 kHz sampling rate • Optical resolution, 0.3 mm • Redundant measurement • CH4/H2/N2 jet flame • Re = 15,200 • d = 7.8 mm Wang, Clemens, Varghese, Proc. Combust. Inst. 29 (2005) Wang, Clemens, Varghese, Barlow, Combust. Flame (2008)
Corrected energy/dissipation spectra collapse at all downstream locations when scaled by Batchelor frequency (f*=f/fB) Good agreement with Pope model spectra using 50 < Rel < 60 Small separation of scales for this Red = 15,200 flame Energy and Dissipation Spectra along Centerline (DLR-A) Combust. Flame (2008)
Turbulent Combustion Laboratory 8 laser 5 cameras 7 computers Combined measurement: • T, N2, O2, CH4, CO2, H2O, H2, CO • 220-mm spacing, 6-mm segment(40-mm spacing for Rayleigh) • state of mixing (mixture fraction) • progress of reaction • rate of mixing (scalar dissipation) • local flameorientation
Model Energy and Dissipation Spectra time series • Model 1-D dissipation spectrum (Pope, Turbulent Flows, 2000) • k*1 = 1 corresponds to ~2% of peak dissipation value, lB = 1/kB • Physical wavelength is 2plB 1D imaging k1*= kBlB= 1
Challenge of Dissipation measurements in Flames • Over resolved measurement (40 mm) • Noise contributes to “apparent” dissipation • Spatial filtering reduces noise, can also reduce true dissipation • Cannot evaluate accuracy without knowing the local dissipation cutoff scale (local Batchelor scale)
Questions: • Can we determine the local dissipation cutoff scale from ensembles of short 1D measurements? • Nonreacting jets • Jet flames • How do scalar dissipation spectra behave in flames? • Temperature, mixture fraction, reactive species • Can we use spectral information to determine local resolution requirements in complex flames and develop methods for accurate measurement of mixture fraction dissipation?
x/d = 60 Scaling law for nonreacting jets kblb = 1 Estimated using scaling law Exp. Determined (2% cutoff) Dissipation Cutoff Scale in Nonreacting C2H4 Jets
Energy and Dissipation Spectra in CH4/H2/N2 Jet Flames • Energy spectrum • Flat noise floor in each energy spectrum (uncorrelated) • Dissipation spectrum • Fluctuations in thermal diffusivity, a , are at length scales of the energy spectrum • “Dissipation” spectrum = PSD of radial gradient in T’, determined from inverse of Rayleigh signal noise
noise Red=15,200 x/d = 10 2% level x/d = 20 x/d = 40 Red=22,400 Normalized 1-D thermal dissipation spectra • Each spectrum normalized by its peak value • lbdetermined from 2% of the peak • 4th-order implicit differencing stencil (Lele, 1992)
(mm) Red=15,200 Red=22,400 Thermal Dissipation Length Scale in Flames lb(mm)determined experimentally from 2% cutoff in dissipation spectra
Dissipation spectra in DLR-A flame at x/d=20 • Spectra for: • I= 1/(Rayleigh signal) • T = temperature • x = mixture fraction • T spectra at Raman resolution,use species data for sRay • Spectra for T and I yield the same cutoff length scale • Thermal dissipation cutoff length scale is smaller than or equal to that for mixture fraction dissipation DLR-A
Thermal Dissipation vs. Mixture Fraction Dissipation • Single-shot profiles of T, x • Zero dissipation at T=Tmax • Double-peak in thermal dissipation • Higher spatial frequencies on average in T’ and grad(T’)
Determining the Mixture Fraction Cutoff Scale • Scale I-dissipation spectrum (from 1/Rayleigh) to align with the peak inx-dissipation spectrum • Alternatively, fit the model spectrum to the x-dissipation peak
x/d =45 x/d =30 Premixed Pilot Flame x/d =15 x/d =7.5 laser axis x/d = 2 laser axis Dissipation spectra in piloted CH4/air flames Flame-D: Red = 22,400 Flame-E: Red = 33,600 x/d = 15, r/d=1.1 • Partially premixed CH4/air jet flames • Rayleigh cross section is not constant • Variations in Rayleigh cross section occur at larger length scales • Measured at radial location of max scalar variance
Dissipation spectra in piloted CH4/air flames • Each spectrum normalized by its peak value and the cutoff determined from the “I” spectrum • Rayleigh cross section is not constant • Variations in Rayleigh cross section occur at larger length scales • Surrogate dissipation length scale at x/d=15 • lb ~ 86 2plb ~ 540 mm • lb ~ 71 2plb ~ 440 mm • Applicable in more general flames(to be tested) Flame-D: Red = 22,400 Flame-E: Red = 33,600 x/d = 15, r/d=1.1
Resolution relative to fB Variance curves: Depend on Rel Range of Rel consistent with local T Dissipation curves: Flame results agree well with model Initial roll-off has little Re dependence Resolution Curves: Temperature Variance and Dissipation
Highly-Resolved Planar Rayleigh Imaging • Highly-resolved 2D Rayleigh imaging • Structure of dissipation layers DLR-A, CH4/H2/N2 Re = 15,200 x/d = 10 S.A. Kaiser, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, Exp. Fluids. (2008)
Thermal Dissipation Structures in Jet Flame • Two-dimensional measurements used to determine radial and axial contributions to dissipation S.A. Kaiser, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, Exp. Fluids. (2008)
Resolving Dissipation Power Spectra • Interlacing, or dual detector, technique suppresses noise • Power spectral density measured over three orders of magnitude Interlacing for noise suppression Image 1: odd lines Apparent dissipation (from noise) Noise Suppression Image 2: even lines S.A. Kaiser, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007).
Comparison of 1D and 2D Results • Cutoff at lC = 2plb • Line results 10-20% higher S.A. Kaiser, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007).
Temperature Dependence of Dissipation Layer Widths Probability density functions of layer width, lD, conditioned on temperature • Adaptive smoothing used to reduce noise when determining layer thicknesses • Layer-widths scale approximately as (T/T0)0.75 x/d = 10 S.A. Kaiser, J.H. Frank, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) J.H. Frank, S.A. Kaiser, Exp. Fluids. (2008)
Conclusions • 1D Rayleigh scattering in non-reacting jet flow results: • 2% of peak dissipation cutoff length scale 2plB local Batchelor scale • Consistent with the Pope’s model spectrum • Agrees with estimation based on scaling laws using local Reynolds number • Thermal dissipation spectra in jet flames: • Consistent with Pope’s model spectrum, noise easily identified • Dissipation cutoff length scale 2plb • Simple diagnostic to determine scalar length scales, resolution requirements • Mixture fraction cutoff scale may be determined if dissipation peak is resolved methods for accurate determination of mean dissipation • Proper binning + proper differentiation scheme significantly reduce noise without affecting true dissipation rate