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Parallel language use – domain loss in the principal common language Karolina Karlström & Annette Nolan. Overview. Parallel language use (PLU) and Nordic educational discourse The Declaration on a Nordic Language Policy (DNLP) 2007 and English PLU at Universities
Parallellanguageuse – domain loss in the principal common languageKarolina Karlström & Annette Nolan
Overview Parallel language use (PLU) and Nordic educational discourse The Declaration on a Nordic Language Policy (DNLP) 2007 and English PLU at Universities The potential implications of PLU for curriculum design on undergraduate military programmes Domain loss in Swedish military disciplinary discourse - examples of emergent interlanguage phrasing and terminology in military Swedish Development of teachers’ technical competences
PLU in the DNLP PLU a firmly established concept in Nordic language policies and educational discourse and defined in the DNLP The parallel use of language refers to the concurrent use of several languages within one or more areas. None of the languages abolishes or replaces the other; they are used in parallel (Nordic Council 2007: 93)
The DNLP The DNLP aims primarily to ensure the vitality of the principal common languages but also to reflect the globalized nature of professional life Parallel language use is of particular relevance in military academic officer education as the profession is highly dependent on English both for Nordic and other international cooperation National success is however, dependent on the effective use of the principal national common language
DNLP Para 2 - A consistent policy for parallelismincludes a statement • thatthe principal common Nordic language and English should be used as disciplinarylanguages • that the dissemination of research results in the principal common Nordic languageof the state in questionshould be meritorious • thatteaching in academicdisciplinarylanguage, especiallywriting, should be given both in English and in the principal common Nordic language • thatuniversitiesand colleges shoulddeveloplong-term strategiesfor options for language studies, parallellanguage,languagetraining and translation support withintheirmaindisciplinary area
The consequencesof PLU in Sweden Universitiesrarelyhave a clear PLU on whichtheyact 90% of all academicpublicationswritten in universitiesare in English there is a continuousdecline in textbookpublication there is a proliferationofcourseliterature in English there is increasíngpressure on staff to use English as a medium ofinstruction(EMI)
Bolton and Kuteeva Students impressions -EMI at Stockholm University 2012 – 4500 respondents
”war on commerce” Exempel på detta är de tyska u-båtarnas trakasserande av allierade handelsfartyg underVK2 Tredje sättet som nämns är coastaldefence, skydd av kust. För att göra Det svårare för FI att nedkämpa stridsvagnarna så ger man den nu fler problem att lösa, kombinerade vapen används ofta när man pratar om samarbete inom vapengrenarna medan ”joint operations” ofta syftar på samarbete mellan vapengrenarna, exempelvis armén och marinen.
” Coastaldefencetheory” är en metod och teori som menar att man kan bestrida fienden möjligheter till ”maritimepowerprojections”, alltså avskräckande samt göra det dyrt, enligt ”cost-benefit” för en motståndare att anfalla oss. Landbekämpning från hav samt amfibiska operationer. Inom operationskonsten samordnar man även joint operations (mellan vapenslag).
Järnvägens vara eller icke- vara var ”centreofgravity”för båda sidor för att fylla upp med resurser och stora mängder granater. Vanligt förekommande på operativ nivå är ”JOINT –operations”där man synkroniserar förmågor från mark, luft och sjö/…/
Vann man för att man uppnådde sitt mål (end game) vann man med tanke på antal resurser man förlorade (cost-benefit). /…/ Mahans”distinctivebattle” kan vara extremt effektiv, men det finns andra metoder som också jan ge herravälde på sjöss.
Conclusions The risk ofdisciplinarydomain loss in Swedish is very real and needs to be addressedthrougheffectivelanguageteachingpolicy Teachersneed to use toolsthatenablethem to performsystematiccomparativeanalysisbetweenbothlanguages