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QuickBooks cannot communicate with the company file’ is one of the most critical known issues of QuickBooks .Various underlying issues with the firewall, database server manager and other software can cause this error.<br>
QuickBooksCannotCommunicatewiththe CompanyFile QuickBooks cannot communicate with the company file’ is one of the most notoriously known issues of this accounting software. Various underlying issues with the firewall, databaseservermanagerandothersoftwarecancausethiserror. If you’ve hosted your QuickBooks company file then you are more likely to encounter this error. This error can be a real nightmare as it is difficult to diagnose its root cause. This is why, in this article, we have provided multiple solutions. After applying each solution, then usershouldrestartQuickBooksinordertoseeitsimpact. ReadalsoQuickBooksProunabletofindcompanyfile We are also assuming that you have installed all the latest updates released for QuickBooks by Intuit. These updates are meant for addressing common errors and bugs. PleaseensurethatyouhaveallthelatestupdatesinstalledforyourversionofQuickBooks. Solutions for ‘QuickBooks cannot communicate with the companyfile’ QuickBooksFileDoctor Install QuickBooks File Doctor, a free software provided by Intuit. This software can troubleshoot basic errors and issues with your network connection and the company file. After running a scan with this tool, you’ll be provided with the results. If any error would have been diagnosed, then you can fix it through this tool. Still, this tool becomes ineffective iftheerrorismorecomplicatedorthecompanyfileisdamaged. FirewallSettings
You may need to alter firewall settings for allowing QuickBooks through the network port. For this, you should create separate inbound and outbound rules for the executable file of QB.Onceyouhavediscoveredtheexecutablefile,followthestepsprovidedbelow: 1. GotostartmenuandsearchforWindowsFirewallwithAdvancedSecurity 2. ClickonInboundRules 3. ClickonNewRulepresentontheleftpanel 4. Selectthetypeofrulethatyouwanttoset. 5. SelectCustom 6. Browse to the executable file of QuickBooks. You can find it in the root folder in whichthesoftwarewasinstalled.It'susuallytheCdrive 7. SelectAllowtheConnection 8. Markallthethreeoptionsforthenextquestion 9. Type a Name and Description for this rule. Enter something that is easy to remember,asyoumayneedtoedittherulelater Repeat the aforementioned steps to set the outbound rules. Now firewall won’t block any incomingoroutgoingconnectionsforQuickBooks. To know more, or to get in touch with certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors, contact us at 1855-481-5338(TollFree.) Reference:QuickBooksCannotCommunicatewiththeCompanyFile