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LONESTAR GOLD INC. Searching for Gold in Canada´s Yukon Territory. Lonestar Gold Inc is a private Company set to be listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Management : Brings a combined experience of over 70 years in the exploration mining industry.
LONESTAR GOLD INC.Searching for Gold in Canada´s Yukon Territory
Lonestar Gold Inc is a private Company set to be listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Management: Brings a combined experience of over 70 years in the exploration mining industry. Share Structure: 5 million shares issued including 4 million towards property payment. ELDORADO PROJECT
The Asset: The Company recently acquired the Option to earn a 100% interest in the 710 registered Quartz Claims and Crown Grants that make up the Eldorado Bonanza Quartz Claim Project, located in the Klondike, Yukon. Lonestar Gold is the exclusive operator of the Project. Target: To exercise the full option and proof up a multimillion ounce gold deposit at a cash cost of less than $100 per ounce over a 3 years exploration period. ELDORADO PROJECT
The Option Lonestar Gold earns a 50% interest by investing $2,750,000 towards exploration as a minimum work requirement and issues shares equivalent in number to the common shares of Lonestar issued to obtain the funding necessary to finance the expenditures for the minimum work requirement. . ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar has the option to earn an additional 25% interest by completing up to $22 million in work commitments to produce a Bankable Feasibility Study and issue shares equivalent in number to the common shares of Lonestar issued to obtain the funding necessary to finance the expenditures for the minimum work commitments. ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar, at its discretion, may increase its position to a full 100% interest in the property by paying $40 per ounce based on the measured and proven ounces confirmed in the bankable feasibility study. Should Lonestar Gold choose not to extend beyond the initial 50% it may activate a joint venture with the Optionor in which Lonestar remains the Operator of the project. ELDORADO PROJECT
THE YUKON TERRITORYCanada´s Yukon has attracted Gold Seekers and Prospectors since the mid 1800´s. • As of today the Yukon Territory is still one of the most prospective areas for minerals in the world. • Its riches have been protected by its rugged landscape and ferocious climate until a combination of modern transport and positive market conditions are slowly lifting the veil. ELDORADO PROJECT
80,000 new Mineral Claims recorded in the Yukon in 2010 Mineral claims staked, 1982-2010. ELDORADO PROJECT
By the end of 2010 there were over 160,000 mineral claims registered in the Yukon Mineral claims in good standing, 1982-2010. ELDORADO PROJECT
Mineral exploration in Canada's Yukon in 2010 remained strong. Exploration expenditures were estimated to be $160 million. Several advanced exploration projects returned significant drill results, highlighting the under-explored potential of these properties even at an advanced stage of exploration. Exploration expenditures in Yukon, 1982 to 2010 ELDORADO PROJECT
Klondike Gold Fields The Klondike Gold Fields hosted some of the highest concentration of gold per area in the world. Over 100 years of exploration and mining suggest that the gold produced from the placers came from local sources. The traditional core of the Klondike Gold Fields are the creeks and tributaries of Eldorado, Bonanza, Hunker, Dominion and Quartz. They are among the richest placer creeks in history. The source of their enrichment has never been discovered. ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado Creek Eldorado Creek is one of the richest creeks in the Klondike district and produced by 1905 over 25 million Dollars in gold at $15 per ounce over an area of approximately 3 miles of placer claims. At current gold prices this adds up to approximately $2.5 Billion. Eldorado Creek continues to host mining activity to this day. ELDORADO PROJECT
Bonanza Creek Bonanza Creek, much like Eldorado Creek was one of the richest creeks in the Klondike Gold Fields. Individual Creek Claims yielded over 30,000 ounces of gold. Upper Bonanza Creek Gravels alone are reported to have produced approximately 1,000,000 ounces between Victoria Gulch and Grand Forks. Bonanza Creek is currently being mined for Placer Gold. ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar Gold Inc. Is the Operator of the Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Claim Project. Lonestar has an exclusive option to acquire up to 100% of the 710 quartz mineral claims and Crown Grants making up the Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Claim Group. ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar´sEldorado-Bonanza Project covers key areas over the drainages of Eldorado Creek, Bonanza Creek and Hunker Creek. A network of nearly 100 km of roads and trails facilitate exploration drilling, trenching and sampling . The Lonestar property is fully permitted for exploration This Project holds the promise in providing the key to unlocking the secret origin of the Klondike Gold Field Riches. ELDORADO PROJECT
A network of nearly 100 km of roads and trails facilitate exploration drilling, trenching and sampling. The Lonestar property is fully permitted for exploration. ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar Gold Inc. explores to find the origin of the gold which supported the gold rush of 1898, and the Yukon economy ever since. Lonestar will continue to build on the vast amount of data it has collected from historic and recent exploration efforts to advance its Eldorado Bonanza Quartz Project to feasibility. ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar Property location in the centre of the current gold rush ELDORADO PROJECT
Lonestar Gold Inc.Eldorado / Bonanza Project Area ELDORADO PROJECT
Over $18,000,000 has been invested in exploration between 1985 and 2007. Recent expenditures totalling over $10,000,000 between 2003 and 2007 have produced a significant amount of data including some of the following highlights: ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Project Identified Zones of Mineralization ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Project:Trench working location127 tonnes of bulk samples of gold-bearing ore were processed ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Project:Diamond drilling locations 45 000 feet of drilling completed ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Project:IP (geophysical survey) locations ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Project:Soil test locations (blue circles), Auger drilled locations (white squares) ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Quartz Project:Rock chips collected (locations) ELDORADO PROJECT
The following mineralized zones have so far been identified within the Project Area. • Buckland Zone • Pioneer Zone • Nugget Zone • JF Zone • Lone Star Zone ELDORADO PROJECT
LONESTAR `S ELDORADO / BONANZA PROJECT identifiedmineralizedareas, openinalldirections ClaimGroup Buckland Zone Pioneer Zone Parnel Zone Lone Star Zone 7 PUP Zone Jf Zone 0`Neil Gulch Zone Under explored ELDORADO PROJECT
Buckland Zone Highlights • 2.06 g/goldover 21m • 22.6 g/goldover 1m • 1.29 g/goldover 160m • 24.9 g/goldover 0.5m Preliminary investigations confirm: Significant near surface mineralization over 450,000 M² ELDORADO PROJECT
Pioneer Zone Drilling Preliminary investigations confirm a mineralized zone of 600m by 200m (120,000 m²) open in all directions, 455m of drilling included (2007). • 1.54 g/gold over 15.24m • 7.4 g/gold over 1.5m • 1.48 g/gold over 1.52m ELDORADO PROJECT
Pioneer ZoneGeophysics • 15km line of IP survey (2007) • 200m of new trenches (2007) • Drill Target identified. • 100m trench samples including 12.5 gr/gold over 6m ELDORADO PROJECT
Nugget Zone Highlights Three hole diamond program (2006) confirmed; ELDORADO PROJECT
Nugget Zone Highlights Chip sampling at the nugget shear zone showed assays of • 42.50 g/gold over 4m • 74.03 g/gold over 2m ELDORADO PROJECT
JF Zone. • 400m x 500m soil Geological Anomaly peak values of 291 ppb gold (1980`s) • 480m of trenching including 95m of 100ppb+ gold (1980`s) • 20km line of IP geophysical survey • 1km² geochemistry 299 samples (2007) • Drill targets are identified ELDORADO PROJECT
Lone Star Zone Highlight • The Lone Star Zone has been drill tested over a strike length of 900m with a potential strike length of over 3,500m and remains open in all directions. • Mineralization is present across widths of tens to hundreds of meters along this length. The Zone is open to expansion to the northwest, to the east, to the north and particularly in depth. ELDORADO PROJECT
LoneStarZone • 1.67 g/goldover 61.7m. • 2.74 g/goldover 8.4m. • 2.1 g/goldover 24m. • 10.75 g/goldover 1m. • 1.91 g/goldover 15.7m. • 4.03 g/goldover 2.1m. • 98.7 g/goldover 0.90m. ELDORADO PROJECT
Historic Mine Tunnel ELDORADO PROJECT
Lone Star Zone Visible Gold is a common occurrence ELDORADO PROJECT
Previous operators released results from diamond drilling on the Lone Star zone (primary exploration target, site of the former producing Lone Star Mine) including; • 1.67 g/gold over 61.7m • 2.74 g/gold over 8.4m • 2.1 g/gold over 24m • 10.75 g/gold over 1m • 1.91 g/gold over 15.7m • 4.03 g/gold over 2.1m ELDORADO PROJECT
Lone Star Zone • Recent drilling shows there is a strong association of gold with disseminated sulphides without quartz veins at Lone Star Ridge. The recognition of disseminated mineralization in Klondike Schist is encouraging and has expanded the exploration target. ELDORADO PROJECT
The company`s preliminary strategy • Produce a 43-101 instrument. • Increase the ounces of the inferred gold potential. • Confirm a minable resource and feasibility for a • multimillion ounce deposit. • Keep cash acquisition cost for the first one-million • confirmed ounces below $100 per ounce in situ. ELDORADO PROJECT
Eldorado / Bonanza Project TIME LINE 2011 Season The Company plans to invest $750,000 to re-evaluate all available data, produce a 43-101 report and advance the existing geological model. This work will be complimented with targeted field work which is to include additional geophysics, trenching, geochemistry and drilling. Work done in the 2011 season will prepare the Lone Star Zone for a comprehensive drilling campaign in 2012. 2012 Season $3,000,000 are budgeted for a drilling campaign to extend the mineralized zone and increase the current 250,000 ounce inferred resource. Work in 2012 is to set the stage for an all out drilling campaign in 2013. ELDORADO PROJECT
2013 Season A budget of $10,000,000 is planned to optimize inferred resources and to bring the inferred to the confirmed and measured category. 2014 Season Continue drilling to extend the confirmed and measured resource. Produce an advanced 43-101 report and complete a bankable feasibility study and carry out a mine development study. ELDORADO PROJECT
Bibliography • Yukon mining exploration www.miningyukon.com • Klondike Research Proposal Prepared for: Klondike Star Mineral CorporationJ.K. Mortensen, Ph.D., P. Eng. Mineral Deposit Research Unit, University of British Columbia December 30, 2005 • Boge & Boge (1998) LTD. • Yukon Hardrock Mining, development and Exploration overview 2010http://miningyukon.com/ • Slide nº Exploration expenditures in Yukon, 1982 to 2010 • http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/ ELDORADO PROJECT