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Anderson County High School 2013-2014 8 th Grade Parent Night. Session B. High School Scheduling Basics. Pre-registration for 2014-2015. Trimester Schedule Course of Study Course Selection Sheet Four Year High School Plan Questions. What is a Trimester Schedule?.
Session B High School Scheduling Basics
Pre-registration for 2014-2015 Trimester Schedule Course of Study Course Selection Sheet Four Year High School Plan Questions
What is a Trimester Schedule? A trimester schedule divides the school year into three 12-week grading periods called trimesters.
How many classes will I have? Each day is divided into 5 class periods.
What is the length of a class period on the trimester schedule? Each class period will last approximately 70 minutes.
How will credits be awarded under the Trimester Schedule? Each trimester course will receive ½ credit
When will Report Cards go home on a Trimester Schedule? Students will receive report cards at the end of each 12 week grading period or trimester.
Trimester 12 Weeks 4 & 8 Week Progress Reports Report Cards @ 12 weeks Cumulative Grading 70-72 Minute Classes ½ Credit 12 Weeks 4 & 8 Week Progress Reports Report Cards @ 12 weeks Cumulative Grading 70-72 Minute Classes ½ Credit 12 Weeks 4 & 8 Week Progress Reports Report Cards @ 12 weeks Cumulative Grading 70-72 Minute Classes ½ Credit
How many credits can I earn each trimester? • Students may earn 2.5 credits each trimester for a total of 7.5 credits each year. • Promotion to be a sophomore is 6.5 credits.
How long will core courses last? Most Core Content Classes like English, Science, and Social Studies will last 2 trimesters.
How long will Elective Courses last? Elective courses will generally last 1 trimester.
If a course is 2 Trimesters long will these be taken consecutively?
Advantages for Students 12 week courses of specialized electives can be offered. Flexibility/Variety of classes More instructional time in core classes English, Math, Science, Social Studies 24 to 36 weeks
Advantages for Students Opportunities for course recovery immediately Students who fail a class in the first or second trimester can potentially re-take the course in the same year.
Anderson County High School Requirements (General Education) English 4 credits Math 4.5 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 3 credits Physical Education .5 credit Health .5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit Electives 9.5 credits 16.5 required credits (above) + 9.5 elective credits = 26 total credits required for graduation
Humanities Credit • 2. Students must choose at least one class from each column. To earn the Humanities credit required for graduation, students must follow one of the two criteria below. • 1. Students must have completed 3 trimesters of a performance based/standards based specialized arts courses based on the student’s individual learning plan. (Examples include Band A,B,C; Advanced Chorus A,B,C; AP Music Theory, or AP Art.) --OR--
Anderson County High School Requirements (Pre-College Curriculum) English 4 credits Math 4.5 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 3 credits Physical Education .5 credit Health .5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance .5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit Foreign Language 2 credits Electives 7.5 credits
Anderson County High School Requirements (Kentucky Scholars Certificate) English 4 credits Math 4.5 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits Physical Education .5 credit Health .5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit Foreign Language 2 credits Electives 5.5 credits No Grade below a “C” will be accepted as credit. Minimum 2.5 GPA required
Anderson County High School Requirements Advanced Kentucky Scholars English 4 credits Math 4.5 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits Physical Education .5 credit Health .5 credit Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit Foreign Language 2 credits Electives 5.5 credits No Grade below a “C” will be accepted as credit. Minimum 2.5 GPA required 4 AP Courses: AP Eng, AP Science or Math, 2 AP Electives
How Do I Help My Child Prepare for the Advising Conference? Identify 15 courses and 4 alternate courses on the Course Selection Sheet Refer to the Elective Listings Handout in your packet to decide on electives. Consult Curriculum book on-line, math letter/criteria from ACMS, and/or contact ACHS guidance office or Mrs. Wells for questions. Student and Parent/Guardian signature
Four Year High School Plan • This is a worksheet to help you map out the courses you plan to take throughout high school. • This worksheet identifies the graduation requirements of the different courses of study at ACHS.
When will scheduling occur this year? Choose classes wisely- thinking of child’s future in mind, not friends in class, etc. Advising & Pre-registration Conferences April 4th: 8th Graders at ACMS
Completing the Course Selection Sheet Circle 15 courses/course numbers. Identify 4 courses as Alternates by marking A1, A2, A3, and A4 in the space beside the course number. Any courses that are in BOLD are required courses. Any courses that are marked with an *asterisk require a teacher’s signature.
What are Freshman Requirements? English English I Composition & English I Literature OR Pre- AP English I Comp & Pre-AP English I Lit
What are Freshman Requirements? Math Algebra I-A and Algebra I-B and Algebra I-C or Pre-AP Geometry/Trig-A and Pre-AP Geometry/Trig-B
What are Freshman Requirements? Science Earth Science and Physical Science OrPre-AP Earth Science and Pre-AP Physical Science
What are Freshman Requirements? Social Studies World Geography: Map Skills & Culture World Geography: Global Issues or AP Human GeographyA and B
What are Freshman Requirements? Health Physical Education
What are Freshman Requirements? TRIMESTERSSUBJECT 2 English: English I Composition and English I Literature Pre-AP English I Composition and Pre-AP English I Literature 3 (2 for Pre-AP)Math: Algebra I-A and Algebra I-B and Algebra I-C Pre-AP Geometry A and Pre-AP Geometry B * Math placement will be determined by specific criteria; see letter. 2 Science:Integrated Science and Physical Science Pre-AP Integrated Science and Pre-AP Physical Science 2 Social Studies: World Geography: Map Skills & Culture and World Geography: Global Issues or AP Human Geography A and B 1 Health 1 Physical Education 4 Electives
Schedule Change Policy Credit has been previously earned in a course Need to recover credit in a required course A class is missing from the schedule but necessary for graduation Once school has begun, the only schedule change that will be considered will be counselor or administrator initiated due to inappropriate placement.
Want to Learn More About Scheduling Options? Talk with teachers at our College and Career Readiness Fair. E-mail or call guidance staff or Mrs. Wells Check out the school website for the complete ACHS Curriculum Book at http://www.anderson.k12.ky.us/achs/default.htm