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WISE ACADEMIES W e I nspire S uccess and E xcellence

WISE ACADEMIES W e I nspire S uccess and E xcellence. Year 1 Welcome Meeting. Welcome to Year 1. General information: Reading books changed every Monday and Thursday. Children are given free choice within the band they are reading at. Library books chosen Tuesday or Wednesday.

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WISE ACADEMIES W e I nspire S uccess and E xcellence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WISE ACADEMIES WeInspireSuccessandExcellence Year 1 Welcome Meeting

  2. Welcome to Year 1 General information: Reading books changed every Monday and Thursday. Children are given free choice within the band they are reading at. Library books chosen Tuesday or Wednesday. PE is on Wednesday (gymnastics) and Friday. Homework will be given out on Fridays and collected on Mondays.

  3. A week in the life of Year 1

  4. A day in Year 1 8.50am Register 9-9.20am Whole class Numeracy; half class practising calculation (e.g. Red/Yellow groups) half class on carpet doing CLIC (e.g. Green/Blue groups) 9.20am Red/Yellow groups written Maths Green/Blue choose. 10am assembly. 10.20am Play 10.35am Phonics – all children working. 11am Literacy -Whole class on carpet; 11.15am half class Literacy task (e.g. Green/Blue groups) half class choosing (e.g. Red/Yellow groups) 11.50am whole class plenary on the carpet.

  5. A day in Year 1 1.15pm Register 1.15-1.30pm Whole class topic; 1.30pm-2.15pm half class Topic task (e.g. Green/Blue groups) half class choosing (e.g. Red/Yellow groups) 2.15pm play 2.20pm Whole class handwriting followed by half class handwriting (e.g. Red/Yellow groups) half class choosing (e.g. Green/Blue groups) 3pm Story 3.15pm Home time.

  6. Year 1 Topics and much, much more! Year 1 will be learning about lots of exciting topics this year:

  7. Reading for pleasure Reading is given a huge focus at Hasting Hill Academy. We hope to instill a love of reading for pleasure. Books can take you away from the everyday and transport you to a different world… Our children LOVE listening to stories… and acting them out!

  8. Learning to read in Y1 Reading bands. ‘Sound Talk’ and developing fluency. Asking questions to check understanding.

  9. What is Big Write? “It helps improve our writing by giving us lots of tips” “We can share ideas!” “It’s not just about writing...” “WE Act out ideas – it’s fun!” “We can work in groups.”

  10. Maths – The essentials BIG MATHS 4 part CLIC session Main activity – calculation, problem solving, shape and space Weekly “Big Maths” quiz.

  11. Homework Reading every night. Phonics – weekly. Maths / Literacy weekly. Talk homework – weekly.

  12. Helping us to help your child Support them to become independent Encourage them to try their best Ensure they bring their bag Read, READ, READ! Label all their clothes What can you do to help your child succeed in Year 1?

  13. Hopes and dreams Hasting Hill Academy want only the best for your children, and we expect the best from your children. What are your hopes and dreams for your child?

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