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Explore the beginnings of organized valuation in Mexico, the founding of the Mexican Institute of Valuation, the evolution of appraising institutes, the professionalization of appraisers, and the role of the Federation of Appraisal Colleges in promoting and supporting the appraisal profession in Mexico.
FederationofAppraisersColleges MÉXICO General Assembly of TEGoVA Sofia, Bulgary, 12th October 2019
BeginningsofOrganizedValuation in Mexico • In 1958 the first Mexican Institute of Valuation was founded in Mexico City, which arises from the commitment assumed by the attendees to the IV Pan-American Congress of Valuation in the city of Chicago, Illinois, USA, in May 1957. • Theinvitationfromthe UPAV wasaddressedtotheNationalBankingCommission, and thiscommissioninvitedseveralappraisersmaking up a delegationof 6 members.
Mexico as the venuefor the V UPAV Congress • Among the issues to be discussed at said Congress was the election of the venue for the V Pan-American Congress of Valuation taking place in 1960, where Mexico was selected and emotionally assumed the commitment, understanding the need to establish a Valuation Association for the organization of this event.
Pioneers • Thus, the Instituto Mexicano de Valuación, A.C. (Mexican Institute of Valuation, A.C.) was founded. It was founded by the great 6 visionaries who were there at the beginning of professional appraising in Mexico. They were motivated by the need to train new appraising experts, as requested by the bank.
Architects Ramon Carlos Aguayo and Pedro Ramírez Vázquez amongotherpersonalities. 1958
Signing of theConstitutiveAct of theMexicanInstitute of Valuation.October 15, 1958
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Mexican Institute of Valuation, A.C., seed and inspiration for new groups within the Mexican Republic.
EVOLUTION • After a while, appraisersfromdifferentstateswereencouragedtostartassemblingAppraisalInstitutes in everystate.
FECOVAL through time • After a while, appraisersfromdifferentstateswereencouragedtostartassemblingAppraisalInstitues in everystate.
QualifiedAppraisers • During the period of 1995, the first Specialty in Appraisal taught by our partners was implemented. This, attending to the market needs, since the appraiser began to perform more specialized jobs that required more preparation. • 4 main specialties in México.
First Profesional Master’sDegree in Appraising Likewise, the need for the professionalization of the Appraiser increased. So, in 1992, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla started to offer the first Master's Degree in Appraising, with María de los Ángeles Díaz de León Flores the first Master in Appraising.
TheFederation • A civil, non-profitassociationwhoseassets and income are obtainedsolelythroughvoluntarycontributions. • This non-profitfederation, with exclusive focus in theprofessional and academicaspectsofappraising, works to support and bringtogetherallAppraisingColleges in Mexico.
Creation of Colleges 2001 In 2001, due to the emergence of master's degrees and specialties in valuation, taught by different universities in the country, a new era began in the professionalization of appraisers, turning the local Institutes into Appraisal Colleges.
MainGoals of FECOVAL • Topromote and giveadviseonthecreationof new appraisingcolleges, where local conditions are favorable to warrant them. • Tosupporttheprofessionalpracticeofappraisingbymembersofitsdifferentassociations. • TorepresentallAppraisingColleges, whichmake up alltheappraisingbody, in thepromotion and defense of theirlegitimaterightsbeforeofallthelevelsofGovernment.
Coverage 48 affiliatedColleges 30 statesrepresented 2, 500 appraisers TheFederation of AppraisalColleges A.C. has coveragethroughoutMexico, withtheexception of theStates of Tlaxcala and MexicoState.
GoalsoftheFederation: • Topromotescientificresearch in valuationmatters, and toacknowledgethebestworkspresented at theNationalValuationConventionoranypublicationsprinted in theperiodeachyear. • Tocooperate in organizingcommittees, conferences and conventionsregardingthesubjectmatter.
Continuous training In order to continue promoting the study, development and improvement of professional appraising, a list of the best appraising specialists and teachers at the national level was made; this with the permanent support of our Technical Council, who collaborate in the training and in updating the topics that are of greater interest in the field of appraising. https://fecoval.org/capacitacion/ tecnico@fecoval.org
GoalsoftheFederation: • Organize and promote any social activity that directly or indirectly favors the objectives of the Federation; associate or collaborate with other associations or public or private institutions that have similar objectives to this Federation. • EstablishresponsibilitieswhichallowtheapplicationoftheValuationStandards in allapprovedvaluatoryactivities.
AGREEMENTS FECOVAL has signedcollaboration and workingagreementswithdifferententitiessuch as INDAABIN, SHF, INSUS, INEGI, AMPI, INMECA, CANADEVI, UdeG, UNIVA, U de Gto, UAEM, BUAP, Centro de Valores, Colegio Nacional de Correduría Pública, Dirección General de Patrimonio Inmobiliario de la CDMX, HSBC, SAT, ASOFOM, Bepensa, Gobierno del Estado de Sonora, amongothers. Collaboratingsidebysidewithinternationalorganizationssuch as UPAV, UNAICC, PAN PACIFIC, APPRAISALINSTITUTE, IVSC, U de JAEN, ASA, RICS, IRWA, and WAVO. SEDATU, TEGOVA, FONATUR, RUV, FOVISSSTE. CONOREVI, ANCSAC, ITC,
Standards • TheFederationofValuationColleges, duringitsperiod as the Asociación Nacional de Institutos Mexicanos de Valuación, A.C. integrated as a foundingpartnertheNational Organization for Standardization and Certification of Construction and Building in order to: • Carry out the elaboration of Mexican standards and its harmonization with international standards in accordance with the internal conditions of the country. Focused on improving the elements, components, technologies, processes and services of this industrial branch.
International Participation CurrentlytheFederationisan active member of thefollowinginternationalorganizations: • Pan American Union of ValuationAssociations (UPAV) • International ValuationStandards Council (IVSC) • Pan PacificCongress of Real Estate Appraisers Valuers and Counselors • WorldAssociation of ValuationsOrganizations Thisparticipation in International OrganizationsallowstheFederation to haveanupdated and global vision of whathappens in othercountries in thefield of valuation in orderto be prepared to offerbettersolutions to theproblemsthisspecialitypresents in our country.
FECOVAL Headquarters The headquarters were inaugurated on January 18, 2008. Avenida Insurgentes Sur, N° 1480, PrivateArea 4, 2ndFloor, Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Delegación Benito Juárez, P.O. 03230, in Mexico City.
Fecoval Media FECOVAL AC @FECOVAL_AC www.fecoval.org
Thankyouverymuch!! Leonardo Topete Sanchez Arq.topete.s@gmail.com +52 (664) 648 88 28 Rodrigo Peña Porchas presidente@fecoval.org rodrigo@penaporchas.com www.fecoval.org +52 1 (662) 103 03 28 General Assembly of TEGoVA Sofia, Bulgary, 12th October 2019