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American Society of Appraisers. The State of ASA…Where We Are Where We’re Going. James O. Brown, ASA Governor –Region 5. May 14, 2009. Size and Demographics. Membership. 3/31/09 3/31/08 3/31/07 ARM 35 0.7% 32 0.7% 30 0.6% BV 2,076 43.2% 2,097 43.6% 2,077 43.2%
American Society of Appraisers The State of ASA…Where We Are Where We’re Going James O. Brown, ASA Governor –Region 5 May 14, 2009
Membership 3/31/093/31/083/31/07 ARM 35 0.7% 32 0.7% 30 0.6% BV 2,076 43.2% 2,097 43.6% 2,077 43.2% G & J 107 2.2% 109 2.3% 117 2.4% MTS 1,065 22.2% 1,073 22.3% 1,056 22.0% PP 596 12.4% 599 12.5% 608 12.6% RP 928 19.3% 995 20.7% 1,067 22.2% Total 4,807 100.0% 4,920 100.0% 4,956 100.0%
Membership Associate 929 18.9% Candidate 820 16.7% AM 221 4.5% ASA 2,701 55.0% FASA 54 1.1% Applicant 184 3.7% Total 4,909 100.0% As of 3/31/09
FYE 6/30/08 by Discipline Total ARM BV GJ MTS PP RP Revenue: Dues 2,580.1 15.6 1,098.0 60.3 552.6 314.0 539.6 Conf. 251.6 0.0 43.8 20.3 87.2 63.1 37.1 Discipline 2,837.6 0.7 1,910.3 10.3 500.7 231.0 154.6 Other 331.3 2.1 139.3 7.0 74.8 36.4 71.7 Tot. Rev. 6,000.7 18.4 3,221.5 97.7 1,215.3 644.5 803.0 Tot. Exp. 5,696.2 63.7 2,596.3 221.6 1,132.2 821.0 861.4 Net 304.5 (45.3) 625.2 (123.7) 83.2 (176.5) (58.4)
Balance SheetJune 30, 2008 Total Assets $3,408,823 Total Liabilities $2,115,704 Net Assets $1,293,119 Cash and Equivalents $1,759,466
Governance Notable decisions last 5-years Reorganize along discipline lines Alliance with AI and ASFMRA
Discipline-Centric • Board of Governors: • 2 From each discipline = 10 • 5 Region • Pres, SVP, Sec/Treas./Past Pres. = 4 • Total = 19 • Parliamentarian • Legal counsel
Governance Recent transfer of advancement process to ASA HQ
California Coalition of Appraisers Don Risner – Lobbyist By law, he cannot represent a group with less than 10 members Combined lobbying opinion of ASA, ASFMRA and maybe, NAIFA
California Coalition of Appraisers Don Risner – Lobbyist Need to establish a “committee” to provide a common opinion to Don Don must contract separately with each organization
American Society of Appraisers Report to Board of Governors Chapter/Branch Task Force August 1, 2008
Members Jim Brown, ASA - Business Valuation, San Jose, CA Hatsy Cutshall, CPA - ASA Chief Finance & Operations Officer, ASA, HQ Bruce Kerr, ASA - Machinery & Technical Specialties, Portland, OR Edith Yeomans, ASA - Personal Property, Toronto, ON, Canada Mark Penny, ASA - Business Valuation, Haddonfield, NJ Bonny Price - ASA Director of Membership and Reaccreditation
Task Force Purpose • Study chapter/branch relationship • Analyze status of chapters • Clarify purpose and mission of chapters and branches • Study chapter legal structure
Purpose of ASA What is the purpose of American Society of Appraisers?
Purpose of ASA • Examination and accreditation • Valuation education • Valuation standards and standards of ethical conduct
Purpose of ASA • Legislative communication/advocacy • Forum for inter-communication between appraisers • Promotion/marketing of ASA and its members
Fundamental Question What is the purpose and mission of chapters?
Fundamental Question Is American Society of Appraisers the sum of its chapters?
Fundamental Question Does the success of ASA depend on the success of its chapters?
Fundamental Question Are chapters a distribution channel through which ASA carries out its mission and purpose?
Successful Organization Requires Clarity and commitment to mission
Observation The mission of ASA chapters is neither clear nor possessing strong commitment
Observation ASA HQ assistance seems to be activity oriented not content oriented
Observation Current requirements make it difficult to form chapters and attract chapter officers.
ASA Membership “All members of the Society must be affiliated through a chapter.” Bylaw VIII, Section I,D
Chapter Meetings “The chapter governing body shall meet in person or by teleconference in all months in which the chapter does not have a meeting.” Administrative Rule IV, Section 13
Chapter Requirements “A group of 25 or more members, 10 of whom must be designated members, may apply to the society for initiation of a chapter.” Bylaw IV, Section 1
Branch Requirements “A branch must be geographically distant from its chapter such that the branch members have difficulty getting to chapter meetings and/or participating in the activities of the chapter.” Administrative Rule IV, Section 17,A
Branch Requirements (Continued) “A branch must have at least five members, with no fewer than two designated as ASA or AM.” Administrative Rule IV, Section 17,D
Chapter Legal Structure Legal entity separate from ASA (the Delaware corporation) 501(c)6 corporation Unincorporated association
HQ - Chapter Relationship ASA HQ has contract authority over a chapter ASA HQ authority is based on historical protocol and voluntary cooperation
Survey Procedure Contacted officers or members of 44 chapters (including 5 branches), representing 62% of all 71 chapters Interviewed by telephone to ask open-ended questions without introducing our own opinion
Chapter Purpose & Mission Survey Questions
Chapter Purpose & Mission • What is the purpose and mission of ASA chapters? • What “yardstick” is used to measure the effectiveness of carrying out their mission? • What should be in the “play book” for chapter officers to follow?
Chapter Purpose & Mission • If you started ASA today, what would be the purpose and mission of chapters? • Would you have chapters at all?
Chapter Purpose & Mission Survey Results
Purpose & Mission • Education – In addition to POV courses offered by ASA HQ • Mentoring – Assistance to candidates going through the accreditation process
Purpose & Mission(Continued) • Testing – Local resources to proctor exams • Recruitment – Introduce prospective members to ASA
Purpose & Mission(Continued) • Public Relations • Legislative Communication – Local or state (province) issues not known to or addressed by ASA HQ
Purpose & Mission(Continued) • Networking – Appraiser to appraiser • Socializing – There seems to be a need to belong to a special group that is fulfilled by ASA
Purpose & Mission(Continued) • Leadership Development – Chapters are a venue from which potential ASA leadership can make themselves known
Current “Yardstick” Number of meetings Number of members attending
Current “Yardstick” Little is said about the content of those meetings
New “Yardstick” Numerical ranking based on frequency of delivering services to members
Provides Services to Members 5. Regularly 4. Irregularly 3. Sometimes 2. Occasionally 1. None