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Take responsibility, be an active learner, and use technology to enhance learning in the Organizational Systems and Structures course. Explore equity in education and share your learning experiences.
Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway: Organizational Systems and Structures Summer 2017
Take responsibility for yourself as a learner. Honor time frames (start, end, activity). Be an active and hands-on learner. Use technology to enhance learning. Strive for equity of voice. Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe not to know.” ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Norms That Support Our Learning
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Parking Lot Let’s go back and see if questions were addressed…
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Equity • Equity isn’t giving every student the same thing; it’s giving every student what they need. It is about fairness. • Ensuring that all children – regardless of circumstance – are receiving high-quality and standards-aligned instruction is an equitable practice. • We want to ensure that standards-aligned instruction is causing the equitable practices needed to close the gaps caused by racism, bias, and poverty. • All week, we will explore our learning through that lens, and we will capture those moments visibly here in our room.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Share Your Learning Don’t forget to jot down ideas for • Light bulb moments • Why I teach/lead
Objectives and Agenda Objectives: • Participants will be able to use key evaluation questions to diagnose whether systems and structures provide the appropriate level of organizational support. • Participants will create an action plan for implementing the ideal literacy program. Agenda: • Opening and Activator • Diagnosing the System • Organizational Support and Change • Survey ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES
Get Ready (4 min.) ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURESCoaching Role Play: Purpose and Process Pair Up (2 min.) The objective of this activity is to give leaders practice coaching a teacher on standards- and shifts-alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. Role Play & Feedback #1 (11 min.) Role Play & Feedback #2 (11 min.)
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURESCoaching Role Play The objective of this activity is to give leaders a chance to practice coaching a teacher on standards- and shifts-alignment in the context of an authentic classroom situation. 4 minutes—Everybody Gets Ready Identify your goals for this coaching session. What do you want the teacher to know and be able to try as a result of this interaction? Draft entry question(s), clarifying questions, and probing questions. Draft key learning and next steps you want the teacher to walk away ready to try. 2 minutes—Pair Up Choose a partner. Identify who will go first. Role Play #1 shares goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURESRole Play #1—Reflect and Feedback 1 minute—Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view. 2 minutes—Identify What Worked Coach first Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and 1–2 moves you made that supported that goal. Share 1–2 other pluses that you can identify. Teacher Share 1–2 moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding. 2 minutes—Identify Suggestions for Improvement Coach first Share 1–2 things you’d like to do differently or improve. Teacher Share 1–2 things the coach should consider to strengthen practice.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURESTransition to Role Play #2 Review preparation notes. Share coaching goals and the level of “heat” you’d like to practice coaching.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURESRole Play #2—Reflect and Feedback 1 minute—Each role writes reflections of effectiveness of coaching conversation from their point of view. 2 minutes—Identify What Worked Coach first Start with stating your goal(s) for the discussion and 1–2 moves you made that supported that goal. Share 1–2 other pluses that you can identify. Teacher Share 1–2 moves that the coach made that deepened your understanding of Focus. 2 minutes—Identify Suggestions for Improvement Coach first Share 1–2 things you’d like to do differently or improve. Teacher Share 1–2 things the coach should consider to strengthen practice.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Your Ideal Literacy Program Our Ideal Literacy Program
Diagnosing the SystemFrom the work of Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Diagnosing the System “The practice of leadership, like the practice of medicine, involves two core processes: diagnosis first and then action. And those two processes unfold in two dimensions: toward the organization or social system you are operating in and toward yourself … to lead effectively, you also have to examine and take action toward yourself in the context of the challenge.” Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Diagnosing the Adaptive Challenge “An adaptive challenge is one which the team may have no idea how to solve.” Adaptive challenges can only be addressed though shifts in people’s values, beliefs, behaviors, priorities, habits, and loyalties. Adaptive challenges require learning. “Technical problems have known solutions” that can be implemented by someone, somewhere. Not easy or unimportant; but the problem is well-defined. Technical problems require resources and expertise. “Problems do not always come neatly packaged as either adaptive or technical. Most problems come mixed, with the technical and adaptive aspects intertwined.” Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, Marty Linsky The Practice of Adaptive Leadership What does this theory about adaptive challenges and technical problems have to do with the Elephant in the Dark?
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Diagnosing Your System Use the Leadership Questions to compare the system you currently have at your school with the system listed. Plus Evidence – What evidence do you have your students are benefitting from this practice? Deltas – What changes or upgrades need to be made? Information – What information do you still need to answer these questions?
Organizational Support and ChangeFrom the work of Thomas Guskey
Prioritizing: What Do You Want to See? What do you want to SEE happening differently in classrooms for students in literacy? Write up to five substantive and visible changes for the first six months of the school year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES What do you want to SEE teachers and/or leaders doing differently in literacy? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Guskey—A Quick Primer 5. What impact did the reform have on students? Levels 4 & 5 can be only be determined back at school. • Did teachers incorporate the new knowledge and skills into practice? 3. Organizational Support and Change Levels 1 & 2 can be determined at the end of a session. 2. Did they acquire intended knowledge and skills? 1. Did they like it? Was it worthwhile? Was it relevant and delivered with quality?
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Analyzing Level 3 Systems and Structures Leadership Support Policies and Procedures Systems and Structures for Student Learning Systems and Structures for Teachers 10 min. Review the list of Level 3 questions and make note of those that are relevant for your program.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Action Planning Design a set of actions that integrate into one coherent intervention for this next school year.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Resources for CCSS Implementation • Achievethecore.org - Instructional Practice Guides, Lesson Planning Tools, Coherence map for math, PD modules on the shifts and instructional practices, IMET curricular review tool and more (Basal Alignment Project, Read Aloud Project…) • Unbounded.org - Content guides, Free curriculum based on EngageNY • Achieve.org - EQuIP unit rubric, Student work analysis protocol • TNTP.org - Core Teaching Rubric • BetterLesson, Learnzillion, Khan Academy • Content Specific: Illustrativemathematics.org, Zearn.org (K-5), Literacy Design Collaborative, NewsELA
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Standing Take-Aways What do you know now that you did not know before? I now know ___. What do you think now that you did not think before? I used to think ___, and now I think ___. What will you do now that you did not do before? I used to ___, and now I will ___.
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Image Credits Slides 1, 18: https://pixabay.com/en/team-unity-celebration-dance-150149/ Slides 13-17: https://pixabay.com/en/personal-silhouettes-human-1264695/ Slides 10: https://pixabay.com/en/blank-poster-wooden-table-white-654688/ Slide 12: http://media.news.harvard.edu/gazette/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/10.01_AdaptiveDeadership_300_BookFull.jpg Slide 30: http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348375294l/1708706.jpg Slide 35: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/05/16/15/09/take-a-break-1395919__340.jpg Slide 46: https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2016/01/13/05/40/relax-1137240_960_720.jpg