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Home Sweet Classroom: Building a Strong Community of Learners. Persis Buffum Abby Rorie JPES – 4 th Grade. Mission and Vision. Mission : Dorchester School District Two leading the way, every student, every day, through relationships, rigor, and relevance.
Home Sweet Classroom: Building a Strong Community of Learners Persis Buffum Abby Rorie JPES – 4th Grade
Mission and Vision Mission: Dorchester School District Two leading the way, every student, every day, through relationships, rigor, and relevance. Vision: Dorchester School District Two desires to be recognized as a “World Class” school district, expecting each student to achieve at his/her optimum level in all areas, and providing all members of our district family with an environment that permits them to do their personal best.
Home Sweet Classroom • Discussion Topics will include: -Ways to build community -Ways to engage active learners -Develop a learning environment conducive to all learning styles/Brain friendly room -Single gender strategies to use in a mixed gender classroom
Home Sweet Classroom • What strategies do you use to make your classroom feel like a home?
Home Sweet Classroom Ways to build community - Family meetings – what’s said in the family stays in the family, problems don’t leave the “house,” helps with trust, feeling comfortable with each other…brothers/sisters – care for each other but sometimes it’s ok not to get along… - Real life –not all adults like each other, but we respect teach other - Team/family names – boys esp. team mate mentality - Show videos, Kyle Maynard, including others, we are all different - Switch seats everyday - Mission statements - Show pictures - CNN student news
Home Sweet Classroom Ways to engage active learners - yoga balls, wobble chairs, other alternative seating - brain breaks – give examples of all - Working music/transition music - Teacher/student call and response - 1,2,3,wooo!.....1,2,3,hoorah!
Home Sweet Classroom Develop a learning environment conducive to all learning styles/brain friendly room • Snacks/peppermints • Music – transition, testing environments, low lighting • shoes off/comfortable/welcoming/safe • stress balls • using accents • Air freshner
Home Sweet Classroom Single gender strategies to use in a mixed gender classroom Boys – chunk directions, repeat, shorter lessons Girls – more discussion, they ask a lot of questions before they are released to independent because they don’t want to get it wrong Both - allowing 2 choices for an activity… ex: girls can write a story, boys can create a comic - not requiring color for everything, boys like black and white - Boys want to complete the task and be done. Girls want to take their time, add detail, check with you as they work to ask if it’s “good so far”
Home Sweet Classroom • What strategies will you implement in your classroom? • Use scented markers and chart paper
Contact Information Persis Buffum – 4th grade pbuffum@dorchester2.k12.sc.us Abby Rorie – 4th grade arorie@dorchester2.k12.sc.us
Session EvaluationParticipants are asked to complete a session evaluation for each session attended. Credit (attendance, renewal, and/or technology) will be added following evaluation completion. For each question, use 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree. Your responses will assist us in planning future professional development in Dorchester School District Two. • The instructor was well prepared for the workshop. • The materials for the workshop were appropriate. • The concepts presented were appropriate to my job. • I will benefit from attending this session. • I would recommend this training to others.