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eRHIC Design. eRHIC Schemes R&D Items Cost and Schedule. p. e -. e +. eRHIC Scope. RHIC. Electron accelerator. Polarized protons 50-250 Gev. Polarized leptons 3-20 Gev. Heavy ions (Au) 50-100 Gev/u. Polarized light ions ( 3 He) 167 Gev/u. 70% beam polarization goal. eRHIC.
eRHIC Design eRHIC Schemes R&D Items Cost and Schedule
p e- e+ eRHIC Scope RHIC Electron accelerator Polarized protons 50-250 Gev Polarized leptons 3-20 Gev Heavy ions (Au) 50-100 Gev/u Polarized light ions (3He) 167 Gev/u 70% beam polarization goal
eRHIC • Integrated electron-nucleon luminosity of ~ 50 fb-1 over about a decade for both highly polarized nucleon and nuclear (A = 2-208) RHIC beams. • 50-250 GeV polarized protons • up to 100 GeV/n gold ions • up to 167 GeV/n polarized 3He ions • Two accelerator design options developed in parallel (2004 Zeroth-Order Design Report): • ERL-based design (“Linac-Ring”; presently most promising design): • Superconducting energy recovery linac (ERL) for the polarized electron beam. • Peak luminosity of 2.6 1033 cm-2s-1 with potential for even higher luminosities. • R&D for a high-current polarized electron source needed to achieve the design goals. • Ring-Ring option: • Electron storage ring for polarized electron or positron beam. • Technologically more mature with peak luminosity of 0.47 1033 cm-2s-1. • Decision on what to build to supply polarized leptons will be driven by a number of considerations, among them experimental requirements, cost and timeline.
e-cooling (RHIC II) 5mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm PHENIX Main ERL (3.9 GeV per pass) STAR e+ storage ring 5 GeV - 1/4 RHIC circumference Four e-beam passes ERL-based eRHIC Design Compact recirculation loop magnets • Electron energy range from 3 to 20 GeV • Peak luminosity of 2.6 1033 cm-2s-1in electron-hadron collisions; • high electron beam polarization (~80%); • full polarization transparency at all energies for the electron beam; • multiple electron-hadron interaction points (IPs) and detectors; • 5 meter “element-free” straight section(s) for detector(s); • ability to take full advantage of electron cooling of the hadron beams; • easy variation of the electron bunch frequency to match the ion bunch frequency at different ion energies.
5 – 10 GeV e-ring 5 -10GeV full energy injector RHIC e-cooling (RHIC II) Ring-Ring eRHIC Design • Based on existing technology • Collisions at 12 o’clock interaction region • 10 GeV, 0.5 A e-ring with 1/3 of RHIC circumference (similar to PEP II HER) • Inject at full energy 5 – 10 GeV • Polarized electrons and positrons
eRHIC R-R: Full Energy Injection Options Recirculating SC linac Recirculating NC linac • Injection of polarized electrons from source • Ring optimized for maximum current • Top-off Figure 8 booster synchrotron, FFAG or simple booster
eRHIC Ion Beam • RHIC is the world’s only collider of high-energy heavy ion (for now) and polarized proton beams. • 100 GeV proton beams with ~ 65% polarization operational • First test at 250 GeV reached ~ 45% polarization • First high energy stochastic cooling demonstrated in RHIC • Electron cooling under development for RHIC II (x10 luminosity). Also needed/beneficial for eRHIC with same requirements as RHIC II • Presently RHIC operates with 111 bunches of 1.4 x 1011 protons. Successful test of 111 bunches of 3 x 1011 protons at injection. eRHIC design is 166 bunches of 2 x 1011 protons. • Development under way for polarized 3He beams from the new RHIC ion source EBIS
(Red) electron beam magnets (Blue) ion ring magnets Detector (Yellow) ion ring magnets Interaction Region Design • Yellow ion ring makes 3m vertical excursion. • Design incorporates both normal and superconducting magnets. • Fast beam separation. Besides the interaction point no electron-ion collisions allowed. • Synchrotron radiation emitted by electrons does not hit surfaces of cold magnets
IR Design Schemes • No crossing angle at the IP • Linac-ring: larger electron beta*; relaxed aperture limits ; allows round beam collision geometry (the luminosity gains by a factor of 2.5). • Detector integrated dipole: dipole field superimposed on detector solenoid.
Electron beam R&D for ERL-based design: High intensity polarized electron source (for polarized beams!) Development of large cathode guns with existing current densities ~ 50 mA/cm2 with good cathode lifetime. (MIT research proposal) Energy recovery technology for high energy and high current beams Thorough beam tests with the BNL test ERL based on the 5-cell cavity studying loss tolerances and the cavity protection systems. Development of compact recirculation loop magnets Design, build and test a prototype of a small gap magnet and its vacuum chamber. Evaluation of electron-ion beam-beam effects, including the kink instability and e-beam disruption Realistic beam-beam simulations. Electron beam R&D for the ring-ring design: No major R&D items Main R&D items for ion beam for both designs: Polarized 3He production (EBIS) and acceleration Develop EBIS as spin-preserving ionizer of optically pumped pol. 3He gas Evaluation of depolarization due to high anomalous magnetic moment of pol. 3He beams during acceleration in AGS and RHIC Main R&D Items (other than engineering and costing)
R&D for specific experimental programs: High precision ion beam polarimeter Improve absolute polarization accuracy from about 5% to 1% R&D to further increase eRHIC luminosity: Increase number of ion bunches from 166 to 333 Electron clouds with 30 ns ion bunch spacing (LHC has 25 ns bunch spacing) Injection kicker development Higher current of ERL Optical stochastic cooling of high energy proton beam Proof of principal experiment proposed at Bates Beam-beam compensation The focusing effect of the colliding electron beam on the ion beam could be compensated with ion-ion collisions Other R&D
Ring-ring preliminary cost estimate (2007$) • Electron ring : 132 M • Interaction region 9 M • Injector (warm recirculating linac, incl. source): 113 M • Installation: 16 M • Civil construction: 21 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Total: 291 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • With PED/EDIA (20%), Contingency (30%) and G&A (15%): • Total Equipment Cost (TEC): 523 M • Detector allowance: 103 M • Pre-ops, R&D: 72 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Total Project Cost (TPC): ~ 700 M • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Linac-ring preliminary cost estimate (2007$) • 4 GeV superconducting linac incl. source: 111 M • 5 pass recirculation loops (5 x ~15M): 77 M • Interaction region: 9 M • Installation: 26 M • Civil construction: 21 M • Cryogenics: 41 M • Switch yards: 21 M • Positron capability: 15 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Total: 321 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • With PED/EDIA (20%), Contingency (30%) and G&A (15%): • Total Equipment Cost (TEC): 577 M • Detector allowance: 103 M • Pre-ops, R&D: 72 M • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Total Project Cost (TPC): ~ 750 M • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Straw-man technically driven schedule in 2007$ Incremental operations costs: ~ 50 M (2007$)
Summary • Two versions for eRHIC have been developed: • Ring-ring: lower risk (ready to go), lower luminosity performance, 10 GeV e • Linac-ring: higher risk (new concept), higher luminosity performance, 20 GeV e • Preliminary cost estimate is similar. Decision on what to build to supply polarized leptons will be driven by a number of considerations, among them experimental requirements, cost and timeline. • Modest R&D over the next five years will reduce technical risk, especially for linac-ring option. • There are phasing possibilities for both options.