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Biggest Social Media Platforms for Whitepaper Promotion

Are you looking for an effective way to build your brand, to demonstrate thought leadership, and to position yourself to the next level? Hold on! <br>There is no better way to do this than writing a whitepaper.

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Biggest Social Media Platforms for Whitepaper Promotion

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  1. Biggest Social Media Platforms for Whitepaper Promotion Are you looking for an effective way to build your brand, demonstrate thought leadership, and put yourself on the next level? wait! There is no better way to do this than to write a white paper. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B companies rank white papers as one of the most effective forms of marketing content above online videos, blogs, newsletters, and presentations. But do you think only writing will help? You know better, it's a "no". One of the valuable content marketing tools is to generate leads and attract potential customer interest. Created by marketers to educate their audience about any issues or explain a specific solution or methodology to solve the problems they face, based on research, current industry data and statistics. But spending hours writing an excellent, reliable white paper can't get people to download and read it automatically. As a result, it is gathering dust in some hidden corners of the website. Not anymore! Time to get rid of the dust and remove it in front of your target audience. That means promotions - a common area where marketers go wrong marketing white paper and are looking for answers on how to promote the white paper on social media to generate valuable leads and get more people to download it? The good news? Here are the top 4 social media platforms with great marketing tips for promoting white paper leading to more downloads and shares. interesting? Let's demystify this. 1. Enhance your white paper's reach to Facebook Your B2B whitepaper has been published, your goal now is to drive traffic to this content to drive leads down the sales funnel so that they convert into a sale based on the white paper's contribution. Let Facebook take over from here.

  2. Start a discussion about the white paper on your Facebook page. Create a landing page for your white paper on Facebook, this will increase your downloads. Facebook ads are also a great way to start your marketing strategy. It is economical than other alternatives and provides the right amount of tweaking to showcase your content to the right target audience. First, target your Facebook audience. Your Facebook fans are people (or organizations) who are mostly interested in hearing what you have to say. So, make sure you are showing them the best of your content. Install Facebook Pixel on your website, so you can create custom audiences that you can retarget with Facebook ads with whitepaper content that you know they will like. Facebook will optimize your ad budget in a mathematical way to increase conversions (downloads) for your white paper. You can also reach your mobile audience through Facebook Instant Articles to promote your white paper. You can add a registration form to your white paper directly inside the article. Give your network a peek at your white paper by interviewing a topic expert or speaking on a topic related to your worksheet. Stream this video directly to Facebook and once the live broadcast is over, promote this video through social media networks and email marketing. These tips work best for your Facebook fans, client lists, and people who visit your website. 2. Use LinkedIn effectively to promote your white paper B2B buyers rely on in-depth information on white papers to make informed buying decisions. So, it is time to embrace all the opportunities that LinkedIn has to offer. With over 150 million users and around 80% of them are corporate decision makers, LinkedIn can be a great platform for promoting your business. To get your worksheet in front of your target audience, let LinkedIn take it from here. If your white paper is intended for a B2B audience, you can start discussions about your white paper and have people download it.

  3. Post a link to your white paper on your company page. Mention it in your status update, and ask some of your employees to do the same. If you are a member of any of the LinkedIn related groups, it can be a great place to share your white papers. You need to mention some key stats from your whitepaper and share them on relevant LinkedIn groups. Just make sure you are an active member of these groups. Also, avoid excessive self-promotion. Spend the time talking about how the white paper can help solve your audience's problem. Why should they take the time to download and read it. Use LinkedIn Publisher, which is a great way to engage with the best B2B social network. Write an article based on your white paper content, mainly about its offerings and upload it to LinkedIn Publisher. Attach your white paper to the end of your article, doing so will make it easier for your readers to download it and learn more. If done right, your audience will discover your white paper and all methods will transform. CONNECT WITH A SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST 3. Harness the power of Twitter to promote your white paper With over 100 million active users, Twitter is the second most popular social network. 43% of business decision-makers use Twitter to discover new products and solutions. This provides a powerful platform for your white paper to reach a larger audience. Thousands of Tweets are sent every day to people's feeds, so there won't be much impact on your followers, one little tweet about your worksheet. For the challenges that arise while promoting the White Paper, let Twitter take it from here. White leaves are long, dense bits of content. Twitter is where the subtle interactions happen. So, what you need to do to develop a Twitter white paper promotion strategy, is to understand how your audience is likely to interact with your company.

  4. Create a posts calendar for your content, develop a series of influential Tweets, and use these Tweets to promote your white paper that offers more information than just the title. Make sure to tweet once a week, it is always a good idea to avoid self-promotion especially on Twitter. Send tweets and motivate them through "pay with a Tweet" schemes. It is a safe way to ensure your message is seen by the right people on Twitter. Always use hashtags while posting your whitepaper to Twitter. It is very effective in giving your Tweets more visibility. Make sure to use relevant hashtags. If your white paper is based on a technical topic, tag it with #Tech, #Technology, etc. If your whitepaper is about marketing, use hashtags like #Marketing. Add Tweet buttons to the landing page in addition to your paper documents. Having the button in the document will make it easier for your audience to share the white paper. If done right, your white paper can reach a larger audience with Twittersphere! 4. Take advantage of YouTube video ads to promote your white paper The video is a powerful way to illustrate concepts on a white paper and share results. The B2B white paper marketing process prompts the audience / readers to contact you to find out more information or request a product demo. So, to attract more audiences and increase downloads, let YouTube take it from here! Create a teaser video demonstrating the insights from your white paper. Then upload it to YouTube, your company website, your blog, and all social networks. The video has taken over social media and Google search. You can optimize your video with keywords to get loads of views for people searching for business or maybe your topic on YouTube. Several apps can help you create personalized and professional looking videos. You just need to be a little creative while creating it. When done correctly, it can result in a lot of views and downloads. Packaging

  5. As you launch each of these marketing strategies, be sure to record those strategies and track your KPIs over time. For a white paper, you must track leads, sales, and ROI. If you do all of the above to promote your white paper on social media channels, it can help you reach a wider audience, attract more potential clients, and convert them into clients. How did you upgrade your white papers? What is best for you? Do tell us in the comments section below.

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