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David Miller
's Uploads
14 Uploads
Quantitative Determination of Ortho & Meta Toluic Acid Isomers
135 vues
Biofield Treatment Effect on Selenium Powder - View more
123 vues
Biofield Energy Influence on Barium Calcium Tungsten Oxide
160 vues
Spectroscopic Properties of Biofield Energy Treated Protose
146 vues
Biofield Treated Date Palm Callus | SciencePublishingGroup
101 vues
Analyze 2,4-Dichlorophenol Properties after Biofield Treatment
89 vues
Spectral & Thermal Properties of Biofield Treated Cotton
145 vues
International Journal of Biomedical Science & Engineering
88 vues
SciencePG Journal of Advances in Bioscience & Bioengineering
92 vues
Biofield | Study Journal of Clinical & Experimental Medicine
129 vues
Biofield | American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
72 vues
The Trivedi Effect - Improving Personal & Professional life
103 vues
Biofield | Journal of Materials Science & Applications | SciencePG
104 vues
Biofield Energy Treatment | Tests on p-Chloro-m-Cresol
129 vues