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CRCT GOVERNMENT GAME. What type of government does Japan have today ?. Constitutional Monarchy. What type of government does North Korea have today?. Communist/ Dictatorship and Autocracy. Describe the government of Vietnam today?. Communist, unlimited, oligarchy, unitary.

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  2. What type of government does Japan have today? Constitutional Monarchy

  3. What type of government does North Korea have today? Communist/ Dictatorship and Autocracy

  4. Describe the government of Vietnam today? Communist, unlimited, oligarchy, unitary

  5. What government is a voluntary association of independent states that agrees to follow a weak central government? Confederation

  6. What government has a central government that controls everything and power is not shared between states, counties or provinces? Unitary

  7. What is the name of Japan’s parliament? The Diet

  8. What role in Japan today is classified as the HEAD of government today? The Prime Minister

  9. What is nationalsim? Having a sense of pride in one’s country.

  10. Do people living in North Korea elect their leaders? Why or Why not? No, it is a communist nation with a dictator as the ruler.

  11. What country helped Japan rebuild after WWII and WHY? United States, in an effort to promote Democracy.

  12. What does legislature mean? The governing body that makes laws.

  13. To study governments, geographers look at government systems. What is this? How the power is distributed.

  14. What kind of government is ruled by a king or dictator? Autocratic

  15. What kind of government has a central government that controls everything and power is not shared between states, counties or provinces. Unitary System

  16. What kind of government is a voluntary association of independent states that agrees to follow a weak central government. . Confederation System

  17. In what kind of government is power shared by a powerful central government and states or provinces are given considerable self rule, usually through their own legislatures. . Federal System

  18. In what kind of government does a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power and the group gets their power from either the military, wealth, or social status. Also, elections may be held but offer only one candidate? Oligarchy

  19. In what kind of government is the government “Ruled by the people” and individual freedom and equality is valued. Where free elections are held and decisions are based on majority rule? Democracy

  20. India’s government operates as a Federal Republic. • Question-How is power distributed in a Federal Republic? ANSWER-In a federal republic, power is divided between the national and state or regional governments.

  21. In what kind of government is the power to govern held by one person and where the power to rule is generally inherited or imposed by military force? Autocracy

  22. The Koran and other Muslim teachings are the basis for which government Saudi Arabia

  23. A country ruled by a person that has complete and unlimited power Autocracy

  24. The Israeli legislator is called? The Knesset

  25. A republic government based on the laws of Islam (Iran) Islamic Republic

  26. a form of government in which a Deity (God) is recognized as the supreme civil ruler Theocracy

  27. a country in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the states, colonies, or provinces have some self-government; ultimate power rests with the voters who choose their governmental representatives (India, United States, Germany, Federal Republic

  28. What kind of government lets the citizens elect leaders and rule by majority (United States) Representative Democracy

  29. A government based upon religious beliefs is BEST described as an Theocracy

  30. What kind of government controls most aspects of its peoples life. Authoritarian

  31. What type of government citizens choose representatives to make and enforce the laws Representative Democracy

  32. The central government holds most of the power in _________ government. UNITARY

  33. A small group of powerful leaders are in charge in this kind of government… Oligarchy

  34. What is the legislative branch of government is responsible for ??? making and carrying out the laws

  35. In general, countries with strong economies have __________ literacy rates High

  36. How is the leader of a Presidential Democracy chosen? The president is chosen in a vote by the people.

  37. How is the leader of a Parliamentary Democracy chosen? The Prime Minister is chosen by representatives in the legislator

  38. A UNICAMERAL legislature means what? It is a ONE house body that makes and passes the laws for the country.

  39. A country ruled by a person that has complete and unlimited power Autocracy

  40. a form of government in which a Deity (God) is recognized as the supreme civil ruler Theocracy

  41. A country in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the states, colonies, or provinces have some self-government; ultimate power rests with the voters who choose their governmental representatives (India, United States, Germany, South Africa…) Federal Republic

  42. a kind of government in which the citizens elect leaders and rule by majority (United States) Representative Democracy

  43. A government based upon religious beliefs is BEST described as an Theocracy

  44. What kind of government controls most aspects of its peoples life. Authoritarian

  45. What kind of government citizens choose representatives to make and enforce the laws Representative Democracy

  46. The central government holds most of the power in _________ government. UNITARY

  47. A small group of powerful leaders are in charge in this kind of government… Oligarchy

  48. What is the legislative branch of government is responsible for ??? making and carrying out the laws

  49. How is the leader of a Presidential Democracy chosen? The president is chosen in a vote by the people.

  50. How is the leader of a Parliamentary Democracy chosen? The Prime Minister is chosen by representatives in the legislator

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