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UK Education Update

UK Education Update. Mark Stewart – UK Education Partner Lead markstew@microsoft.com Follow us on # UKEdPart. Agenda. Business update Connected Education Solutions Campaign Build Conference UK Education Partner Network Updates Breakout Session. Business update. 3.5m desktops

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UK Education Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UK Education Update Mark Stewart – UK Education Partner Lead markstew@microsoft.com Follow us on #UKEdPart

  2. Agenda Business update Connected Education Solutions Campaign Build Conference UK Education Partner Network Updates Breakout Session

  3. Business update • 3.5m desktops • Procurement - Local Authorities, Schools • Government engagement • Microsoft Licensing - Campus and School Agreement • Growing at 8% • 12 million Licenses a year • Live@Edu • Value proposition of Exchange, SharePoint and Lync • Our Approach to Free Schools and Academies

  4. Connected Education Solutions Campaign • Microsoft Education has launched a new campaign, designed to help customers relate Microsoft solutions in a way that is more consistent with education technology requirements. • There are 5 solution areas (4 news ones) • eLearning • Institution Effectiveness • Operational Efficiency • Research • Live@edu • UK Campaign • Drive customer demand for education solutions through online campaign • Provide customer to partner match making search service by solution area, using PinPoint solution profiling: • Will retrieve partners who add the solution area keywords • Will retrieve/order partners based on aligned competency attainment

  5. Connected Education Solutions Campaign Partner Resources We will provide resources from MEPN to support partners in delivering Connected Education Solutions using the Education Services Portfolio This includes technical guidance and also consulting services support for Statement of Work production as well as planning guides. We will also be providing the Bill of Materials to support partners customer campaigns. Presentations, email templates, scripts and more

  6. Connected Education Solutions Campaign Qualification criteria We have aligned partner competencies to the Connected Education Solution areas: • You need 1 or more competencies for each solution area to be a solution partner • More competencies means higher placing in PinPoint search results • Call to action • Review the Connected Education Solutions content on https://www.mseducommunity.com/Programs/esp/Pages/default.aspx • Profile your solutions in PinPoint –do this now, esp Live@edu. Email markstew when done. • Renew or add your partner competencies – many benefits too to be had (see appendix)

  7. Microsoft Build Conference • You can view content online from here - http://www.buildwindows.com/ • What we announced: • Availability of Windows 8 Developer Preview, download here. • The new Metro UI – develop in .Net or HTML5 and deploy natively to Metro/Windows 8. • Windows 8 on Intel & ARM devices. • Tools update - Visual Studio & Expression Suite – HTML5 support. • Windows 8 Store – Metro apps and classic Windows apps (your choice) • Call to action • Watch the Build Keynote - here • Download and explore developing Windows 8 apps with the Developer Preview - here • See the Metro UI experience - here • Develop an education app & we will demo it at BETT on the Microsoft stand – email UKEdPart@microsoft.com to confirm commitment.

  8. UK Education Partner Network Updates www.mseducommunity.com/uk “Partner Features” Short cut to Partner solution promotions & case studies “Speaker Request” Want an Education speaker at your partner event? “Guest Blogging” Coming soon to UK MEPN, download template and submit blog post and we will post this on the UK Microsoft Education Blog

  9. UK Education Partner Network Updates • “Quarterly Allhands Events” • •Dec 19th 2011 • •March 26th 2012 • •June 18th 2012 • Event slides/videos, etc posted here • “Don’t forget www.mepn.com. Lots of partner resources, the education lens into the Microsoft Partner Network • Product news • Webinars • Resources – training, BOM, Support • Watch Alessandro’s video 

  10. Priority Education Partner Technologies Our Goal – grow the education partners specialising in these technology areas Work with Education sales teams on co-selling opportunities Engage on strategic solution development opportunities Don’t leave revenue on the table! It adds unrivalled value to education solutions Institutions looking to differentiate their services to students Embraces the cloud – connect & collaborate anytime, anywhere Public cloud applications & services Meet the needs of education – consumerisation affect Grow your business, enter new markets Content, content & content at scale and global Institutions need to understand their customers – students/parents Not just CRM Institutions need to save money What about consumerisation and multi-device support

  11. Breakout • Please note which group you are in • 4 sessions, each 30mins • Note the order of your group sessions • Each session will be: • 15mins technology presentation • What is it • Why should I care • Why in education • What do I do next • 10mins Wine tasting, but your group must answer the mandatory questions  • Back to the theatre for the wrap up at 17.15. • The presenters: • Lync – Malcolm Bullock • Dynamics – Hayley Bass & Anne Lambton • Azure – David Gristwood • Hyper-V – Julian Datta

  12. Thank You! For any education partner queries please contact: markstew@microsoft.com ukedpart@microsoft.com Education Partner Online resources at: www.mepn.com www.mseducommunity.com/uk Follow us on #UKEdPart

  13. Appendix

  14. Microsoft Partner Competencies https://partner.microsoft.com/UK/program/competencies • The value of earning a Microsoft Competency Guide – here • Education Solution Area Competencies: • Desktop • Server Platform • Mid-Market Solution Provider • Portals & Collaboration • Systems Management • Virtualisation • Enterprise Resource Management

  15. Microsoft Partner Competencies Microsoft core benefits at a glance – here Calculate Partner internal use software benefits - here

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