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  1. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA ASTROLOGER PANKAJ JI NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA A good environment at work, a good work place, a good doer and all the resources and efforts of doer are if not able to perform a work, then only the ‘Fate’ is the reason for non-completion and failure. – 18/11/42 Shloka of BhagwatGeeta. Pankaj JI has been a Commerce Graduate and did his Honours Degree from Magadh University and also did M.B.A . He is master in K.P astrology , NADI astrology , PRASHANA KUNDLI and teaching since last 3 years ..

  2. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA Batch Schedule • Next batches starting date as follows: Saturday,22th December 2012. Timings 6 PM to 8PM IST(+5.30 GMT) • Course duration: 6 Months • Lessons starting date: 22th December 2012. • Taught on: Saturdays and Sunday • Class duration and timings: 2 hours, 6 PM to 8 PM IST (+5.30 GMT). • Mode of teaching: Live interactive online in a virtual class room. • Language of teaching: English and Hindi .

  3. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Advantages: You can learn sitting at home. Fully interactive with questions answers and discussions of hundreds of birth charts. You can record and replay the entire class proceedings in a Video on your computer and replay when ever you want. • If you miss a class?: Class recording can be emailed. • Study material provided: Study material of Vedic astrology ,K.P astrology and Nadi astrology principles from authentic and best scriptures in word document form + astrology software.

  4. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • The Horoscope - The Ascendant, Forms of Horoscopes, Signs, Planets, Nakshatras or Constellations, Sub Lord, Exercise. • The Ascendant - Sidereal Time, War time correction, Calculation of Ascendant for Southern Latitudes, Important tables, Examples. Exercise. • Casting Horoscope - Calculation of Longitudes of Planets, Characters in Ephemeris, Examples, NirayanaBhavChalit, Examples, Exercise • Hindu Dasa System - VimshottariDasa, Mahadasa, AntarDasa, PratyantarDasa, calculation of Dasa, Examples, Exercise. • Planets - Twelve Planets considered in Astrology, Planets as Significators, Lordship of the Planets, Aspects, Natural Malefic, Natural Benefic, Separative Planets, Natural Strength, Friendship and Enemity , Conjunctions, Avasthas of Planets Exercise

  5. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA COURSE BASIC OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY • Astronomy - The Universe, The big bang theory, Formation of Solar system, The solar system, Constellations, Geocentric and Heliocentric system, Inner and Outer Planets, The Sun, Natural Satellites, Comets, Asteroids, Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorite, Solar Wind, The Earth, Poles, Equator, Geographical Longitudes and Latitudes, Time Zone, The Moon, Planetary Motion, Celestial Sphere, Celestial Equator, Ecliptic, Zodiac, Formation of Days and Nights, Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox, Summer and Winter Solstice, Declination,Sidereal Period, Sidereal Year, Tropical Year, Rahu and Ketu, Inclination of Earth and its significance, day, Eclipses, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Phases of The Moon, Retrogression, Combustion of Planets, Planetary Wars, Exercise. • Time - Longitude and Time, Greenwich Mean Time, Local Mean Time, Standard Time,Zonal Standard Time and Time Zone, Conversion of Time, Examples, LMT Correction,Exercise.

  6. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Signs - Twelve Signs of Zodiac, Classification of Signs, Fiery Signs Earthy Signs Airy Signs Watery Signs Movable Fixed Dual signs, Sex, Odd and Even, limbs of a Native, Temperaments, Varn, Watery Signs, Directions, Diurnal and Nocturnal Signs, Biped,Quadruped, Prishtodaya Signs Shirshodaya Signs Ubhayodaya Sign, Exercise. • Houses - Twelve Houses, Significator of Houses, Marak Houses, Badhak Houses, Quadrant, Trine,, Penphara, Cadent, Upachaya Houses, Relationship between Houses, Exercise. • Relationship of Planets, Houses and Signs - Conjunctions, Aspects, Lordships, Motion and Velocity of Planets. Exercise.  Transits of Planets - Examples.

  7. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • How to Predict ? - Results of a Planet, How a Planet signifies a House, Timing anevent, Eleventh House, Negation of an event, Analysation of an Example Horoscope, Things to do. • Uranus Neptune Pluto - Examples, Exercise. • History of Hindu Astrology  • Traditional Astrology  • Strength of a Planet - Positional Strength,Directional Strength, Temporal or TimeStrength, Motional Strength, Natural Strength, Aspectual Strength, Strength of House. • Divisional Charts - Hora, Dreshkana, Chaturthamsa, Panchamsa, Shashtiamsa,Saptamsa, Ashtamsa, Navamsa, Dashamsa, Ekadashamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa,Visamsa, Chaturvisamasa, Saptvimsamsa, Khavedamsa, Akshvedamsa, Shastiamsa, Tables ofDivisional Charts, Example.

  8. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Myths in Astrology - ManglikDosh, GandMoolNakshatra, Gun Milan, KalSarpYog,Sade Sati. • Hindu Tradition - Hindu Time Measures, Months, Years, Panchang, Elements ofPanchang, Calculation of elements of Panchang, Calculation of Ascendant, First alphabet ofthe name, Paya, Yunja, RahuKalam, Moon Chart, Sun Chart, Planetary Cabinet, SudershanChakra, Traditional Horoscope.

  9. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA k.P astrology and nadi astrology • Rules of "K.P ASTROLOGYandnadi astrology  --  Casting of K.P chart , ruling planates,  Cuspas, and cuspal lord , Planetary and Cuspal positions up to Sub-Sub Lords   Ayanamsa, NirayanaBahavaChalit, Casting NirayanaBahavChalit, Dasa, Sub lord, Aspects & Conjunctions, Position & Lordship of Planets, How to Judge a Planet, Strength of Planet, Cusps, Results of Planets, Timing of an Event, Transits of Planets, Negation of an event. • Education - Houses, Planets, Combination, No Education, No inclination for Education, Foreign Education, Scholarships, Success in Competition Exams & Interviews, Field of Education, Prizes or Awards, General, Illustrations. • Litigation - Houses, Planets, Combinations & Timing, Imprisonment, Causes of imprisonment, Political confinement, Going underground, House arrest, Kidnapping, Winning in litigation, Illustrations. • Property & Vehicle-Purchase of property, Houses, Planets, Combination & Timing of purchase of property, Transits, Purchase through Loan, Purchase in Installments, Location & Status of property, Commercial property, Construction of property, Rental income, Loss of property, Partition of property, Sale of property, Transits, Change of residence.

  10. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Purchase of vehicles - Houses, Facilitator House, Planet, Combination & Timing of purchase of vehicles, Transits, Purchase through loan, Gift of vehicle, Colour of vehicle, Luxury vehicle, Condition of vehicle, Commercial vehicle, Theft of vehicle, Non repayment of loan & Loss of vehicle, Maintenance of vehicle, Sale of Vehicle, Transits, Illustrations. • Health - House & Body parts, Planets, Houses, Combinations, Timing of disease, Transits, Type of diseases, Accidents & Accidental deaths, Transits, Illustrations. • Travel - Houses, Combinations, Timing , Condition & place of Visit, Transits, Settling Abroad, Going in the orbit, Space & to other planets, Coming back to the Motherland, Combination & Timing of return, Purpose of Travel, Going to Pilgrimage, General, Illustrations. • Career & Financial Prospects - Combinations, Houses, Planets, Transits, No job or obstacles in career, Houses, Combinations & Timing, Transits, Interviews & written tests, Change in job/business, Houses, Planets, Combination & Timing the change of job, Transits, Nature of next job/business & vice versa, Break in career, Suspension, Promotions, Transfer, Type of Career, Illustrations.

  11. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Marriage - Houses, Combination & Timing of Marriage, Transit, Planet, Love affairs & Sexual relationships, Combinations, Special combinations, Nature of planets, Prostitution, Choice Marriage, Love Marriage & premarital affair, Marriage in known circle, Dowry, Divorce, Houses, Planets, Combinations & Timing of divorce, Transits, Special combinations, Marriage proposals & breaking of engagements, Manglikdosha, Streedhan,General, Horoscope matching, No marriage, Keeping a Mistress, Illustrations. • Children - Houses, Planet, Combinations, Timing the birth of child, Transits, No child, Number of Children, Pregnancy periods & Miscarriages, Abortion, Special cases, Still birth, GandmoolNakshatras, Sex of the child, Adoption, Custody, Birth of Twins Illustrations. • Corporate Astrology - Combinations, Illustrations. • Longevity - Houses, Badhak Houses, Marak Houses, Planet, Transits, Calculation of Longevity, Combinations & Timing the death, Death at the time of Marriage, Accidental Death, Death in foreign land, Death after disease or during surgery, Illustration. • Rectification of Birth time - Ruling planets, Illustration.

  12. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Helping Sciences  • Muhurat • Remedial Measures  • Twin Births - • Personalities - Spiritual leaders, Politicians, Assassins & Assassinations, Glamour & Filmdom, Poets & Writers, Scientists & Astrologers. • Prasna Charts - Horary charts for KP Number 1-249 (Sub Lord)  & KCIL 1-2193 (Sub Sub Lord) In this, questions regarding all the chapters written above will be covered without the horoscope. You can also attempt precise questions as below: • · When electricity will come back? • · Who will win the match? • · What time Mr.Y will reach the destination? • and meny more

  13. NAKSHATRA JYOTISH ANUSANDHAN KENDRA • Magic  of Ruling planate and numerology  -  Finding train coach number, who win the election  and from how many votes, etc ………. • ASTROLOGER PANKAJ JI • ROHINI DELHI • MAIL – ASTROLOGERPANKAJ00@GMAIL.COM • VISIT – WWW.ASTROVANI.IN • WWW.BIGASTRO.YOLASITE.COM • SKYPE – ASTROLOGERPANKAJ1 • CALL – 8802271512 , 9540407086

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