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Kendra Willis

I’m very easy going I love dogs I laugh at everything Every time I go to Chili’s, I end up sending my food back. I know almost every line to Scary Movie 3, Walk Hard, and Stepbrothers I can sing along to almost every song on almost any radio station (from country all the way to rap)

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Kendra Willis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I’m very easy going • I love dogs • I laugh at everything • Every time I go to Chili’s, I end up sending my food back. • I know almost every line to Scary Movie 3, Walk Hard, and Stepbrothers • I can sing along to almost every song on almost any radio station (from country all the way to rap) • I don’t like Walmart because I think it’s way too big and it takes too long to get what you need and get out. • I can’t get pedicures because I’m too ticklish and I end up kicking the person doing it. • I thought the Twilight books were kind of alright, but the movies make me want to puke. • I think that almost any question or problem can be solved by Google. • I know way too much about almost every celebrity. • I have an obsession with Cosmo and I have bought every issue for the past two years. • I don’t tell tons of people this, but I have read all the Harry Potter books and I own all of the movies. • My mood always gets ten times better when I hear the Family Guy theme song. • I can’t dance, but I do it anyway. • My eye sight is absolutely terrible when I’m not wearing my glasses or contacts. Kendra Willis

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