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Ways to Spiritually Strengthen Your Family

Ways to Spiritually Strengthen Your Family. Have a Family Motto Ex: “First and Firmest to follow the Brethren” Family Theme Song Ex. “I will be Valiant” “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” Key Indicators Monthly Family Newsletter Extended FHE- 1 st Monday of each month

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Ways to Spiritually Strengthen Your Family

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  1. Ways to Spiritually Strengthen Your Family • Have a Family Motto Ex: “First and Firmest to follow the Brethren” • Family Theme Song Ex. “I will be Valiant” “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” • Key Indicators • Monthly Family Newsletter • Extended FHE- 1st Monday of each month • Family Sharing Night (Recital – 1 month) • Memorize Scripture Masteries, Articles of Faith • Daily Devotional – 5 min or more, song, prayer, scripture • Study at home, Primary and S. School Manual – Study lesson before Sunday = Gospel Scholars • Obtain primary/young woman songs for the year and sing at home, play CD at bedtime or while working • Post scriptures by kitchen table, on cupboards • Pass the Rose – Share positive things about the birthday child on birthday • Compliment each child daily

  2. Highest Priorities For Raising Valiant Children who will work miracles for the Lord Now and Throughout Eternity Maynard & Sally Olsen

  3. Give me a Young Woman Give me a young woman who loves home and family, who reads and ponders the scriptures daily, who has a burning testimony of the Book of Mormon. Give me a young woman who faithfully attends her church meetings, who is a seminary graduate, who has earned her Young Womanhood Recognition Award and wears it with pride! Give me a young woman who is virtuous and who has maintained her personal purity, who will not settle for less than a temple marriage, and I will give you a young woman who will perform miracles for the Lord now and throughout eternity. - President Benson, To the Young Woman of the Church, 1986

  4. Give me a Young Man Give me a young manWho has kept himself morally cleanAnd has faithfully attended his church meetings. Give me a young manWho has magnified his priesthoodAnd has earned the Duty of God Award and is an Eagle Scout. Give me a young manWho is a Seminary graduateAnd has a burning testimony of the Book of Mormon. Give me such a young man,And I will give you a young manWho can perform miracles for the LordIn the mission field  and throughout his life. President Benson 1986

  5. “We counsel parents and children to give highest priority to family prayer, family home evening, gospel study and instruction, and wholesome family activities. However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be, they must not be permitted to displace the divinely-appointed duties that only parents and families can adequately perform” (First Presidency letter, Feb. 11, 1999). Administering in the Church, 2010, 1.4.1, p. 5

  6. Family Prayer I feel satisfied that there is no adequate substitute for the morning and evening practice of kneeling together – father, mother, and children. This, more than soft carpets, more than lovely draperies, more than cleverly balanced color schemes, is the thing that will make for better and more beautiful homes. - President Hinckley, Feb ‘91 Ensign

  7. Family Home Evening “Now, here are the blessings promised by a prophet of God for those who will hold weekly family home evenings: ‘If the Saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase, faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influences and temptations which beset them.’” - Elder Perry quoting President Benson, April 1994 General Conference.

  8. Gospel Study and Instruction “We call upon parents to devote their best efforts to the teaching and rearing of their children in gospel principles which will keep them close to the Church. The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place or fulfill its essential functions in carrying forward this God-given responsibility. Administering in the Church, 2010, 1.4.1

  9. Parents have the primary responsibility for helping their children know Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ (see John 17:3). Latter-day Saint fathers and mothers have been commanded to teach gospel doctrines, ordinances, covenants, and ways of righteous living to their children (see D&C 68:25–28). Administering in the Church, 2010, 1.4.1, p. 5

  10. “I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity - the pure love of Christ - will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.” • Marion G. Romney, CR April 1980

  11. Referring to President Romney’s promises, President Ezra Taft Benson, the 13th President of the Church said: “These promises – increased love and harmony in the home, greater respect between parent and child, increased spirituality and righteousness – are not idle promises, but exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith meant when he said the Book of Mormon will help us draw nearer to God.” CR October 1986, pg. 6

  12. Elder Henry B. Eyring • A wise parent would never miss a chance to gather children together to learn of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Such moments are so rare in comparison with the efforts of the enemy. For every hour the power of doctrine is introduced into a child’s life, there may be hundreds of hours of messages and images denying or ignoring the saving truths. • Elder Henry B. Eyring, “The Power of Teaching Doctrine” Conference Report, April 1999

  13. What we need now is the greatest generation of missionaries in the history of the Church. We need worthy, qualified, spiritually energized missionaries who, like Helaman’s 2,000 stripling warriors, are “exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity” and who are “true at all times in whatsoever thing they [are] entrusted” (Alma 53:20). Elder Ballard, “Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” 2002

  14. Listen to those words, my young brethren: valiant, courage, strength, active, true. We don’t need spiritually weak and semicommitted young men. We don’t need you to just fill a position; we need your whole heart and soul. We need vibrant, thinking, passionate missionaries who know how to listen to and respond to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. This isn’t a time for spiritual weaklings. Elder Ballard, “Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” 2002

  15. We cannot send you on a mission to be reactivated, reformed, or to receive a testimony. We just don’t have time for that. We need you to be filled with “faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God” (D&C 4:5). Elder Ballard, “Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” 2002

  16. We expect you to have an understanding and a solid testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We expect you to work hard. We expect you to be covenant makers and covenant keepers. We expect you to be missionaries to match our glorious message. Elder Ballard, “Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” 2002

  17. Some fathers don’t think they have the right to ask worthiness questions of their children. They think that is the purview of the bishop alone. Fathers, not only do you have the right to know the worthiness of your children, you have the responsibility. It is your duty to know how your children are doing with regards to their spiritual well-being and progression. You need to monitor carefully the issues and concerns they share with you. Ask specific questions of your children regarding their worthiness, and refuse to settle for anything less than specific answers. Elder Ballard, “Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” 2002

  18. The Sabbath: for Family Gospel Study Time • Gospel discussion and instruction • Writing personal and family journals • Holding family councils • Family organization efforts • Personal interviews between parents and children • Writing to relatives and missionaries • Family history work • Visiting relatives and those who may be ill or lonely • Missionary work • Reading stories to children • Singing Church hymns together Howard W. Hunter November 11; Elder L. Tom Perry, May 2003; For the Strength of Youth; Elder Earl C. Tingey, New Era, Feb. 1999,

  19. Other Ideas for Sabbath Family Gospel Study • Have Stations • True to the Faith • Lds.org/youth • Study Scripture Mastery Scriptures • Watch the church produced YouTube Videos (Mormon Messages) • Indexing • Scripture Stories Online (illustrated stories) • Gospel Art Book – teach story of picture • Nursery Manual • Strength of Youth • Preach My Gospel • Set goals together with Children • Children’s FRIEND activities • Old Testament Video Supplement with Pictures, videos, art • Church Manuals – teach each other lessons • Sing Hymns

  20. Ways to Spiritually Strengthen Your Family • Have a Family Motto Ex: “First and Firmest to follow the Brethren” • Family Theme Song Ex. “I will be Valiant” “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” • Key Indicators • Monthly Family Newsletter • Extended FHE- 1st Monday of each month • Family Sharing Night (Recital – 1 month) • Memorize Scripture Masteries, Articles of Faith • Daily Devotional – 5 min or more, song, prayer, scripture • Study at home, Primary and S. School Manual – Study lesson before Sunday = Gospel Scholars • Obtain primary/young woman songs for the year and sing at home, play CD at bedtime or while working • Post scriptures by kitchen table, on cupboards • Pass the Rose – Share positive things about the birthday child on birthday • Compliment each child daily

  21. To the Mothers in Zion: President Ezra Taft Benson, Feb 1987 • 10 Ways to Spend Time with Children • Be at the Crossroads • Be a Real Friend • Read to Your Children • Pray with Your Children • Have Weekly Home Evenings • Be Together at Mealtimes • Read Scriptures Daily • Do Things as a Family • Teach Your Children • Truly Love Your Children

  22. Ideas to Motivate Your Children • Muffin Tins • Maid Service • Family Bank • Checklists • Incentive Money • Scholarship System • Teenage Retirement • Vocabulary in Home to inspire love and confidence

  23. Goal setting “I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.” - Elder Ballard, Preach My Gospel, p. 146

  24. When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates. - President Monson, Preach My Gospel, p. 150

  25. Key Indicators to Record and Report for Missionaries • Converts baptized and confirmed • Investigators with a baptismal date • Investigators who attend sacrament meeting • Lessons taught to investigators with a member present • Other lessons taught • Progressing Investigators • Referrals received and contacted • New investigators • Lessons taught to recent converts and less-active members Preach My Gospel, p. 138

  26. Your Key Indicators – An Example • Scripture Study, Read the Book of Mormon Daily • Personal Prayer Morning and Night • Family Prayer • Temple attendance • Be virtuous, think virtuous thoughts • Remember and Exercise Faith in the Savior • Worship at Church Weekly • Exercise 3x weekly • Memorize 3 scriptures weekly

  27. Benson: To the Fathers in Israel, 10 ways to give spiritual leadership With love in my heart for the fathers in Israel, may I suggest ten specific ways that fathers can give spiritual leadership to their children: 1. Give father’s blessings to your children. Baptize and confirm your children. Ordain your sons to the priesthood. These will become spiritual highlights in the lives of your children. 2. Personally direct family prayers, daily scripture reading, and weekly family home evenings. Your personal involvement will show your children how important these activities really are. 3. Whenever possible, attend Church meetings together as a family. Family worship under your leadership is vital to your children’s spiritual welfare. Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Fathers in Israel”, Conference Report October 1987

  28. Benson: To the Fathers in Israel, 10 ways to give spiritual leadership With love in my heart for the fathers in Israel, may I suggest ten specific ways that fathers can give spiritual leadership to their children: 1. Give father’s blessings to your children. Baptize and confirm your children. Ordain your sons to the priesthood. These will become spiritual highlights in the lives of your children. 2. Personally direct family prayers, daily scripture reading, and weekly family home evenings. Your personal involvement will show your children how important these activities really are. 3. Whenever possible, attend Church meetings together as a family. Family worship under your leadership is vital to your children’s spiritual welfare. Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Fathers in Israel”, Conference Report October 1987

  29. Benson: To the Fathers in Israel, 10 ways to give spiritual leadership 4. Go on daddy-daughter dates and father-and-sons’ outings with your children. As a family, go on campouts and picnics, to ball games and recitals, to school programs, and so forth. Having Dad there makes all the difference. 5. Build traditions of family vacations and trips and outings. These memories will never be forgotten by your children. 6. Have regular one-on-one visits with your children. Let them talk about what they would like to. Teach them gospel principles. Teach them true values. Tell them you love them. Personal time with your children tells them where Dad puts his priorities. Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Fathers in Israel”, Conference Report October 1987

  30. Benson: To the Fathers in Israel, 10 ways to give spiritual leadership 7. Teach your children to work, and show them the value of working toward a worthy goal. Establishing mission funds and education funds for your children shows them what Dad considers to be important. 8. Encourage good music and art and literature in your homes. Homes that have a spirit of refinement and beauty will bless the lives of your children forever. 9. As distances allow, regularly attend the temple with your wife. Your children will then better understand the importance of temple marriage and temple vows and the eternal family unit. 10. Have your children see your joy and satisfaction in service to the Church. This can become contagious to them, so they, too, will want to serve in the Church and will love the kingdom. Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Fathers in Israel”, Conference Report October 1987

  31. Men and Woman who turn their lives over to God will discover that he can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their visions, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will loose his life in the service of God, will find eternal life. President Benson

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