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Eutrophication Lecture 1 Definition and History DPSIR framework. Alice Newton F. Colijn Ana Cristina Cardoso. Defining Eutrophication. Some etymology…. Eu : Greek prefix “good” and “well” Troph : Greek “nourishment” “nutrition” “feeding” Eutrophic : Positive connotation
Eutrophication Lecture 1Definition and HistoryDPSIR framework Alice Newton F. Colijn Ana Cristina Cardoso
Some etymology… Eu: Greek prefix “good” and “well” Troph: Greek “nourishment” “nutrition” “feeding” Eutrophic: Positive connotation Eutrophication: Negative connotation
Definition...in contextEutrophication means ... Medicine: "healthy or adequate nutrition“, Ecology: “an increase in the rate of supply of organic matter to an ecosystem“ Nixon, S. W. 1995. Coastal marine eutrophication: A definition, social causes, and future concerns Ophelia 41: 199-219
Definitions...Eutrophication means ... ‚... a process of changing the nuritional status of a given water body by increasing the nutrient resources‘ (Jørgensen and Richardson 1996) ...natural ‚...the increase in trophic state of a water through anthropogenic influences‘ (Sommer 1998) Jørgensen B.B. and Richardson K. (eds.). 1996 Eutrophication in Coastal Marine Ecosystem. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 52 American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. 272 pp, ISBN 0-87590-266-9
Ecological definition… • Eutrophication: organic and nutrient enrichment of natural waters • Naturaleutrophication in regions of upwelling: cold, deep, nutrient-rich waters rise to surface e.g. Chile • Anthropogeniceutrophication is result of nutrient pollution of natural waters e.g. lakes, rivers, aquifers, estuaries, bays, coastal waters, mainly from sewage and/or agriculture
Natural Science definition of Eutrophication…the good? • “Stimulation of algal growth by enrichment of the aquatic environment with mineral nutrients” (Richardson, 1989) • Natural processes are the agents of enrichment: includes naturally eutrophic coastal waters, such as upwelling regions
The Primary Productivity of the oceans varies both spatially and seasonally Courtesy of Gay Mitchelson–Jacob
The Atlantic is much more nutrient-rich and more productive than the Mediterranean Mediterranean Chlorophyll CZCS composite Courtesy of Gay Mitchelson–Jacob
Upwelling regions are especially productive,e.g. the coast of Chile Courtesy of Gay Mitchelson–Jacob
Coastal Upwelling off W. Africa Chlorophyll Concentrations (CZCS), Cape Verde Islands Courtesy of Gay Mitchelson–Jacob
Management definition of Eutrophication… the Bad? • Anthropogenic Eutrophication: mankind is the agent responsible for nutrient and/or organic enrichment
DefinitionEutrophication means ... ‚...the enrichment of water by nutrients causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant life to produce an undesirable disturbance to the balance of the organisms present in the water and to the quality of the water concerned, and therefore refers to the undesirable effects resulting from anthropogenic enrichment by nutrients as described in the Common Procedure.‘ OSPAR
DefinitionEutrophication means ... ‚...the process of enrichment of waters with plant nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, that stimulates aquatic primary production and in its most serious manifestations leads to visible algal blooms, algal scum, enhanced benthic algal growth and, at times, to massive growth of submersed and floating macrophytes‘ (Vollenweider 1992) Vollenweider, R. A., R. Marchetti and R. Viviani (eds.). 1992. Marine Coastal Eutrophication. The Response of Marine Transitional Systems to Human Impact: Problems and Perspectives for Restoration. Proceedings, International Conference, Bologna, Italy, 21-24 March 1990. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
DefinitionEutrophication means ... “The enrichment of waters by inorganic plant nutrientswhich results in the stimulation of an array of symptomaticchanges. These include the increased production of algaeand/or other aquatic plants, affecting the quality of thewater and disturbing the balance of organisms presentwithin it. Such changes may be undesirable and interferewith water uses.” UK Environment Agency
DefinitionEutrophication means ... “Enhanced primary production due to excess supply of nutrients from human activities, independent of the natural productivity level for the area in question” EEA-European Environment Agency definition
Nutrients & Eutrophication • The main nutrients causing eutrophication are N in the form of nitrate,nitrite or ammonium and Pin the form of ortho-phosphate. • In addition,supply of bioavailable organicP and N cause eutrophication • Silicate is essential for diatom growth, but it is assumed thatsilicate input is not significantly influenced by human activity. • Enhancedprimary productivity may exhaust silicate and change the phytoplanktoncommunity from diatoms to flagellates. EEA-European Environment Agency
DefinitionEutrophication means ... ‘The enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant life to produce an undesirable disturbance to the water balance of organisms present in the water and to the quality of the water concerned’ (cf. Art. 2(11) of the UWWTD Directive 91/271/EEC).
DefinitionEutrophication is ... ‘the accelerated production of organic matter, particularly algae, in a water body. It is usually caused by an increase in the amount of nutrients being discharged to the water body. As a result of accelerated algal production, a variety of impacts may occur, including nuisance and toxic algal blooms, depleted dissolved oxygen, and loss of submerged aquatic vegetation. These impacts are interrelated and usually viewed as having a negative effect on water quality and ecosystem health.” Bricker et al 2003
DPSIR • Some definitions… • DPSIR + eutrophication • Evolving concepts of Eutrophication
Drivers: socio-economic, e.g. tourist development • Pressures:e.g. increase nutrient runoff • State: quantifiable metrics, e.g. Dissolved Oxygen, chlorophyll a concentration • Impacts: • environmental e.g. increase turbidity, • ecological, e.g. loss of biodiversity, • economic e.g. lower fish catches, • social e.g. loss of fishing jobs • Responses: of society, e.g. new management criteria, new infrastructure, new policy
DPSIR + eutrophication Pressures BOD DO Nutrients State variables Responses O.E.C.D. 1993, 2004
DPSIR + Eutrophication Borja, A. et al 2006, after Bricker et al 1999
Drivers • Agriculture • Aquaculture • Industry • Urban development • Global change • Aliaume et al 2007 Aliaume, C., Do Chi, T, Viaroli, P., and Zaldivar, J.M.,2007. Coastal lagoons of Southern Europe: Recent changes and future scenarios. Transitional Waters Monographs1: 1-12.
DPSIR in coastal and transitional waters Borja, A. et al 2006
Main pressure categories • Pollution • Hydrological alterations • Morphology • Biology and biomass extraction Borja, A., Galparsoro, I., Solaun, 0., Muxika, I., Tello,E.-M., Uriarte, A. , Valencia, V. 2006 The European Water Framework Directive and the DPSIR, a methodological approach to assess the risk of failing to achieve good ecological status. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science66, 84-96.
Common PRESSURES • Organic and chemical pollution (e.g. from agricultural and agrochemical activities, animal rearing and food industry) • Μodification of hydrological regime (hydroelectric dams, fresh water abstraction, etc) • Urban development • Fishing and aquaculture
Eutrophication process UK EA Pressure State Impact
Early Eutrophication Model Responses: Changes in Chlorophyll Primary Production System Metabolism Oxygen Nutrient loading Note : different use of “response” Early conceptual models focused on directresponses of coastal waters, such as stimulation of phytoplankton blooms.
Contemporary conceptual model Indirect Responses Benthic biomass Pelagic biomass Vascular plants Habitat diversity Water transparency O C in sediments Sediment biogeochemistry Bottom-water oxygen Seasonal cycles Mortality Biodiversity Direct Responses Chlorophyll Primary Production Macroalgal biomass Sedimentation of O C System Metabolism Phyto. community Si:N N:P Oxygen HAB Filter Nutrient loading Note : different use of “response”, substitute “effects” for clarity Cloern, J.E. 2001. Review. Our evolving conceptual model of the coastal eutrophication problem. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 210: 223-253.
Contemporary conceptual model • Growing awareness of the complexity of theproblem • Attributes of specific bodies of water createenormous variations in their responses • Cascade ofdirect and indirect consequences • Appropriate management actions to reduce nutrient inputs canreverse some of the degradationcaused byenrichment.
Direct Effects Phytoplankton community HAB Chlorophyll Macroalgal biomass Primary Production Sedimentation of OC Si:N N:P Indirect Effects Benthic community Pelagic community Vascular plants Transparency Bottom water Oxygen OC in sediments Sediment biogeochemistry Habitat diversity Seasonal cycles Mortalities Biodiversity Eutrophication concept BQE BQE METRICS Ph-Ch QE Effects include some State and Impacts adapted from Cloern, J.E. 2001.
Supporting elements: Nutrient concentrations Si:N N:P Transparency Bottom water Oxygen BQE metrics Chlorophyll a Cell counts HAB Opportunist algae biomass Biodiversity of benthos AMBI Biological Quality Elements Phytoplankton Other plants Benthos Fish STATE ECOLOGICAL IMPACT Annex V of WFD and Intercalibration
Environmental Ecological Economic Social Poor water quality Loss of seagrass Loss of fishing catch and revenues Loss of fishing jobs Impacts
Drivers: need to update, maybe price of oil will be a major driver with increased biofuels Pressures: need to consider “difficult” aspects such as loss of denitrifying wetlands, atmospheric deposition State: need to test the metrics for the physico-chemical supporting quality elements and the Biological Quality Elements and move towards INTEGRATIVE ASSESSMENT Impact: must link economic impact to ecological impacts, NOT consider them separately. Clearly shows the value of ecosystem services Response: is building UWWT plants the only answer? What about CAP and farming practices?
EU Common Conceptual Framework • Require a conceptual framework which has it’s foundations in the Pressure-State-Response (PSR and/or DPSIR) context • Should be “comprehensive” enough • Should allow for discrimination between natural and anthropogenic pressures • As starting point it was adopted the conceptual framework proposed by OSPAR
Conceptual Framework of Eutrophication Based on OSPAR COMPP revised after the Eutrophication Workshop, September 2004
Direct effects of nutrient enrichment Effect on algae Effect on macroflora Chlorophyll-a concentration
Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment Shellfish poisoning Algal scums Oxygen deficiency
Historical fertilizer shortage • 18th Century England “mined” battlefields and catacombs • 19th Century USA used bones from buffalo killing fields
Guano deposits mined Navassa guano trench Guano Production!
Haber-Bosch Process • Fritz Haber(Nobel prize winner) described chemical process to produce NH3 from N2 & CH4 • Carl Bosch(Nobel prize winner) perfected commercial manufacture
Industrial N fixation N2 from atmosphere mixed with CH4 and heated under pressure with a metallic catalizer produces CO2 and NH3 (82%N) Mean plant production is 1.5 million kg ammonia per day
History of Eutrophication Eutrophication first noticed in lakeswhere P is the main problem
Eutrophication of lakes Eutrophication worldwide (Lakes).pdf