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Computer Science in Cambodia Seminar : Special Topic Computer Graphic with Relevant in the Society Ms. Sophea CHAN 02.May.2011. Computer Science in Cambodia. វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រកុំព្យូទ័រនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា. Over View Introduction to Cambodia Location Population
Computer Science in Cambodia Seminar : Special Topic Computer Graphic with Relevant in the Society Ms. Sophea CHAN 02.May.2011
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science in Cambodia វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រកុំព្យូទ័រនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Over View Introduction to Cambodia Location Population Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education System Companies/Industries Business/Works Capacity Building Local Training International Training References Computer Science in Cambodia
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Cambodia LocationCambodian Population Cambodia
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Capital City ( Phnom Penh) and 24 Provinces Cambodia LocationCambodian Population 14.Strung Treng 1.Odor Meanchey 15.Ratanakiri 2.Preah Vihear 3.Siem Reap 18.Kampong Thom 4.Banteay Meanchey 17.KraTi 5.Battambang 16.Mondolkiri 6.Pailin 19.Kampong Cham 7.Pursat Phnom Penh 8.Kampong Speu 20.Kampong Chnang 9.Koh Kong 21.Prey Veng 11.Kampot 22.Svay Rieng 13.Sihanoukville 23.Kandal 12.Kep 24.Takoe
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Population Cambodia LocationCambodian Population Poverty rate Dr. Poch Bunnak Director of Center for Population at RUPP, Email: cpsrupp@yahoo.com
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Number and % of urban population by province: Census 2008 Cambodia LocationCambodian Population Unemployment rate: Census 2008 Dr. Poch Bunnak Director of Center for Population at RUPP, Email: cpsrupp@yahoo.com
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Categories and percentage of Occupation (1) Cambodia LocationCambodian Population Dr. Poch Bunnak Director of Center for Population at RUPP, Email: cpsrupp@yahoo.com
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Introduction to Cambodia Categories and percentage of Occupation (2) Cambodia LocationCambodian Population Dr. Poch Bunnak Director of Center for Population at RUPP, Email: cpsrupp@yahoo.com
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science in Cambodia Over View Introduction to Cambodia Location Population Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education System Companies/Industries Business/Works Capacity Building Local Training International Training References
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Structure Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works - Pre- School (Kindergarten) - Primary Education - Lower Secondary Education - Upper Secondary Education - Higher Education
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Pre-School/Kindergarten Pre- School is the place where small children get to know other children, learn to eat, to sing, and so on. Admission: Children are allowed to enroll when they are 4 or 5 years old. There are two kinds of Pre- Schools, public and private Pre- Schools. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001471/147162e.pdf
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Primary Education Primary Education is the place where small children get the compulsory knowledge. Admission: -Before 1996 Children are required to learn 5 years. From Grade 1 to Grade 5. Pass in final exam to inter the Lower Secondary Education (Grade 6). Age of Children was not strict. School Fee: small amount of money -1996-present Children are required to learn 6 years. From Grade 1 to Grade 6. Pass in final exam to inter the Lower Secondary Education (Grade 7). Age of the Children is require exactly 6 years old. School Fee: Free of charge !
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Lower Secondary Education Lower Secondary Education is in between Elementary Education and Upper Secondary Education (High School). Admission: Students are required to study 3 years from Grade 7 to Grade 9. Passed exam of Elementary Education School Fee: free of charge !
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Upper Secondary Education Upper Secondary Education (High School) is a place students learn after Lower Secondary Education. Admission: Students are required to study 3 years from Grade 10 to Grade 12. Passed exam of Education School Fee: free of charge ! Computer training course (1 or 2 hour per week) from year 2004 – 2007 Microsoft Office. * From 2008, Computer training Course changed to use Open Office.
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Government Organization structureEducation SystemCompanies/IndustriesOrganizations High Education High Education is referred to University Which place students can study specific fields with Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Degree. Admission: Associate Degree Students are required to study 2 years. Bachelor Degree Students are required to study 4 years. Master Degree Students are required to study at least 2 years. Doctoral Degree Students are required to research on which topic at least 3 years.
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Cambodian Students
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Ministry of Education Staff
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works High Education Cambodia has more than 91 Universities. 35 Public Universities 1- Royal University of Phnom Penh 2- Western University 3- Institute of Technology of Cambodia 4- Cambodian Mekong University 5- Build Bright University 6- Pannasastra University of Cambodia 7- International University 8- The University of Cambodia 9- Royal University of Law and Economics 10-Royal University of Agriculture 11-Norton University 12-Chamroeun University of Polytechnology 13-Asia Euro University 14-Phnom Penh International University 15-National University of Management 16-Limkokwing University of Creative Technology 17-IIC University of Technology 18-Vanda Institute 19-University of Management and Economics 20-Svay Rieng University 21-Cambodia University for Specialties 22-Zaman University 23-University of Puthisastra 24-Life University 25-Angkor University 26-Human Resources University 27-University of Battambang 28-Khmer University of Technology and Management 29-Angkor Khemara University 30-Mean Chey University 31-University of Southeast Asia To see this universities : http://www.4icu.org/kh/
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Royal University of Phnom Penh E:\Heidelberg-files\Computer Graphics\Seminar\RUPP Video for ICT 2011.flv Main Campus Click here to see Video Library Camps II
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Royal University of Phnom Penh Structure Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Institute of foreign Languages Cambodian-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC) Offices/Center -Computer Science -Mathematics -Physics -Biology -Chemistry -Environmental Science ... -Khmer Literature -Geography -Psychology -Tourism -Media & Communication -History -Philosophy -Linguistics -Social Work -English -International Studies -French -Japanese -Korean Studies -Chinese -Human Resources -Japanese Language -Cultural Exchange Program -Information Technology Center -Human Resources -Finance Office -Studies Office -Personal Office -Foundation Year ... Royal University of Phnom Penh : http://www.rupp.edu.kh
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Royal University of Phnom Penh Department of Computer Science The famous place provide specific skills in Computer Science with the course of Computer Engineering, Computer Designing, and Software Developing. Degree: - Bachelor Degree: . Requirement at least 4 years (8 semesters) of study . Replacement Test before enrollment . Final exam for Graduating - Master Degree: before 2009 . Requirement at least 2 years (3 semester for course work and 1 semester writing a Master Thesis).
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Department of Computer Science at RUPP Course Descriptions Bachelor Courses: Year 1: - Foundation Year - Khmer Literature - Mathematics for Computer - English for Computer - C programming - Physic - Chimistry - ... Year 2: - Computers for Accounting - Data Communications - Data structures and Algorithms - Database Systems - C++ Programming Language - Operating Systems - Microprocessors Year 3: - Statistics - Computer Networks - Visual Basic Programming - Internet Programming HTML - Information System Analysis - Computer Graphics Year 4: - Java Programming - Internet Programming - Object-Oriented Programming - Simulations - Unix System Management - Software Engineering - Management of Information Systems
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Information Technology Center (ITC) ITC is one center for improving high quality research, training, consultancy in the fields of Computer Science, and also seek to promote the study of engineering. Master course (2009-Present) : - Semester 1: -Advanced java programming, -Advanced network computing, Distributed systems, -Research methodologies - Semester 2: -Mobile communications and computing, -Database design and applications, -Software engineering, Seminar - Semester 3: -Software Development Area, -Network Engineering Area, -Multimedia Science Area - Semester 4: Theme research or Master thesis Researches : System Support for Mobile and Distributed Multimedia Computing Short Training: -Network Course, - Writing Strategy, - Mobile Networks, - E-learning
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Build Bright University http://www.bbu.edu.kh/ugp.html
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Build Bright University Year 3 -System Administration in Windows -Database System -Personal Application Development -System Analysis -Object Oriented Programming in Java -E-Commerce Technology -Network Administration in Windows -Client/Server Application Development -System Design -Advanced Object Oriented Programming in Java -E-Commerce Application Development Year 4 -Research Methodology -Distribute Database System -Java Application Development -Decision Support System -Information System Security -Network Programming -Project Management in IT -Management Information System -** Final Project Paper Bachelor Courses: Year 1 -Core English -Programming Methodology -Computer Basic -Mathematics -Economics -Philosophy -Graphic Design Year 2 -Web Programming -Foundation in IT -Program Design and Algorithms -Database Management System -Computer Architecture and Microprocessor -C Procedural Programming -Web Application Development -Computer Network -Operating Systems -C++ Object Oriented Programming -database Application Development http://www.bbu.edu.kh/ugp.html
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Norton University http://www.norton-u.com/
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Norton University Bachelor Courses: - College Algebra - Programming Methodology in C - Digital Design - Information System Theory and Practices - Discrete Mathematics - Data Structure and Algorithms in C/C++ - Programming in C/C++ - Microprocessors - Database System - Statistic Theories - Database Management System - Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Computer Graphics in C/C++ - Data Communication - Visual Basic Programming - Statistical Analysis - Advanced Database Management System - Advanced Visual Basic Programming - Web Site Development and programming - System Analysis and design - Computer Network I Networking theory - Object-Oriented Methodology and programming in C++ - Computer Architectures - Java Programming - Software Project Management - Computer Networks II MS NOS Administration - Linux Operating System - Advance web Site Development and Programming - Operating System Theories - Advanced Java programming - Method of Researches - Thesis writing - E-commerce Technologies - GIS System - Advance Linux operating System - Management Information System ** Thesis Writing
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Telecommunication Companies MobiTel - CamGSM Co. Ltdhttp://www.cellcard.com.kh/en/index.php Camintelhttp://www.camintel.com/ Telcotech Ltd http://www.telcotech.com.kh/ Telecom Cambodia http://www.tc.com.kh/ Sotelco Ltd. http://www.beeline.com.kh/beeline/main/index.php Mfone Co. Ltdhttp://www.mfone.com.kh/intro.aspx HGC - Hutchison Global Communications http://www.hgc.com.hk/ Royal Telecam International Co., Ltd. http://www.rti.com.kh/ Viettel (Cambodia) Pte., Ltd. http://metfone.com.kh/home/ Acumen (Cambodia) Co Ltd U Solution http://www.usolution.net/ Ministry of Post & Telecommunication (MPTC) http://www.mptc.gov.kh/ Hello Axiata Company Limitedhttp://www.hello.com.kh/ DialAny Internet Telecom Co Ltd http://www.dialany.com/ GT-Tell (Cambodia) Investment Company http://www.excell.com.kh/ Toll Free Telecom (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. http://www.tollfreetc.com.kh/ Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd http://www.qbmore.com.kh/ Garuda Net Telecom MobiTel - CamGSM Company Limited http://www.cellcard.com.kh/en/index.php
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Telecommunication Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Telecommunication Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Telecommunication Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Telecommunication Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Internet Service Provider NTC - NeocomISP Limited http://www.ntckh.com/ Ezecomhttp://www.ezecom.com.kh/ Onlinehttp://www.online.com.kh/ S.I Net http://www.sinet.com.kh/ TeleSurf http://www.telesurf.com.kh/ Everyday http://www.everyday.com.kh/ PPCTV - Phnom Penh Municipal Cable TV http://www.ppctv.com.kh/ DTV Star Co Ltd http://www.digi.com.kh/ Cambodia Village Phone Company Ltd http://www.villagephone.com.kh/ ClickNet Co., Ltd. http://www.clicknet.com.kh/ Wireless Internet Provider Co., Ltd. http://www.wirelessip.com.kh/ Finder IXP http://finder.com.kh/ City Link http://www.citylink.com.kh/2010/index.php AngkorNet http://www.angkornet.com.kh/ KBIT - Khmer Best Information Technology AZ Communications http://www.online.com.kh/ MekongNet http://www.mekongnet.com.kh/ Cambodian Broadband Technologies Co Ltd http://www.cambodiainternet.com/ Wicam Corporation Co., Ltd http://www.wicam.com.kh/ Nova Technology …
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Internet Service Provider
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Internet Service Provider
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Software Developed Companies - Blue Technologyhttp://www.blue.com.kh/company.htm - O.T Computer http://www.t-o-computer.com/ - Conical Hat (Software Solution) http://www.conicalhat.com/ - Khmer Dev http://www.khmer-dev.com/ - Blue IT http://www.blueitnet.com/ - Allweb Company http://www.allweb.com.kh/ - Cam IT Solution http://camsolution.net/ - Green IT http://www.greenict.com.kh/ - T.O Computer http://www.t-o-computer.com/about_us.html ...
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Software Developed Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Software Developed Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Game Developed Companies Sabayhttp://sabay.com.kh/ VTC Online http://download.vtconline.com.kh/?id=2
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Computer Science in Business - Hotel Managements - Banks - Tourist Companies - Super Markets - Hospitals - Beauty Salon - Photo Shops - Insurance Companies
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Computer Science in Security Service (Phnom Penh International Airport)
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education SystemCompanies/IndustriesBusiness/Works Computer Science in Medical System
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Computer Science in Cambodia Over View Introduction to Cambodia Location Population Computer Science/ICT in Cambodia Education System Companies/Industries Business/Works Capacity Building Local Training International Training References
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building Local Training Centers Local TrainingInternationalTraining - National Institute of Education (NIE) : For training High school teachers - Open Institute : Computer training center - ACE ( Australian Center for Education) : For training English language and to used Internet - NIDA : Cisco System - ABC : Computer center - Cinet Center : Computer training courses - COCC : Computer training courses - Bak Tuk Center : Computer training courses
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building National Institute of Education (NIE) Local TrainingInternationalTraining NIE is an institute, which train 500 students who will become High School Teachers, and 200 Lower Secondary School Teachers every year. High School Teachers trainee are training in 16 Major, i.e. Mathematics, Physic, Biology, IT,... ect. There are only about 40 trainees in IT Major. 2008-Present Computer course: - Open SuSe, - Computer Maintenace, -Computer Network Other trainees: - Open Office Before 2008 Computer courses: - Statistics, -Computer Maintenance, - Web Designing. Other trainees, they focus on their major courses, but require to attend in computer basic course two hours per week. - Microsoft Office
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building IT Office at NIE: Local TrainingInternational Training There 13 lecturers in IT Office. All responsable for teaching, prepare course for every semester, edit text books. 2007: Give training course of computer course with Open Office NIE 2008: Give training course of computer course with Open Office and Computer maintenance to High School Teachers from provinces
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building Open Institute The Open Institute is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that envisions Cambodia is a country in which widespread access to high quality education, information, communication, and technology lead to a more developed and just society. At present, the Open Institute implements seven programs: Open Learning (E-Learning), Women Empowerment for Social Change, Open Schools, Khmer Software Initiative, Mirror Publication, Lexicography and River of Knowledge. Our outstanding expertise is the strategic use of Information and Communication Technology for Social Development. Local TrainingInternational Training
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building Software Localization of Open Institute Local TrainingInternational Training
Ms. Sophea Chan Master student at Heidelberg Capacity Building Women Empowerment for Social Change of Open Institute http://women.open.org.kh/ Local TrainingInternational Training