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Library as Community Centre Engaging Local Government Managers as Library Partners

Library as Community Centre Engaging Local Government Managers as Library Partners. Bette Dillehay Director Mathews Memorial Library Mathews, Virginia. 8,400 Square Feet 4,112 Linear Feet Shelving 39,522 Items. Where the Mobjack Bay meets the Chesapeake Bay. About Mathews County.

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Library as Community Centre Engaging Local Government Managers as Library Partners

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Library as Community CentreEngaging Local Government Managers as Library Partners Bette Dillehay Director Mathews Memorial Library Mathews, Virginia

  2. 8,400 Square Feet • 4,112 Linear Feet Shelving • 39,522 Items

  3. Where the Mobjack Bay meets the Chesapeake Bay

  4. About Mathews County Square Miles, 84 Miles of Shoreline, 210 Population, 9,200 Lighthouses, 2 Bridges, 3 Traffic Lights, 0

  5. About Mathews County Residents of Mathews have historically been connected to the surrounding waters - harvesting fish, oysters, clams and crabs for a livelihood.

  6. About Mathews County “A Popular Retirement Destination”

  7. ICMA’sLocal Government and Public Libraries Partnership Initiative Explore The role of city and county managers as advocates for libraries – The relationship of libraries to quality of life and community sustainability.

  8. ICMA Project Goal Support a dialog which could increase awareness among managers and other local government officials of the value of public libraries in the community.

  9. Talking About the Future Planning the Direction of Your Community MCSEED Mathews Memorial Library

  10. Governance Models County/City Agency Separate Authority/Board Regional Entity Contract Services

  11. Library Assets Information/Knowledge Culture Connections Technology Resources Community Space Local Economy Connections Community Ownership

  12. Service Roles Knowledge Gateway Universal Service Neutral Haven Cultural Center

  13. Local Government Role In Supporting Libraries Ensure that the library has a mission and programs that are consistent with community and local government mission and values. Facilitate aligning the library’s efforts with broader community needs. Include the library director on the management team. Include libraries in master planning and strategic planning. Ensure that libraries are fairly and objectively considered during the budget process and allocation of resources. Look for ways to integrate library staff with other municipal and county staff. Facilitate a dialogue and shared understanding on what is excellence for the library. Keep libraries in mind!

  14. Steps Toward An Engaged Library Ensure that library mission is consistent with that of local government. Get outside the doors. Be creative about what the library can contribute. Discover and contribute to the unique capacities and conditions of the community. Support local businesses and institutions. Make the library building a community center. Create a community-minded culture among library staff and volunteers.

  15. Making Good Things Happen “Equal effort is required on the part of local government and library in improving the quality of citizens’ lives and increasing opportunities for all.” Pete Giacoma, Director Davis County Library, Utah

  16. E-Government: The Future Is Today E-Government and Public Libraries: Current Status, Meeting Report, Findings, and Next Steps Charles R. McClure, Director, Information Institute Francis Eppes, Professor Jessica McGilvray& Kristin M. Bartin, Research Associates, Information Institute John Carlo Bertot, Associate Director, Information Institute http://www.ii.fsu.edu

  17. Public Libraries As E-Government Partners “For an e-government service provision partnership between government agencies and public libraries to be successful and of continuing benefit to clients in the future, cooperative funding strategies for additional technology, as well as staff training, must become a high priority issue in communities across the country.” Robert Davidsson, Manager Government Research Service Section Library System, Palm Beach County Florida

  18. The Future “The very existence of libraries affords us the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of civilization.” T. S. Eliot

  19. The Engaged Library URBAN LIBRARIES COUNCIL 2005

  20. The Engaged Library URBAN LIBRARIES COUNCIL 2005

  21. The Engaged Library URBAN LIBRARIES COUNCIL 2005

  22. The Engaged Library URBAN LIBRARIES COUNCIL 2005

  23. The Engaged Library URBAN LIBRARIES COUNCIL 2005

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