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Explore the pressing need for upskilling and reskilling in response to global skills shortages exacerbated by Brexit and an ageing population. Discover how Government funds can support skills development to address shortages in the healthcare, social care, and digital sectors. Learn about innovative training solutions and qualifications offered by the Learning Curve Group to help individuals and organizations navigate the evolving skills landscape. Access over £40 million in funding for vocational courses and higher apprenticeships. Join over 4,500 employers and 200 FE providers benefiting from award-winning training programs and a 94% course pass rate.
Maximising available Government funds for skills development Jon Cummins Commercial Director Learning Curve Group www.learningcurvegroup.co.uk
4,500+ EMPLOYERS | Award winning, national trainingprovider | Support over 200 FE Providers | Work with over 4,500 employers | Deliver more than 100 Qualifications | Over 100,000 people a year use our learningcontent | Access to over £40m of funding aimed at supporting development | Offer training in short vocational courses through to higher apprenticeships TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGHLEARNING 94% COURSE PASSRATE 100% ACCREDITED 50K+ LEARNERS
With or without Brexit, we have a skills issue but Brexit could magnify it
WORLDWIDE SKILLS SHORTAGE | A Korn Ferry study found that by 2030, there will be a global human talent shortage of more than 85 million people – roughly equivalent to the population of Germany. | Left unchecked, in 2030 that talent shortage could result in about $8.5 trillion in unrealised annual revenues. | A recurring theme appears to be that the nations which look set to be worst hit by this are either typically or increasingly hostile to the movement of international labour, while also hosting an ageing population. 1NuffieldTrust.(2017).GeneralElection2017:GettingaBrexitdealthatworksfortheNHS.
SOCIAL CARE UK currently has full access to a labourmarketcomprisingof310mEuropeancitizensofworkingage whofrequentlyfill vacancies atalowerlevelin several industrieswillnecessitatetheupskillingofUKcitizens with some estimating, due to Brexit and an ageing population, a shortage of skilled labour for 3m jobs by 2030.The current position in keysectors: | 90,000 (7%) oflocal authority and independent sector jobs were held by EU Nationals (13% in London) | High turnover rate, currently at 27.8%. | TheNuffieldTrust1estimatesashortfallof70,000socialcareworkersby2025-26-afigurethatshouldalarm GovernmentgiventheincreasingnumbersoftheUK’spopulationthatrequiresomedegreeofcare. | Tofillthisshortfall,qualificationsatL2-theminimumrequiredtoworkinthecaresectorwillbeimportantinthis process. 1NuffieldTrust.(2017).GeneralElection2017:GettingaBrexitdealthatworksfortheNHS.
HEALTH CARE • | Health Education England states the NHS is currently short of 42,000 staff, including 20,000 positions for mental health staff and 1,000 frontline staff in ambulance services • | NHS jobs had the most job listings in the past 6 months (69,561) which was just under double the listings of the second highest organisation • | Manchester and Birmingham have the most NHS job listings in England outside of London • | Job postings for “Staff Nurse” are the most popular (3240) vs the 2nd most listed, Occupational Therapist (1317 listings) • | 10,866 of the job postings asked for Management skills (15.6%) • | Mental health and Leadership skills were the most sort after “common skills” to have for job listings. • | Ageing population will put more strain on the health care sector as UK nurses have an average age of 42 and 29% of nurses are aged over 50 • | HEE warns that the health service workforce will need to increase by 190,000 workers by 2027
DIGITAL AND IT If G20 countries fail to adapt to meet the needs of the new technological era, they could be in line to miss out on as much as $1.5 trillion in GDP growth over the next 10 years. A growing skills shortage means that much of the potential of digitalisation could go unrealised, with the UK facing forgoing more than £140 billion to that end. Digital technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are often spoken of as a potential remedy for skills shortages, with the increased efficiency and accuracy of technological solutions compensating for the loss of a portion of the physical workforce. At the same time, however, many Human Resources (HR) departments still underestimate just what is required of them to make the most of technological progress, by way of re-training and up-skilling their incumbent workforce, as well as adapting their hiring processes to foster new, digitally savvy, talent. 1NuffieldTrust.(2017).GeneralElection2017:GettingaBrexitdealthatworksfortheNHS.
STRATEGY TheGovernmentlaunchedtheambitiousIndustrialStrategy9 attheendof2017whichrecognisesthatpeopleand the skills they have are a key driver of productivity. The Strategy identifies 5 foundations ofproductivity including: People-goodjobsandgreaterearningpowerforall Places- prosperous communities across theUK To achieve this, key policiesinclude: | Establishatechnicaleducationsystem thatrivalsthebestintheworldtostandalongsideourworld-classhigher educationsystem – launch date Sept 2020 | Investadditional£406minmaths,digitalandtechnicaleducation,helpingtoaddressSTEM skillsshortage, | NationalRetrainingSchemethatsupportspeopleto reskill, startingwitha£64minvestmentfordigitaland constructiontraining. GovernmentfundingforEnglishbasedadultskills training(non-HE)in2019: | £1.5bn for adult skills provision at Level 2 orbelow | £1.2bn from EU related fundingstreams | £2.6bn via apprenticeshiplevy | £1bn for apprenticeships withinSMEs | £320m for advanced learning loans (L3 andabove) Currently no indication of whatwillreplace EU funding stream LE 9HMGovernment(2017)IndustrialStrategy:BuildingaBritainfitforthefuture.
THE SKILLSJOURNEY Plus knowledge and employabilityskills Advanced LearnerLoans Technical qualifications that allowprogression to higher levels, includingaccess Degree Apprenticeships (Levels 6 and 7 - fullbachelor’s or master’sdegree) Entry Points(a) Progression Advanced LearnerLoans Technical qualifications that allow progression to higher levels, includingaccess HigherApprenticeships (Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 - equivalent to a foundation degree andabove) Entry Points(a) Advanced LearnerLoans Technical qualifications that allowprogression to higher levels, includingaccess Entry Points(a) AdvancedApprenticeship (Level 3 - equivalent to 2A-Levels) Work Reskilling andUpskilling Vocational programmes foremployed and unemployedadults IntermediateApprenticeship (Level 2 - equivalent to 5 GCSEs A* -C) Entry Points(a) A-Levels StudyProgramme Vocational training and English and maths qualifications for school leavers, typically done in aclassroom Traineeships English and maths qualificationsand up to six months’ workexperience Entry Points(a) GCSEs
Case Study Examples NLaG NHS Trust Clinical coding development Data Protection and Security English and Maths Mental Health Currently no indication of whatwillreplace EU funding stream Infection Control LE 9HMGovernment(2017)IndustrialStrategy:BuildingaBritainfitforthefuture.
Ifyou haveanyqueries,feedbackorneedfurtherinformation,pleasecontact: BrendaMcLeish CEO Email:brenda.mcleish@learningcurvegroup.co.uk Tel: 07788191752 Jon Cummins CommercialDirector Email: jon.cummins@learningcurvegroup.co.uk Tel: 07894851849 Faye Mullen Regional Account Director Email:faye.mullen@learningcurvegroup.co.uk Tel: 07773 067268