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Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Firm categorizes cannabis as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medi

Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Company classifies cannabis as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medical use, a bulk of Americans have believed medical pot must be legal given that the late 1990s-- and a majority now support recreational legalization also. Washington D.C. and 23 states have legalized medical cannabis (that number is 35 states if we count laws with really restricted gain access to). Even the NIH's National Institute on Drug Abuse lists medical usages for cannabis.

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Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Firm categorizes cannabis as a schedule I drug, one that has no accepted medi

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  1. Despite the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency categorizes cannabis as a schedule I drug, one that has actually no accepted medical use, a majority of Americans have thought medical pot should be legal since the late 1990s-- and a majority now support recreational legalization as well. Washington D.C. and 23 states have actually legalized medical cannabis (that number is 35 states if we count laws with extremely limited gain access to). Even the NIH's National Institute on Drug Abuse lists medical uses for marijuana. However despite the fact that scientists have actually determined some interesting potential benefits of medical cannabis up until now, it's something that's still tough to study, making conclusive results difficult to come by. The schedule I category suggests it's difficult for scientists to get their hands on pot grown to the exacting requirements that are required for medical research study, even in states where it's legal. Plus, no scientist can even try to make an FDA-approved cannabis product while it has that DEA classification, which gets rid of some motivation to study the plant. More research study would recognize health benefits more plainly and would also help clarify possible threats-- like with any psychedelic compound, there are threats connected with abuse, consisting of dependency and psychological issues. And many medical professionals want to comprehend cannabis's results much better before deciding whether to advise it or not. With that caution about research study in mind, here are 21 of the medical benefits-- or prospective benefits-- of marijuana. Cannabis use can be used to deal with the eye disease glaucoma, which increases pressure in the eyeball, damaging the optic nerve and triggering loss of vision. Marijuana reduces the pressure inside the eye, according to the National Eye Institute: "Research studies in the early 1970s revealed that cannabis, when smoked, reduced intraocular pressure (IOP) in people with typical pressure and those with glaucoma"-- though they still stated that pharmaceutical drugs were more efficient. These effects of the drug may slow the progression of the disease, avoiding blindness. There's a fair amount of evidence that marijuana does no damage to the lungs, unless you also smoke tobacco, and one study published in Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that marijuana not just does not hinder lung function, it might even increase lung capability. Scientists trying to find risk factors of heart disease checked the lung function of 5,115 young people throughout twenty years. Tobacco smokers lost lung function over time, but pot users really showed an increase in lung capability. It's possible that the increased lung capability might be because of taking a deep breaths while inhaling the drug and not from a healing chemical in the drug. Those smokers just toked up a few times a month, however a more current study of people who smoked pot daily for up to twenty years found no proof that smoking cigarettes pot hurt their lungs. Cannabis use can prevent epileptic seizures in rats, a 2003 study revealed. Robert J. DeLorenzo, of Virginia Commonwealth University, gave marijuana extract and synthetic cannabis to epileptic rats. The drugs rid the rats of the seizures for about 10 hours. Cannabinoids like the active ingredients in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (also called THC), control seizures by binding to the brain cells responsible for controlling excitability and controling relaxation.

  2. The findings were released in the Journal of Pharmacology and Speculative Therapeutics. Throughout the research study for his documentary "Weed," Sanjay Gupta talked to the Figi family, who treats their 5-year-old daughter utilizing a medical marijuana stress high in cannabidiol and low in THC. There are at least two significant active chemicals in cannabis that scientists believe have medicinal applications (there are up to 79 understood active compounds). Those 2 are cannabidiol (CBD)-- which seems to affect the brain primarily without a high-- and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-- which has discomfort eliminating (and other) homes. The Figi household's child, Charlotte, has Dravet Syndrome, which triggers seizures and extreme developmental hold-ups. According to the film, the drug has actually reduced her seizures from 300 a week to just one every seven days. Forty other kids in the state are using the very same strain of marijuana (which is high in CBD and low in THC) to treat their seizures-- and it appears to be working. The doctors who suggested this treatment state that the cannabidiol in the plant engages with the brain cells to quiet the extreme activity in the brain that causes these seizures. As Gutpa notes, a Florida health center that concentrates on the condition, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Drug Enforcement firm do not endorse marijuana as a treatment for Dravet or other seizure disorders. CBD may also help avoid cancer from spreading, scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco reported in 2007. Cannabidiol stops cancer by shutting off a gene called Id-1, the research study, published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapies, discovered. Cancer cells make more copies of this gene than non-cancerous cells, and it helps them spread out through the body. The scientists studied breast cancer cells in the laboratory that had high expression levels of Id-1 and treated them with cannabidiol. After treatment the cells had reduced Id-1 expression and were less aggressive spreaders. But beware: these are studies on cancer cells in the laboratory, not on cancer clients. Other extremely preliminary studies on aggressive brain growths in mice or cell cultures have shown that THC and CBD can slow or shrink tumors at the ideal dosage, which is an excellent reason to do more research study into determining that dosage. One 2014 research study found that cannabis can substantially reveal the development of the kind of brain growth related to 80% of deadly brain cancer in individuals. In "WEED," Gupta also pointed out a couple of studies in the U.S., Spain, and Israel that recommend the compounds in marijuana might even eliminate cancer cells. Medical marijuana users claim the drug assists eliminate discomfort and suppress nausea-- the two primary reasons it's frequently utilized to relieve the adverse effects of chemotherapy. In 2010, scientists at Harvard Medical School recommended that that some of the drug's benefits may really be from decreased stress and anxiety, which would improve the smoker's state of mind and act as a sedative in low doses.

  3. Beware, though, greater doses can increase stress and anxiety and make you paranoid. Cannabis may have the ability to slow the development of Alzheimer's illness, a research study led by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research study Institute suggests. The 2006 study, released in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics, discovered that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, slows the formation of amyloid plaques by obstructing the enzyme in the brain that makes them. These plaques appear to be what eliminate brain cells and potentially trigger Alzheimer's. A synthetic mixture of CBD and THC appear to preserve memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's illness. Another study recommended that in population-based research studies, a THC-based prescription drug called dronabinol had the ability to decrease behavioral disturbances in dementia clients. Marijuana might reduce painful signs of several sclerosis, a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in Might suggests. Jody Corey-Bloom studied 30 numerous sclerosis patients with uncomfortable contractions in their muscles. These patients didn't react to other treatments, but after smoking cannabis for a few days they reported that they were in less pain. The THC in the pot binds to receptors in the nerves and muscles to ease pain. Other research studies recommend that the chemical likewise helps control the muscle spasms. Other types of muscle spasms respond to marijuana too. Gupta likewise discovered a teen named Chaz who was using medical cannabis to deal with diaphragm spasms that were untreatable by other, proposed and really strong, medications. His condition is called myoclonus diaphragmatic flutter (also called Leeuwenhoek's Disease) and triggers non stop spasming in the stomach muscles which are not just uncomfortable, but hinder breathing and speaking. Smoking marijuana was able to calm the attacks practically right away, a minimum of it appeared to in this patient. Treatment for hepatitis C infection is harsh-- negative negative effects consist of fatigue, nausea, muscle aches, anorexia nervosa, and depression-- and lasts for months. Lots of people aren't able to complete their treatment course because of the side effects. However, pot to the rescue: A 2006 research study in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that 86% of patients using marijuana effectively finished their Hep C therapy, while just 29% of non- smokers finished their treatment, perhaps because the marijuana helps decreases the treatments adverse effects. Cannabis likewise appears to improve the treatment's efficiency: 54% of hep C patients smoking cannabis got their viral levels low and kept them low, in comparison to just 8% of nonsmokers. Clients with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's illness and ulcerative colitis might benefit from marijuana usage, research studies recommend. University of Nottingham scientists discovered in 2010 that chemicals in marijuana, consisting of THC and cannabidiol, interact with cells in the body that play an important function in gut function and immune actions. The research study was published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Speculative Therapeutics. THC-like substances made by the body increase the permeability of the intestinal tracts, enabling germs in. The

  4. plant-derived cannabinoids in cannabis block these body-cannabinoids, avoiding this permeability and making the intestinal cells bond together tighter. One research study in Israel revealed that smoking a joint considerably decreased Crohn's disease symptoms in 10 out of 11 clients compared to a placebo and without adverse effects. That's a small research study, however other research has revealed comparable results. A lot more research finds that individuals with Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disorders utilize cannabis to assist deal with their symptoms, even if there are concerns about how much marijuana can or can't help. Marijuana minimizes discomfort, decreases swelling, and promotes sleep, which might assist alleviate discomfort and discomfort for people with rheumatoid arthritis, scientists revealed in 2011. Medical marijuana is also being utilized to treat the autoimmune disease Systemic Lupus Ertyhematosus, which is when the body starts assaulting itself for some unidentified reason. Both THC and CBD have anti-inflammatory residential or commercial properties, which might be how marijuana helps deal with symptoms of Lupus and arthritis. The rest of the positive impact of the cannabis is probably from the results on pain and queasiness. Scientists from rheumatology units at numerous healthcare facilities offered their patients Sativex, a cannabinoid- based pain-relieving medication. After a two-week duration, people on Sativex had a substantial decrease in pain and improved sleep quality compared to placebo users. A note of caution, however, a current study in Arthritis Care & Research study recommends there isn't sufficient proof to back up making use of marijuana for these sort of illness, primarily since there aren't detailed studies on the side results and little regulation of dose and consistency in the chemical comprise of medical marijuana. A study published in the American Journal Of Medication on April 15 of 2013 suggested that pot cigarette smokers are skinnier than the average individual and have much healthier metabolic process and reaction to sugars, even though they do end up consuming more calories. The study analyzed data from more than 4,500 adult Americans-- 579 of whom were current cannabis cigarette smokers, meaning they had smoked in the last month. About 2,000 had actually used cannabis in the past, while another 2,000 had never used the drug. They studied their body's response to eating sugars: their levels of the hormonal agent insulin and their blood sugar levels while they had not eaten in nine hours, and after eating sugar. Not just were the uk cheese feminized seeds pot users skinnier, but their body had a much healthier reaction to sugar. Contrary to stoner stereotypes, cannabis use has really been revealed to have some favorable mental impacts, particularly in terms of increasing creativity. Although people's short-term memories tend to function even worse when high, individuals get better at tests requiring them to come up with originalities. One research study evaluated participants on their capability to come up with different words associated with a concept, and found that utilizing cannabis allowed people to come up with a higher series of related concepts, appearing "to make the brain much better at detecting those remote associations that lead to radically new ideas," according to Wired.

  5. Other researchers have actually found that some participants enhance their "spoken fluency," their ability to come up with various words, while using marijuana. Part of this increased creative capability might come from the release of dopamine in the brain, lessening inhibitions and allowing people to feel more unwinded, providing the brain the ability to view things differently. Recent research study from Israel shows that cigarette smoking cannabis substantially lowers discomfort and tremors and improves sleep for Parkinson's illness clients. Especially excellent was the enhanced fine motor abilities among patients. Medical cannabis is legal in Israel for numerous conditions, and a lot of research into the medical uses of cannabis is done there, supported by the Israeli government. The Colorado Department of Public Health just recently awarded $2 million to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Research Studies (MAPS is one of the biggest supporters of cannabis research) to study marijuana's capacity as part of treatment for people with trauma. Marijuana is authorized to treat PTSD in some states already-- in New Mexico, PTSD is the top factor for individuals to get a license for medical marijuana. Naturally taking place cannabinoids, similar to THC, assistance control the system that causes fear and stress and anxiety in the body and brain. But there are still questions about the security of using marijuana while struggling with PTSD, which this research study will hopefully assist respond to. Research from the University of Nottingham reveals that marijuana may assist safeguard the brain from damage brought on by stroke, by lowering the size of the area affected by the stroke-- a minimum of in rats, mice, and monkeys. This isn't the only research study that has actually revealed neuroprotective impacts from cannabis. Some research shows that the plant might assist secure the brain after other traumatic events, like concussions. There is some proof that cannabis can assist heal the brain after a concussion or other terrible injury. A recent research study in the journal Cortex revealed that in mice, cannabis decreased the bruising of the brain and helped with recovery systems after a distressing injury. Harvard professor emeritus of psychiatry and marijuana advocate Lester Grinspoon just recently wrote an open letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, saying the NFL ought to stop testing players for cannabis, and that the league needs to start moneying research study into the plant's ability to secure the brain. " Currently, numerous doctors and researchers believe that cannabis has extremely powerful neuroprotective residential or commercial properties, an understanding based on both lab and clinical information," he composes. Goodell just recently stated that he 'd think about allowing athletes to use marijuana if medical research shows that it's an efficient neuroprotective representative. This is a complicated one, since it involves impacts that can be both favorable and negative. Marijuana disturbs sleep cycles by interrupting the later stages of REM sleep. In the long run, this could be an issue for frequent users. However, for individuals experiencing serious headaches, specifically those related to PTSD, this can be handy.

  6. Headaches and other dreams take place throughout those same phases of sleep. By disrupting REM sleep, a lot of those dreams might not happen. Research study into utilizing an artificial cannabinoid, like THC, but not the same, revealed a substantial decline in the variety of nightmares in patients with PTSD. In addition, even if frequent use can be bad for sleep, cannabis may be a much better sleep help than some other substances that people utilize. Some of those, consisting of medication and alcohol, might possibly have even worse impacts on sleep, though more research is needed on the subject. One of the most well-known medical uses of cannabis is for individuals going through chemotherapy. Cancer clients being treated with chemo experience painful nausea, vomiting, and anorexia nervosa. This can cause additional health problems. Cannabis can help in reducing these negative effects, relieving discomfort, decreasing nausea, and stimulating the cravings. There are likewise numerous FDA-approved cannabinoid drugs that use THC, the primary active chemical in marijuana, for the very same purposes. Marijuana is much safer than alcohol. That's not to say it's totally risk totally free, but it's much less addictive and doesn't trigger almost as much physical damage. Conditions like alcohol addiction include disturbances in the endocannabinoid system. Because of that, some people believe cannabis might help clients dealing with those conditions. Research in Damage Decrease Journal reveals that some people utilize marijuana as a less damaging replacement for alcohol, prescription drugs, and other illegal drugs. Some of the most typical reasons for patients to make that replacement are the less unfavorable side effects from marijuana and the reality that it is less most likely to trigger withdrawal issues. Some people do become psychologically depending on cannabis, and this doesn't suggest that it's a treatment for drug abuse problems. However, from a harm-reduction viewpoint, it can help.

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